chapter 11

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As we walked out of stopped us...

"Where do you think your going?" He asked

"Streets" I said annoyed

"What do you mean?" Cameron asked not knowing what I meant

"Im going to street fight" I said

"What? No you could get hurt" jc said carely

"I'll be okay and I need money" I said

"Well bye. We're going to be late" I said

We walked out and we drove to the 'hood'. And I meet the guy I was fighting. If I beat is ass I get 23,678$. He's name's Gus and everybody says he's the best. Well see if he really is shall we? We shall...

I went to the girls changing room and changed (in the picture). Once I was down I ran out side to where we're fighting. I gave Luke my phone to hold and put on 'legend' by drake and started to fight..

He tried to punch me I ducked. I punched him in the nose and he got pretty mad. When I wasn't noticing he jawed me and I started getting real. I got up and started punching him in the face

He punched me and I fell he started to laugh. I got up and punched him in a throat. He fell. I got on top of him and stared punching him. We both got up and he body slammed me on the concrete.

I started to bleed. And got up and ran at him and kicked him. I got him on the ground and started to punched him,smack him and checked him. After all that he gave up and I got my money.

23,678$ here's momma. Once we got the money we drove to Taylor's mom house and bandaged my wonds. He took out my piercing in my eyebrow. I was bleeding but Taylor's mom helped me..

She's a nurse and His father is a lawyer. Once we got done with banishing me up we went to my the mall and got us beanies,snapback,jeans,shirts,New shoes. Once we were done we stopped at taco bell and saw..JC and his friends

Me: yo nash

Nash: oh hey Hailey what you doing here.? And what happened?"

Carter: yea what did happen

Aaron: what happened

Me: I got body slammed and the guy ripped my piercing out while we were fighting

Cam: you okay?

Me: yeah. Wanna see the video

Hayes: yess

Jc: sure

Ricky: um yass girl

Me: okay here

I said hanging them my phone showing them the video. All I heard was 'o' and 'ahs'. Once the video was over I took my phone back as Luke ordered the food..

" Jc Can I ask a question?" I said

"Sure" he said like I was gonna hurt him

"Can I go on tour with 5sos?" I asked

"Um..Sure..I guess" he said

"YAS!" I sorta screamed but who care? I'm going on tour...

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