chapter 54

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my thoughts got put on hold when Taylor put, his pulled up to this abandon parking lot and put his amazing plum juicy pink lips on mine. it took 0.4 seconds til i kissed back but i still kissed back he put his hand moving my hair away and rubbing his thumb across my cheek

as we pull away breathing pretty heavily as there was a moment of silence Taylor started his car and we drove back still in silence til Taylor spoke up

"sorry about that"

"its fine" i said

"did you like it?" he asked

"the kiss?" i asked

"yeah" he replied

"i mean it was alright just that we're not dating or anything" i replied back

the truth is i liked the kiss and Taylor i mean who couldn't like him, he's funny,hot,smart,reasonable, honest,kind and just amazing. but then again what he said about me was all a lie im just stupid,ugly,fat,and a nobody ...

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++2 days later++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

i don't know how to feel , talk, eat or anything. i been in a hotel for the past 2days doing what? well nothing actually, literally... i have been in the process of thinking about everything that's happened. last night was fucking crazy i got the most weirdest call from some one,

they first asked about how my dad is and how they know me and how big i must be until i told them he's dead they said there watching you and hung up. lastly i woke up and couldn't move or talk,scream out, Ect. all i could do is sit there for a few moments until a minute or so later i could get up and i look to my right there was a black shadow next to my i looked away then right back at it and it was gone...

and what happened with Taylor we haven't spoken since the kiss. we found my car and i drove to this motel staying far away as we can. but every thing feels weird like I'm trapped inside of a box and waiting for a wait to come but it always comes too late..

if you didn't know today's Matt's birthday, ah he's 18, what a cute age but sadly he's not young anymore to use and play the cards

i got out of my bed and looked into the mirror thinking maybe instead of thinking others are the enemy maybe I'm the enemy of myself witch wouldn't be anything be anything new too me..

i got undressed and hopped into my 15 minute shower and out grabbing my robe and tying it around me and hopped out grabbing  my clothes (in picture above) I put on a black push up bra underwear and my shirt and shorts. I grabbed socks and put on my jordans

I braided some of my hair and put the rest in a ponytail

I grabbed my small black and red backpack and put it on my back before walking outside of my hotel room. I went to the front desk and sing out of my room then got into my Lamborghini and left to Matt's party

Drove 1mile away to the part and arrive to the house too see..

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