21: Driver's Lesson

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If anyone ever asked me what it was about Zeke I liked most I honestly don't think I'd be able to answer. When you love someone you love everything about them - even their flaws. For a person's flaws is what makes them that person, and so, - as much as you might hate to admit it - that small flaw in that person you love, is the thing you love best.


"It's over,"

I was over at Hannah's. She rang me and told me she had very urgent news to tell me so I rushed over as soon as possible. It turns out Poddy had broken up with her.

"I just don't see what went wrong," she sobbed. "We were so happy."

I patted her back - in a way I hoped was comforting - and said, "Did he say why?"

"Well, he said that he needed to focus on his career as a police officer," she sniffed," and couldn't be, I quote, 'tied down with a woman'."

I tried my best not to laugh. Only Poddy would make a break-up sound hilarious and ridiculous.

"I hate him!" Hannah cried.

"Now, now, you shouldn't think like that. Yesterday, you loved him."

Wow, I should be a therapist.

"And now I hate him."

My hand was getting tired from all the patting but I continued anyway. "At least now you don't have to deal with his awful smoking habit."

She sniffed, "I guess,"

"Or his crazy maniac driving. Or his bizarre behaviour. Or his annoying accent and mannerisms." I started to list off Poddy's faults.

"I love him so much!" Hannah wailed.

Good God. Maybe I shouldn't become a therapist. Having to deal with a bunch of wining people all day? No thank you.

When I had finished at Hannah's I called Poddy to hear his side of the story. After three rings, he picked up his phone.


"Are you eating?" I asked.

"Well, I was," He replied, sounding very disappointed. "What's up?"

"Can I come round?"

"Sure I'll come and pick you u-"

"No!" I cut him off, "No, thank you. I'm perfectly capable of making it there by myself."

I could just imagine him shrugging at the other end, "Whatever,"

It turns out I couldn't exactly make it there by myself. I took a few wrong turns (about ten), and ended up in the middle of nowhere, but eventually I got there.

When I entered Poddy's house - which was, in fact, a house, not a flat - I caught him in the middle of rolling around on the ground.

"Do I even want to know?" I said, gaining Poddy's attention.

He stood up, and placed his hands on his hips when he regained his balance. "I was practicing my tuck-and-roll, I'll have you know."

"I was right, I didn't want to know." Although this comment was more to myself than him. "So, you and Hannah, huh?"

He shrugged, "I will be travelling around a lot, I don't think I'll have time for a girlfriend."

"Do you even have a job yet?"

"Well...not yet, but I'm sure I'll get one soon."

I placed my head in my hands, Poddy was so hopelessly stupid. "I think you should take her back."

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