Chapter 39 The Final Straw

Start from the beginning

We start loading the trays onto the rolling cart and Sam and I fall into easy conversation, upcoming spring jobs, ideas for the marigolds, where we are going out Friday for dinner. As we finish Bill calls Sam over and he looks at me, making sure it's okay to go.

"I've got this, don't worry." I smile and wheel the cart with some difficulty and caution not to upset any of the tables or the small plants.

"Leah, could you give my a hand over here?!" Grace squeaks out and I glance over. One of the sprayers is malfunctioning again and grace clings to the leak for dear life and still manages to get sprayed in the face. I quickly lock the breaks on the cart and rush over to help. "Thanks, I just can't seem to get this fixed." She smiles apologetically.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your job. I'll put in another work request." I grab a rubber cover and nod for her to remove her hands. "Tape!" Together we get the stream under control. I slide a bucket under where water still drips onto the floor.

When I turn I gasp in shock, the cart is gone. I rush to the spot and glance around, finally spotting it by the door... The door!

I'm pulling it back in an instant but the damage has already been done. The climate control only does so much around the entry and cold air seeps into everything surrounding it.

"Looks like someone forgot to put the breaks on! Maybe you'll be more careful next time." Tori flounces by, speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard throughout the entire room. I look up at her and she stops and turns, her back ramrod straight and her hands carelessly in her pockets. She shoots daggers with her clear blue eyes and I swallow hard. She wants me to lose control. And this is more cruel than leaking my story to the media, more hurtful than spreading rumors. I've been caring for these plants with my blood, sweat, and now tears.

"Tori!" Bill's voice barks from his office. "Don't just stand there, help Leah with those plants!"

I don't have the heart to tell him it's probably too late, that we might be able to salvage a dozen, if that. I try to hold back tears as Tori and I place the plants on the table under the warm lights one by one. I know she hears me sniffling and clearing my throat, I feel ashamed for it.

"Why don't you just call your precious boyfriend and complain about me to him." She whispers as we finish.

"Would you quit it already. Hunter isn't my boyfriend and we aren't in the second grade!" My retort stays calm and level.

"Whatever." Tori turns to leave.

"No, stop," I'm surprised by the force I put behind my voice, "every time I think you've changed I'm sorely disappointed. I'm not playing games and I won't put up with it anymore. Grow up or get lost." With that I reach for the cart and take it back to its resting spot in the corner.

Al comes over to check if I'm okay as I try to undo the damage from the cold but there's only so much I can do. I shrug him off and block out everything but these poor defenseless plants, trying not to think about how they might never bloom.

People start to leave and I don't notice until Bill's voice cuts through my thoughts. "Leah? Thought everyone was gone." My eyes fall on him closing his office door. The clock next to the office reads 8 and I gasp.

"Sorry, I'm just finishing up."

"Let it go, you've done all you can. If they are strong they can weather a little cold."

I'm shocked, who told him what happened?

"Don't look so surprised, everyone's been aware of the tension between you two. I would do something about it but no one says anything." He hints.

"I'm fine, we're fine."

"It actually still takes me by surprise se feels intimidated by you, you don't give her much to fight against."

"What are you talking about?"

"Tori isn't half the gardener that you are and honestly it shouldn't matter, she isn't going to do it forever."

"And I am?" I finish cleaning my tools and set them aside.

"As far as I see... And I'm just fine with that. Don't worry it's a compliment, I like having you on my team. Now come on, I need to lock up and I'm not leaving you by yourself." He strolls over to the door.

"I have a key."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you how you got that in the first place."

"Do you need to ask." I smile as I pass him.

"Sam's the one who shouldn't have a key, he's lost 4."

We both laugh and I watch him lock the door, and let him walk to my car.

"Just remember Leah, one complaint and she's gone."

"Thanks Bill but I'll be fine."


As I get in my car I pull out my phone, hitting the buttons without even having to look. He picks up on the 3d ring. "Hey, you at home?"

"I will be in a while, why?"

"Can I come over?"

"Sure, I'll leave the yard light on... everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to talk." I sigh.

"We're talking now."

"Hunter this is serious."

"Okay, see you soon."

After I hang up I take a few deep breaths. After 4 dates I feel the need to define what we have. I guess Tori's accusations got to me more than I thought. I feel slightly nervous and something else creeps up that I can't quite place. If Hunter and I go much further there might not be a way to fix things if they don't work out. I don't think I can handle losing him, I know I can't.

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