Chapter 38 Dinner With The Folks

Start from the beginning

"From the other night, I got too close and now I've been putting up with the torture of complete silence from you ever since."

I resist wacking myself in the forehead.

"I really missed you."

"It wasn't anything you did... I'm trying to figure this all out, trying to keep myself calm. I don't know what I'm doing. That was my first 'first date' in 8 years." I'm blushing and I look out the window to hide it.

"So you really weren't kidding when you said there never was anyone besides Jacob."

I run my fingers through my hair and nod my head. "It was always me and him." My eyes stay glued to the landscape outside the car, I'll look anywhere besides Hunter's eyes.

"For the record, I'm glad it's not still." He says it so softly I almost miss it, but before I can say anything we pull into his parents driveway.

The smell of a wood fire reaches my nose as soon as I step out of the car and Lynette appears at the side door. "Leo! The kids are here!"

Her calling me 'kid' makes me feel good, really like I belong. She helps me take off my coat and smiles in approval at the cranberry sweater I am wearing. I had such a hard time deciding what to wear but this worked best for two reasons; first, it's modest and comfortable, and second, if I spill on myself likely it will be wine and it won't show on the sweater nor on my black, dress pants.

After taking my boots off she grabs me into a hug and then Leo does the same, he holds his newspaper all folded up in one hand. That plus the glasses perched on the end of his nose just make him seem so warm and fatherly.

"It's so great to see you again. Although, I'm not surprised." Lynette winks at me.

"Mom!" Hunter puts his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry about that." He says quietly as she turns away and offers me something to drink.

"It's fine, if I can't take a comment from your mom then I'm definitely not ready for this." I see his eyes light up as he realizes I'm talking about us.

"At least her cooking is a definite plus in you dealing with her."

I try not to giggle but fail miserably as Lynette comes back and offers me a glass of dark red wine and Hunter one as well. I've never had this problem, being giddy around anyone. With Jacob it was always just so comfortable, and he was funny, but it was always for the big punch line. Plus he prided himself on being serious.

"Should we move this party into the den?" His mom gestures and Hunter guides me with the slightest bit of pressure on my shoulder.

"So, here you are again. Thank you for keeping my boy close to home for once." Lynette winks as she takes the Queen Anne chair next to Leo and leaves the love seat as our only available seating. Smart move mama Hayes.

"It's not me I swear." I take the left end of the couch and Hunter places himself on the right, keeping his distance. I see Leo and Lynette exchange a thought and feel instantly uncomfortable.

"So... Still working at the green house?" Leo offers up.

"Yes. Although we've been on a bit of a break, the manager and several of his friends went on vacation so they shut the place down for a spell."

"That must be difficult. How do you care for the plants if it's closed?" Lynette looks keenly interested.

As I explain how we have timers on the sprinklers, climate control, and about how we sold off a lot of our mature plants I pull my sleeves down over my fists and play with the fabric. It's hard to make eye contact and I feel my cheeks warm as everyone stares at me steadily.

When I finish Lynette stands, "Leo, would you mind helping me with something... In the kitchen?"

When they leave I turn to Hunter quickly. "I'm sorry, I'm messing up, I'm so flustered I just-"

"Leah," Hunter grabs my shoulders and looks at me right on, "it's okay, it's going well. I'm proud of you for being so calm. My parents can be a little... Enthusiastic."

I nod. "My parents used to be the same."

Hunter doesn't let me go, rather his hands slide down from my shoulders to my hands and he clasps them in my lap, giving me a reassuring squeeze. We stare at each other and I feel my breath speed up and my heart skip.

"Guys, we- oh." Leo walks into the room and pauses, seeing our 'intimate moment.'

I push Hunter's hands off of my own and duck my head.

"Dinners ready... Hunter, show Leah where to wash up."

I've been in the house before, even so I let Hunter lead me to the bathroom. While I'm washing my hands I catch him staring in the mirror. "What?"

"Nothing... Just thinking..."

"About what?" I turn off the faucet and reach for the towel.

"Why I ever would have made the mistake of getting into a relationship with Tori, especially in front of you."

His incredulous tone makes the corners of my mouth turn up a touch.

"What?" He returns the question I asked not 30 seconds ago.

"I'm just glad you figured her out before it was too late... Besides, you were alone and in pain. For some that means finding someone else."

"But not for you?"

"I found walls were easier to build than bridges." I walk out of the bathroom and leave him standing at the sink.

I offer my services in the kitchen but am turned away to go sit at the dining room table, Hunter receives the same treatment.

The table is impressive when it's all put together, ribs, wild rice, simple salads and the promise of peach cobbler for dessert set my mouth watering but I hold back.

"Why Leah, you have to eat more than salad! You need some meat on those bones!"

I question Lynette's sight, promising that I will eat more than my fair share of dessert.

"Hunter's the same way, always with the sugar... And that coffee..."

"Mom, we're not starting this tonight." He sounds amused but under it is a slight irritation.

"Leah, please work some sense into that head of his when it comes to caffeine." Lynette decides to get me involved.

"I'm into tea myself." I take a sip of wine, skirting the issue.

"Right, Leah drinks this amazing mint tea, she's got me hooked!"

I look at Hunter, shocked.

"What? I happened to pick up a box after I helped you in the grocery store." He shrugs at me.

"Oh right, how you two met. It's just so sweet!"

I look at Leo, desperate for a change in subject and not counting on it from Hunter or his mom. He clears his throat, "so, Hunter, how long do you figure you'll be around?"

I breathe a sigh of relief, then ask after Lynette's rib sauce recipe. By the end of supper I'm exhausted with the effort spent talking and controlling the shaking that started in my hands and shook into the rest of my body throughout the meal.

Hunter must notice because his arm ends up wrapped around my shoulders as his mom clears the plates, it doesn't take him long to realize it's not shivering from the cold. 'Okay?' He mouths.

'No!' I reply, 'help.'

"Would ya'll like to stay for a movie? I'll even scrounge up some popcorn."

I don't want to dodge their hospitality but I'm not sure how much longer I can contain myself from having a flashback or a nervous break down.

"You know what, I promised Leah I would show her around, that is... If you don't mind."

"Go right ahead, make sure to grab the photo albums from the bookshelf upstairs. I'll clean up around here."

Hunter stands and I follow on shaky legs as he starts to talk and walks me up a flight of stairs.

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