Chapter 1- Swan Song

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A/N: this Destiel fanfiction is an alternate ending to the Supernatural episode “Swan Song” and is what i think should have happened. 

all rights go to Eric Kripke 

Chapter 1/20 

Dean and Castiel were riding in the Impala after stopping the apocalypse. After Dean asked Castiel were he was going next he said..

“Well Dean i think nows the time I need to tell you something iv been keeping in for awhile.”

... a pause.

“Dean...back there i risked my life for you. It made me think that if God hadn't brought me back i would never be able to tell you that... well that i’ve always had feelings for you. like.. more than just. a friend.”

Castiel let out a breath he was holding in while pouring his heart out to Dean. 


Dean didn’t say anything. All you could hear at this moment was the sound of Castiel’s nervous breathing and Bob Sager’s ‘Beautiful Loser’ playing softly from the Impala. Then Dean pulled over, stopping the car. Dean didn’t know what to say so he decided that actions speak louder than words so he leaned over towards the angel, breathing him in, then placing a soft, chaste kiss on his lips. Surprised at the wonderful sensation of it he pulled away and stared back at the road, gripping the steering wheel tight, embarrassed Castiel didn’t like it, but Cas’ lips pulled up to a satisfied grin and Dean drove on.

When Dean got to Bobby’s, he got out of the car and gave his Dad a big hug. He might not have been his biological father, but he might as well been. Hell, he was better at parenting than his actual parent. When they pulled away, Dean could see that there were small tears on the corners of his eyes. They didn’t speak but thats okay because they didn’t really need to. Bobby waved goodbye to Castiel, who was waiting patiently in Deans passenger seat, and he waved back. Then Dean got in after Bobby went back inside. 

“So..were to now?” Castiel asked, watching Deans face carefully. 

“I need a drink. Come to the bar with me?”

“yeah sure. that sounds good.”

When they arrived at the closest bar near Sioux Falls, Dean and Cas sat down in one of the booths, across from each other, knees almost touching. almost. When the waitress came by Dean ordered a Jack Daniels while Castiel just got a Samuel Adams. It made Dean sad to think that Cas knew what to order because he's been drinking a lot lately. But then again he didn’t blame him. tough times. At first, after their drinks had arrived they drank in silence, staring into each others eyes. In Deans strikingly green eyes, Cas saw a lot of sadness, with good reason too. Finally, Dean got the courage to say what he has been thinking most the night.

“So, Um, Cas..about what you said earlier in the car. One, you’re right when you say you risked your life for me, thank you for that. two, i have.. feelings. for you too. I’v always been afraid to admit it to myself, let alone tell you.” Castiel immediately smiled at Dean, relived that he felt the same way. so he asked

“How long have you known?” Dean thought about this for awhile then responded

“i’v known that i liked you since the day you stood up to Raphael, the day we trapped him in the holy fire.” They both laughed at that memory, when Cas had called the arch angel his little bitch. Then Dean got curious.

“What about you? How long have you had feelings for me?” Dean asked letting his fingers brush over Castiel’s hand that was resting on the table. 

“Well... I think it was when you were in your young adult years. I was watching you and i what i saw was your dad stumbling into the motel you were staying in, totally messed up. Sam was in his rebellious stage and he cursed at your father, John. What i saw next was him about to hit Sam, when you lunged in front and took a beating yourself just so your little brother could be safe.” When Castiel was done with his story he looked up to see that there was one tear going down Deans face but he quickly swiped it away before anyone could notice, but Cas still did.

“Wait, you were looking over me in heaven. back then?”

“Well, yes. When I was told what the plans were for the Winchesters I was curious.”

“wow.. my guardian angel.” Dean said bringing his hand up to the side of Castiels face and leaned in real close using his elbows to hold himself up. They were so close, lips almost touching. Castiel made the first move leaning in to kiss Dean. Soon they were making out like horny teenagers, lost in each other. in the taste, smell. Then it hit Dean that they were in public when he didn’t want to be. So he pulled away, much to castiels dismay.

“Want to get a room, at the motel down the street?” Dean asked but he didn’t have a playful tone in his voice so it made Cas think that maybe Dean just wanted to be alone. Castiel was right.

 When they had gotten to the room, Dean took off his jacket and then when it was just them, alone, it was when it finally hit him. Sam was gone. in hell. Dean collapsed on the floor and the tears flowed and Dean couldn’t stop himself.

“Dean!” Castiel yelled out, having witnessed him breaking down. He knelt down next to him, draping his arms over him protectively. Dean got a little strength so he could let his head fall on Castiels lap. He was shaking and Cas could only make out a little of what he was saying, but he understood

“Sam” and

“gone” and it almost made him cry at how broken he was. but he didn’t because he had to stay strong so he could help Dean, his hunter.

“Here.. I got you” Cas said wrapping his trench coat around Dean and helping him up, off the floor. He guided him to the bed and laid him down and started to turn and leave when Dean gripped the side of his coat as hard as he could and found the strength to say

“Lay with me” in a demanding voice. 

“Okay” Castiel undid his tie. throwing it onto the floor before getting into bed with Dean and almost immediately Dean wrapped his arms around his torso and snuggled in close. Dean could smell Castiel, being so close. He was sure if he could bottle what he smelled like, he could make millions. That was how unique and beautiful it was. It was the best thing Dean has ever smelled. He eventually calmed down, the tears had eventually stopped and he let himself fall asleep to the sound of Castiels heart beat.

Castiel looked at Dean while he was sleeping, gently running his hands through his hair, savoring the feel. The angel laid a finger on his forehead, using his angel Mojo to make sure he wouldn’t be able to wake till morning, so he could have a good nights sleep. Castiel tried to scoot-ch his way out of the bed but every time he moved it just made Dean grip him tighter. He had no choice but to disappear.

He had somewhere to go and something to do. 

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