chapter 28

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(Haileys POV:)

I started to climb up to my window. I used a garbage can to get to the garage. Once I got on I climbed onto the gutters and climbed up. Once I got to the Window I used my hair pin to unlock the window.

I got it open to see 6guys in my room looking for something...

"Need help?" I asked getting threw the window

"Uh...Hailey. um what are you doing here. Thought you were in jail?" Jc asked

"Ha no. I got bailed out. Now why are you in my room?" I said/asked

"Just looking" jc said

"For what?" I asked

"Why do you have bongs,drugs and achol" jc said

"Get out!" I screamed

They left and I got out of the window. Great now my brother knows I do drugs. I went to my bathroom to check if they Seen my blades. Surprising they didn't. I grabbed my suitcase and started to pack for Friday.

As I'm packing the squad started texting me

(A=aria L=luke T=Taylor K=kiley H=Me Z=zayn Jj=Johnson jg=glinsky)

K-where the fuck are you

A-when did you get out

T-are you ok

Z-text us!

N-babe please tell me your ok

Jj-who bailed you out

Jg- where are you

H- guys in ok. Im in California again Also Bart guy bailed me out. I'm going on tour and joining a group called Magcon


L-I'm coming back today


H-ok. Im leaving Friday but gtg bye

They all text bye. I turned my phone off and started to back my bongs. After I got into the bathroom and grabbed my blades..

- 1for jail

-3 for being alive

-2 for yelling at jc

-1 for leaving squad

I made 7cut Marks. I watched the blood bleed down my arm and all on the floor. It made me think about promise with Sammy. Yes sam Wilkins. It was when my mom almost killed me...

I started to clean up the blood and my arm. I put my blades in my suitcase and went downstairs.

"Sam" I said

"Yes" sam said back

"Would you mind giving me a ride to the salon?" I asked

"Sure." Sam said

"Thanks" I said..

He got up and grabbed his Keys and we went to his car. He got in and started it. Once we made it to the salon I hugged him and told him I'll call him for a rode home.

I walked into the salon and Some lady came up to me

"What would you like?" She asked

"Can you dye my hair blonde?" I asked

"Sure take a seat" she said

I did as told and she started to get her stuff ready. She bleached my hair and it burned like a Motherfucker. She put my hair under water and washed it all out. She blow dried it and parted it.

She gave me a mirror to look in. It was exactly what I wanted it to be like.

"Thank and how much will that be?" I asked

"On the house" she said

"Sorry but I'm still paying you guys are awesome" I said hanging her $56.78

"Have a nice day" she said

"You too" I said walking out.

I walked out and called sam. While I waited I played floppy bird on my phone. Then a car pulled up.

"Your really playing floppy bird" sam laughed

"Shut up pottorff" I said getting into his car.

He put on the radio and "don't say goodnight" played. I said quietly. It makes me think of the jail squad. After the song was over sam said

"Your really amazing singer you know"

I just laughed at him because I'm really not

"I mean it" he said serious

"Thanks" i said

"Hailey" he said

"Yes" in said

"I know you cut" sam said...

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