Chapter 5- Work

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all rights got to Eric Kripke

Chapter 5/20

The couple had officially taken the next step in there relationship. Fro them both the sex had been wonderful, but it was more than that, it was making love. Both of them catering to each others needs, working as one. This experience also taught them new things about one another. Like how Castiel speaks in Enochian right before he climax’s and that Dean loves to look into Cas’ amazingly blue eyes, during.

It was morning and they were wrapped around each other, heat radiating from them both. Dean woke up feeling Castiels breathe down his neck, he felt wonderful. Mostly because he loved the angel he just slept with and also because he had slept with him. The tension he’s been carrying for awhile now had been released. Dean had been a faithful man ever since Castiel told him he had feelings for him, but unfortunately that meant that he wouldn’t get laid for awhile. Dean moved onto his other side so he could look at his gorgeous boyfriend. Castiels morning hair was sticking up all over the place but still managed to look sexy, and he didn’t even have to try, that bastard. Castiel opened his eyed to see that Dean was finally awake.

“Hey gorgeous.” Cas said

“morning.” Dean replied before kissing him again. Then Castiel got out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“Mind if i join you?” Dean asked with a mischievous grin.

“gladly.” And then they both walked into the bathroom.

At breakfast, Dean was reading the newspaper, looking for any available jobs while Castiel cooked. Castiel insisted on cooking him breakfast everyday because it was, quote, his favorite meal to cook. Something about being up earlier then Dean and seeing his eyes light up as he ate. When he was done, he put Deans plate in front of him, forcing him to put down the newspaper, and joined him at the kitchen table.

“So Cas, I might be in luck.” Dean said, his mouth only half full of food.

“why?” Cas asked curiously. Dean was lucky because he had found a job he felt suited him good, as a construction worker. Castiel smiled and agreed that he should take it, knowing that would be perfect.

While at work, Dean was taking a break when a man that looked about his age, slightly older, came up to him and introduced himself as Sid. They worked together and Dean found that he was an easy person to talk to and was funny. So afterwards when Sid invited him for drinks, he had to say yes.

“Hold on i have to do something first.” Dean said, pulling out his phone and telling Castiel he’d be a little bit late getting home. When he was done with the call he turned back around and he and Sid went to the nearest bar.

They sat down across from each other at a table. When a waitress asks them what they would like, Dean ordered a soda. astounding Sid , expecting a guy that looked like Dean,  to be man enough to have a drink. Dean realizes the surprised look on the mans face an explained.

“Cas doesn’t let me drink, Says I do it to much and that its not good for me.”

“and Cas is...?” Sid asked curiously.

“Hes my um. partner.” Dean usually doesn’t think about Castiels vessel being a man because its not important when they are together but its at times like these when it’s a little awkward. Sid still had a surprised look on his face because Dean didn’t look the type.

“oh, wow-” was all Sid said. 



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