Chapter 3- Partners

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All rights go to Eric Kripke

Chapter 3/20

On a sunny day, Dean and Castiel had finally agreed that they should officially live in Lawrence, Kansas, together. Nowhere near Dean's old home, but still in the same town because it was a perfect place to settle. After they found a small house with all the essentials they had problems with how to decorate it. Dean had no knowledge whatsoever about interior design, and Castiel was an angel so he didn't either. They both looked around the place, admiring what they just bought and noticing the paint less walls and unfinished rooms.

"Should we like.. hire somebody?" Dean suggested.

"I suppose.." So Dean looked online for an interior decorator and found a girl named Elise, who had been doing her job for seven years, or at least that what it said on the website that got good reviews. So Dean called the number.

A couple of days later Elise rang Dean and Castiel's doorbell. When she was inside she looked around very carefully looking at every detail.

"Soo i can see why you would need some help." She said after she was done scanning the house.

"Yeah.." Dean laughed feeling slightly embarrassed. The rest of the day Castiel and Dean listened to Elise give them tips while she did her job. They would be lying if they said it wasn't a big help. When she left Dean plopped in next to him.

"wow, I didn't know a house would be so complicated." Castiel said making Dean chuckle.

The next day, it was a wonderful feeling waking up next to each other for the couple. Dean was positive that he wouldn't be able to sleep alone anymore, since the day he lost his brother to now, sharing a house together, Castiel was always there to comfort him when he cried himself to sleep, even if he didn't sleep himself, being an angel and all. It soon got around the hunter grapevine that THE Dean Winchester has actually quit hunting and moved in with an angel of the lord that hasn't been talking to the angels in awhile. Most everyone heard and everybody was surprised. But Dean didn't care what anyone thought, he only cared about Castiel, and what he thought about him.

"Dean." The sound of Castiels voice woke Dean up and his face registered in his vision when he opened his eyes.


"I attempted to make you breakfast, so you gonna sit down in the kitchen and try it for me?" after fully registering what he just said, Dean shot up out of bed, making Castiel laugh. Dean sat at the table staring at the plate in front of him.

"attempted? Cas this is like Rachel Ray style cooking, when did you learn how to cook?" there were eggs, and bacon, and sausage and it all looked more than delicious.

"well, late in the night theres really nothing else on but cooking shows on tv so enjoy." Dean ate, while adding side notes in between chewing about how good it was, making Castiel smile, proud of himself. When Dean was done he stood up in front of Cas giving him a kiss.

"Thank you so much for cooking for me. If only there was some way i could.. repay you." said Dean roaming his hands over Castiel, below the belt, making the angel shudder. But Castiel grabbed Deans hand and put them back at his sides.

"Dean don't do that." Cas said.

"why? don't tell me you haven't thought about it." Dean replied kissing him again.

"i have. and I'm not ready."

"fine." and then Dean pulled away from castiels grip and turned towards the door.

"Dean, were are you going?"

"out." Then Dean slammed the door behind him making Cas jump.

Stalls cemetery.. Dean stared at the sign from the drivers seat of the impala. After he stormed out of the house he drove around the block a couple of times but then decided to drive to the very spot were his life had changed forever. He had no idea why but Dean found himself hoping for some kind of miracle, for his brother to magically come out of the ground and be okay. He wanted to be okay. This was one of Deans low points of the day, it happens everyday were he remembers that he's alone. Thank god he's hidden a fifth in the glove compartment of his car. he took it out then

"we need to talk" Castiel suddenly appeared in the passengers seat gripping his bottle and throwing it out the window.

"oh- Really- Cas. That wasn't necessary"

"yes. it was, and you need to talk."

"oh yeah, i'll tell you all of my deepest darkest secrets and we can even braid each others hair"

"don't be sarcastic Dean." Dean sighed.

"Why wont you let me drink. I don't think you have the right to-"

"Yes Dean i think i have every right. i have the right because i need to protect the one i love." Castiel looked Dean straight in the eyes, meaning every word he said. Dean was surprised. He didn't know the angels feelings were that strong.

"I love you too." They both smiled at eachother.

"c'mon lets go home." and they both drove home listening to Foreigner's "Hot Blooded"

That night when they were both in bed and Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel again.


"Yes, Dean?"

"are you saying no to sex because you're afraid to be with a man or- a human?"

"Dean its not like that- i just dont want to rush what we have together. you aren't fully- okay yet and i dont want it to be nothing to you."

"Cas of course it would be special to me. but i still have one more question."


"have you.. i mean- been with anybody?"

"well that bender i went on after the whole God thing didn't only include liquor if that answers your question." That made Dean laugh.

"i know that you're not a virgin but have you been with a man?"

"i've.. experimented" now it was Castiels turn to laugh. Soon sleep took over Dean and he fell asleep in Castiels arms.

The next day, Else came back and they started to decorate, adding some carpet in some rooms and hard wood in others. They got drapes in the living room that matched the paint. After a couple days of this, they both agreed that it looked actually decent. And in the process they made a friend. Elise was somebody both Dean and Castiel could trust, and a new phone contact.

Castiels favorite part of the house was the chair on the back porch and sitting in it at night , relaxing while Dean slept inside or in the day time, feeling the sun hit his vessels skin. Mostly it was perfect when Dean joined him, snuggling next to him like he does in bed, but on his favorite porch chairs. Dean told him stories about hunts with his Dad the time when Sam was at college and Castiel told Dean stories about different time periods. Since Dean never really listened in school and history it was new to him and actually quite interesting. Castiel was better at letting him about history than any teacher ever could.

You could say Dean and Castiels life together in Lawrence Kansas was perfect because their relationship was perfect, Castiel was really good at helping and comforting Dean in bad times. Castiel just wished that Sam would just contact Dean already. He had no idea why when he came out of hell's cage he didn't find Dean, and Castiel couldn't tell him cause then he's have to explain how he knew he was back.

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