"MAKENZIE IS THAT YOU?" A voice from inside the house yelled, which I recognized as my mothers.

"Yes mom, it's me." I said in a dull tone.

"Why haven't you washed the laundry? Or cleaned the floors?" She asked.

I started to speak, but before I could she slapped me right across my face. I grabbed my cheek, holding it out of pain. It stung. I felt tears grow in my eyes, and I fought hard to hold them back.

"Start doing them now.", she said coldly.

I began doing my chores. I washed the dishes, did the laundry, swept, mopped, and dusted. Anything that was asked of me I did it.

Sometimes I wish that I could tell Gina how I was treated here, in hopes that she would somehow help me get out. But I was afraid my mother would surely kill me, and although she was hateful to me, I still loved her.

After finishing everything, I realized it was 7:30 p.m. It had taken me all day to clean our 2 story house, including every bedroom, bathroom, and closet, top to bottom. I packed a bag of clothes to stay for about a week, and climbed out of my window, and began walking to Kylie's house.

It began to rain. Pour down actually. Great.. I thought. Just my luck. I continued to walk to her house, and when I arrived I was drenched, and shaking from the cold.

Cameron answered the door. "Makenzie? Is that you?"

I nodded and he helped me inside. "Kylie and mom aren't home right now, they went to get dinner, come on."

I don't know why, but I felt a sense of comfort coming from him. A sense of caring.
It didn't seem like the Cameron I had always been around, the one who yelled at his mother, and drank.
He lead me upstairs and into his room.

"Here's a towel." He said throwing it at me. "I suppose you'll want to take a shower as well. You can use this bathroom."

He pointed to the bathroom in the middle of both bedrooms, and I thanked him before taking a shower.

I washed my long brown hair, and stood under the warm water allowing my body to reheat before I stepped out and rejoined Cameron in his room.

"Hey", he said looking up from his phone, which he wasn't supposed to have,"you okay? What happened?"

"My car just wouldn't start, and I decided to just walk", I lied. "I didn't realize it was going to rain."

He chuckled at me. I wish so deep that I could tell him about my mother, but I knew it would do me no good.

"Cameron?" I asked. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I can be a nice person, despite what my sister may tell you." He smirked.

I gave him a weak smile, and turned to go to Kylie's room. I figured I would wait on her in there instead of her brother's room.

"Hey Mack?" He said using my nickname again.

I stepped back inside of his room, yearning to hear what he had to say.

• My Best Friend's Brother • { Cameron Dallas }حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن