chapter 46

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(Haileys POV:)

"Smack cam" Matt screamed snaking me awake with whip cream

"Ow! Fuckers"I screamed at him

"Sowwy" Matt said making puppy eyes and pouting

"I don't fuck wit u" I said to him

"WHAT?!?! Why not?" Matt asked me

"Bc I don't fuck wit hoes" I Said smirking

"But I'm not a hoe" he said

"That's not what you said last night"Carter said winking

Everyone bust out laughing

"Carter! You promised not too say anything" Cameron said

"Uh..."Hayes said not knowing what's going on

"Alright guys we can chit chat inside" jc said coming too Cameron's car

We all got out and grabbed out our stuff. I unlocked the door and we walked in.

"Alright who sleep where?" Jenna asked

"Me,Jenna,Andrea,and Miranda will share a room"Jen said

"Me,aria,Hailey,and skyline" Kylie said

"Me,Carter,hayes,and Cameron"Taylor said

"Me,Luke,Ashton,and Michael" calum said eyeing Kylie

Wait, Kylie?!!?

"Me,nate,jj,and jg" said Sammy

"Me,kian,Ricky,and jc" Connor said

"Me,Shawn,Hayes,and Aaron" said Kenny

Me,zoella,veronica,and Vanessa" said mahogany

"Me,niall,and lohanthony"said zayn

Everyone started walking too there room they picked. Our room was upstairs down the left hall then the third room too your right.

My bed was window bed it has a perfect view at night time, you could see skyscrapers,cars,city lights,and the perfect Sun set,moon,and Sun light

But I'm still very curious on why claim was staring at Kylie and not me I mean I am his GIRL friend I know we haven't hung out in a while but- my thoughts got interrupted by my stupid brother

"HAILEY" jc screamed for me

I got up and followed where is voice was coming from. I walked 3flights of stairs and took a left too the attick.

"What" I asked annoyed

"Remeber this place?" Jc asked

I look around too see my old doll house with some dolls, old music box, coloring books ,and some arts and crafts.

"Omg" I said in amaze as I walked out the window look at our old tree house

                                                  *flash back*

"1...2...3 where ever you are here I come" I said running from the tree too find jc. I ran and ran until, I saw a baby doll. I ran up too it but a very creepy old man came up too me

"Hello little girl" he said too me

I just stared at him very scared

"Are you scared little girl?" He asked me

I nooded lightly making him chuckle and walk up too me

He tried too grab me but my dad came in time 

"Hey stay away from her" my dad said

The old man chuckled and said "oh yeah or else what" he said

"This my dad said before he ran up too him and punched him. My dad picked me up and carried me away

"Are you ok princess?" He asked me

I muttered a 'yes' with tears spilling down my face

"Oh baby girl don't cry" he said whipping my tears away

I just hugged him tightly

"What some ice cream?" He asked me

"Yes" I said getting happy

"Ok go get clean up while I go get your brother" he said

I just ran too the bathroom and cleaned up while dad went too get jc

                                                * end flash back *

I didn't even notice I was crying until I was in jcs arms

"Are you ok?" He asked me

"Yeah just a flash back" I said whipping my tears away

"Don't worry I'm here now" he said

I just smiled lightly nodding my head 

"Wanna go too the tree house now?" He asked

"Sure..I guess" I said 

"Lets go" he said pulling me down the stairs

"You guess going somewhere?" Calum asked

"Yeah, be back in a few hours" if answered

"Ok, bye" he said

"Bye cal" I said

Before he could reply jc pulled me away

Once we made it too the tree house jc stopped me before I could climb up

"Uhm, before you climb up wear this blindfold" he said handing me a bandana

"Um..ok?" I said More as a question but I put in on anyways

And with jcs help I made it up with out dieing.

"Alright take off the blindfold" he said

I did as told once, I did I was a princess thememed room it was amazing

"I know you might not like princesses but when you where littler your dream was too be a punkrock princess" he said

I smiled brightly and said "thanks jc your the best for this and all always be that rock princess girl I was years ago"   

He smiled nodding his head "tea party?" He asked

"YES" I said almost screamed

                                *few hours later*

I was wearing ripped skinny jeans with a tutu over and my blink 182's shirt with my fairy wings and converse

We were sitting drinking tea at a pink table eating cup cakes.

"Your the best" I said

"No you are" he said

"No you are" I said

"If I'm the best your the greatest" he said

I smiled at his silly Ness nodding my head

"So we gonna party tomorrow?" Hee asked

"Yes! But are you actually gonna party or pussie out?" I asked

"I need too live a little so yeah I'll party" he said

"Yes!!! My brothers back!" I screamed

We both just laughed

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