"I love you, Abby," Zeke told me, breaking the tranquility.

"I love you too,"

"When I say I love you, I mean it, you know that don't you?"

"Of course,"

"And I'd never do anything to hurt you,"

I looked up at Zeke, "What's brought this on?"

"I just want you to know," he answered calmly. I wasn't convinced but I didn't feel like talking much so I let it slide.

Zeke pressed his lips to my jawbone, and started to make a line of kisses along my jaw. Then, he moved his lips down to my neck. His cool breath on my skin sent an involuntary shiver down my spine.

"That tickles!" I complained.

Zeke laughed but moved his lips away. "What do you want to do now?"

"I'm not sure,"

"We could swim?" Zeke suggested.

"No!" I objected.

Zeke laughed again, then stared out at the ocean. I followed his gaze, but soon got bored of the repeated splashing of the water. I cupped Zeke's face in my hands and kissed him roughly on the lips. He deepened the kiss but suddenly stopped it.

"Do you never tire of this?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Nope,"

Zeke smiled, "Good."

He leant closer and kissed me again. Then he started to kiss my neck, but this time I ignored the tickling sensation. His lips brushed along my collarbone before he moved them back up to my face. He planted a gentle kiss on my nose and then pulled me up.

"Let's go," He said. Zeke took my hand and led me down to the beach.

We walked along hand-in-hand, and I carried my heels in my other hand. I liked the feeling of the sand giving way beneath my feet. The sun was starting to set now, turning the sea an auburn colour.

Eventually, we tired of the stroll and headed back home. I put my shoes back on when we entered Zeke's house. I wasn't used to wearing heels this high so I wobbled a little before I got used to them. I followed Zeke into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge.

"Want a soda?" I asked him casually.

"Yeah, sure,"

I tossed him a can from the fridge before popping open my own. I took a swig but the bubbles went up my nose, making me cough. Zeke turned on the stereo, the song that came on just happened to be Best Thing I Never Had by Beyoncé.

"You bought her album!" I accused.

Zeke stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I wanted to make you as happy as possible."

I blushed a shade of pink before feeling Zeke's lips on my cheek. I turned around and grabbed his hands, before swaying lightly with him.

"What are you doing?" Zeke questioned.

I smiled, "This is how I dance. Come on, dance with me."

I rested my hand on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist and taking my hand with the other. He led me around the room quite professionally. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I went to dance lessons when I was ten." he told me, noticing my expression.

The song finished and Zeke took my chin in his hand, lifted it up and kissed me lightly on the lips. I was about to grab his hair and pull him closer but he pulled away and walked over to the stove.

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