chapter 3

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Once I got home the guys were waiting in the kitchen... "uhh..." I said "where we're you?" Sam asked "jojos house". "Jcs been looking for you since 12 a.m" kian said. "Have you been drinking?" Trevor asked

"Yea" I said. "Im going to call jc" ricky said. I started to walk upstairs but fell. Sam and kian helped me up... lmfao. Once I got to the room I took a shower and changed my clothes (in the picture) I did my makeup.

I curled my hair and put my phone on the charger. I laid in my bed thinking. Then I hear jc slam the door and come upstairs to my room. "Unlock this door now Hailey!" Jc said madly. I did as told...

He looked mad as Fuck.. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. "Where we're you I was worried sick!" He said worried

"I was at jojos house" I said "well you better get ready for grandma house" he said "what?!?!?" I said sort of screaming. "If I can't take good care of you you have to live with grandma" he said disappointed.

I ran out of my bedroom door all the way out the door. I heard if scream but the guys didn't. I kept running and running not knowing where I was going. After a while I got totally lost.

My phone was getting blown up with text messages. I stopped off at a park and sat on the branch with my head in my legs. I fell asleep because it's 8:30 and im extremely tired from running.

All of a sudden some one carried me to a car...

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