Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Why's that Daddy?" Adaley asked and Harry shrugged.

"You two are my walking sunshines so I find it funny that you aren't morning people." Harry simply explained and Louis rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face.

"You're such a sap." Louis said fondly and Harry chuckled softly before nodding at the food.

"Eat up. We've got a long day ahead of us." Harry said and Adaley nodded, taking a bite of the scrambled eggs that Harry had made her. After she swallowed she opened her mouth to speak.

"What else are we doing today besides enrolling me in school?" Adaley asked and Harry smiled knowingly at Louis.

"Well we've gotta pick up things for our new family member and then pick out said family member." Harry said and Adaley frowned slightly.

"What do you mean Daddy? Did you and Papa decide to adopt another child?" She asked, getting more excited by the second. Harry chuckled softly and shook his head.

"Not a child..." Harry said, trailing off and Adaley looked at him in confusion before her eyes lit up.

"Do you mean we're getting a pet?" She asked hesitantly and Harry nodded, smiling widely.

"Yes princess. After we enroll you we're going to go pick out what dog we want." Harry said and Adaley squealed loudly.

"Daddy! Papa! We're getting a dog! What are we going to name it? Is it a boy or girl? Are we getting a puppy or an adult? What kind of dog? Is it a big dog or a small dog?" Adaley asked multiple questions rapidly and Harry laughed, holding up a hand to stop her.

"Calm down princess. We've decided that we're going to get a Rottweiler but we don't know if we're getting a boy or a girl or if it'll be full grown or a puppy." Harry said and Adaley nodded, smiling widely.

"What are we naming it?" Adaley asked and Harry glanced at Louis. The couple nodded at each other before Louis answered her.

"We are going to let you name it under one condition." Louis said and Adaley nodded furiously.

"Anything Papa!" Adaley insisted and Harry chuckled softly at their daughter's excitement.

"You have to give our dog a good name. Nothing dangerous or frilly sound, deal?" Louis asked and Adaley nodded slowly.

"So I can't name it Princess if we get a girl?" Adaley asked with a small frown and Harry shook his head slightly.

"You're our princess and we don't want our dog to get confused when we call you princess." Harry explained and Adaley nodded understandingly. Harry glanced at the time before looking back at Adaley. "Now go get ready while Papa and I clean up from breakfast." He told her and she nodded, jumping down from her chair and taking off running. Louis smiled and started to help Harry clean off the table. Within an hour the family was dressed and ready to go. Harry was wearing one of his favourite blue Burberry shirt with white hearts on it with his black skinny jeans and a pair of old white converse and Louis was wearing his soccer jersey with ' TOMLINSON 23' written on the back, black skinny jeans, and his black and white Adidas shoes. Adaley came bounding down the stairs in her jersey that had 'TOMLINSON 23 ½' on the back, a pair of black skinny jeans, and her black and white Adidas shoes that matched Louis'. Harry chuckled softly and looked at the two of them.

"What's so funny?" Louis asked, not noticing Adaley's outfit yet.

"I feel so out of place now. You and Ada are matching." Harry said, pointing at the little girl who was putting on her black and white Adidas jacket with 'STYLES-TOMMO 28' written on the back. Louis looked at her and chuckled. He studied the jacket with a small frown.

"Princess, where did you get that jacket?" Louis asked and Adaley smiled as she zipped the jacket up.

"There was this really nice fan named Lexi who had it made for me. She said that she wanted to give it for me for my birthday but she couldn't so she gave it to me when Aunt Ali and I went up to Washington one time. I accidently left it at Aunt Ali's apartment but I got it back." Adaley explained and Louis chuckled softly.

"I thought our fans only gave us stuff. Not our families." Louis said, shaking his head slightly. Adaley giggled and rolled her eyes playfully.

"But Papa, this jacket wasn't meant for you anyway. She had it made for me." Adaley said somewhat sassily and Louis snorted at the way his daughter used sass against him. Louis pulled on his red Adidas jacket as Harry grabbed the car keys. They were still using a rental car until they had time to go get cars because Harry had sold their cars that they had in LA. They climbed into the small SUV and took off down the road to the school. The car ride was silent because the family was deep in thought. Harry was thinking about what they needed to get for their new dog. Louis was thinking about if he made the right decision when he agreed to get their dog. Were they really ready for another addition to their family when they hadn't really gotten settled yet? Adaley was thinking the hardest out of all of them. Her mind raced with thoughts of her future in this unknown school. Harry glanced in the review mirror and cocked an eyebrow.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Princess?" Harry asked and Adaley jumped slightly when she heard the familiar pet name. She looked at Harry and sighed heavily.

"I'm thinking about school. I'm nervous about going, Daddy. I've never been to a real school and I don't know what to expect." Adaley said softly and Harry smiled warmly at her in the mirror.

"Don't worry Princess. You don't have anything to worry about. I'm positive that they will help you settle in and I know you'll make friends easily." Harry said positively and Adaley shrugged slightly.

"What if the kids think I'm weird because of how advanced I am? I don't want people to treat me differently because of how my brain developed." Adaley said insecurely and Harry's heart cracked slightly when he heard the vulnerability in her voice.

"Don't worry Princess. People won't think you're weird." Harry said and pulled into a parking spot at the school. He put the vehicle in park and shut off the car before looking back at her. "Shall we?" he asked and Adaley nervously chewed at her lip.

"I'm nervous Daddy." Adaley whispered and Harry smiled slightly at his daughter.

"Don't be. We'll be with you. We will always be with you." Harry said softly as he laid his hand on Louis'. Adaley looked between her fathers before taking a deep breath.

"Let's go." She said somewhat confidently before opening her door and climbing out.

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