chapter 24

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(Haileys POV:)


"Hailey. Wake up Kyle wants you" khlòe yelled into my ear

"Holy fuck my ear." I said

"Good morning to you too" khlòe said

"Fuck off" I said

"Nah im good" khlòe said

"Bitch" I mumbled

"Love you too. Now get up lazy ass" khlòe said.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I went to the showerRoom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I put my hair up in a ponytail and left the room and followed the guards to Kyle..

"Good mornin Hailey" Kyle said as I sat down in the chair across from him.

"Watever. Can we get this over with?" I asked

"Alright Lets jump into this" Kyle said

"Now. Who's in this squad fist and last names" Kyle said

"Not saying" I said

"Ok. How old are they?" Kyle asked

"15-19" I said

"Boys or girls?" Kyle asked

"Both" I said

"How many people?" Kyle asked

"I think 10-12" I said

"Where do they all live?" Kyle asked

"To be honest I don't know" I said

"What's there middle name's" Kyle asked

"Not saying" I said

"Who's there family?" Kyle asked

"Not saying" I said

"Are they famouse?" Kyle asked

"Not saying" I said

"Ok..."Kyle said

"Are we done now?" I asked

"Yup" Kyle said

"Can I leave ?" I asked

"No." Kyle said

"You fucking bastard" I chuckled

"You didn't help us" Kyle said

"Like I'd help your pig ass. I'd rather put you in a frying pan" I said

Then the guards grabbed me and brought me out of the room. They  brought me to break fast. I ate fastly then left. I went to my ceal and cried. Then I had to go to my job.

I was the only one working since Amelia foots broken and she has to heal. Once I was done with my work it was lunch time. I walked to the cafeteria and met with the girls. And told them what happen with Kyle.

They really don't like him. They also talked about Amelia. Everybody's happy I broke her foot but she's the one who broke it technically. Eh who cares people are stupid anyways.

After lunch I called Kylie

(K=Kylie A=aria H=Hailey)

H- hey guys

K- hey


H-what's up?

A-nothing much

K-what happened with Kyle?

H- I didn't tell him anything's so I can't go home


H- i answered a few questions but not telling them anything

A- I miss you

H- I miss you too boo

K-I also miss you

H- hows the guys

A- pretty good

H-what about calum

K- he really misses you

H-I miss him too. He's all on my mind

A- you too are so cute

K-  y'all need to date

H- im dreaming


K-sorry but we gtg

H- fine bitch love you too

K-we love you. Well visit tomorrow


K- bye

A-bye boo boo

H- bye babe

They hung up. After the whole day I had work and shower time. Nothing new all same boring crap as always....

Kill yourself






Over dose

No one loves you

No one cares

Hate you

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