chapter 35

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(Hailey's POV:)


"Ugh"I said getting up and turning the stupid alarm off and start to wake the rest up. I went to the bathroom took a shower. after I got dressed and blow dried my hair put it into losse beach curls.

I did my makeup and put on my beanie. I brushed my teeth then walked out. Mahogany tiredly ran to the bathroom and got ready. I jumped on taylor who's still sleeping. He grabbed me by my waist and cuddled me.

"Bruh,its Hailey not Kylie" I said trying to get out of his grip. He finally opened his eyes and let me go.

"now wake up!! Were gonna be late for magcon" I screamed into his ear

"OK mama" he screamed back. I laughed and walked to Hayes who's trying to fix his hair. I move his hands away and mess his hair up then bring him to the bathroom. I put hairspray and a cowm.

I put some hair gel in it and put it up and make it nice. Then we left the bathroom and went on my bed. He started to tickle me so I staddled him on the bed then we started to wrestle.

(h=Hailey j=JJ g=jg)


J-hailey are u OK?!?!

H-um yeah I'm good why was up

G-you didn't check twitter did you?




g-just don't but gtg see u at magcon


(End convo)

"Who was it?" Taylor asked

"JJ and jg" I said

"What did they want?" Hayes asked

"They said not to check Twitter?" I said confused they looked confused also then my phone went off.

(I message)

Ng-nash sm-shawn cr-Carter sw-sam ac-Aaron me-Matt cd-cam

Ng-Hailey im so sorry frfr

Sm- same Hailey hope your ok

Cr-Hailey stay strong

Sw-Hailey hit me up if need someone to talk to

Ac-super sarro

Me-Hailey im very very sorry please stay strong bg

Cd-Hailey stay strong beautiful

H-what's up?

Ng- did u check Twitter


Cd-go check out on Twitter #Haileygobacktojail

H- kk

All-be safe nd strong

H-k. Luv y'all peace


"Yo come here" I said to them all.they all ran up to me.

"Look up #Haileygobacktojail" I said. They all took out there phones and looked it up.

"Hailey omg! I'm so sorry" mahogany said hugging me

"What OMG!What?" I asked

Taylor handed Me his phone.


@haileybootrouble heard u did murder now your out of jail? STAY AWAY FROM MAGCON OR BE KILLED!!! #Haileygobacktojail

Rt-18964. Fav-26409 replies-45780125

"Oh" I said

"U ok?" Hayes asked putting an arm around me

"Yea. I'll just talk to everybody on younow later on" I said

"Alright. Well we got to get to magcon now" said mahogany and we left

-______________________________after magcon_________________________________-

We just got back. Every body asked if I was ok and a bunch of fans ask questions I told them to check out younow later. But we're in Matt's and Carter's room.

I got out my tablet and went on younow

"Hey guy it's Hailey and I think we need a talk" I said

Omg are u ok?

Are u a murder?

What's up cutie?

"Well yes im ok, and no im not a murder and that's what we need to talk about fr no lies." I said getting up and sitting on Carter's lap he put his arms on my waist

Are u dating Carter?

How could we be live you?

Your ugly with Carter! Js

Me and Carter looked at each other and laughted "no guys in not dating Carter. We're very good friends and plus caggie. And u guys can trust me cuz I have my squad here wit magcon boys so no lie zone fr" I said all serious

There probably gonna lie

What's caggie?

Ur a bitch no lie

"Thanks but I'm a boss bitch. And no there not gonna lie because there's no reason to ok. Im not a murder nd caggie is Carter nd Maggie's ship name." I said as Carter blushed really hard but cute.


I still don't believe

It not a boss

"Yes I Is a boss no lie. Nd if u don't be live  just leave because I'm not here to tell you's the truth if y'all ant gonna believe me like what's the point?" I said

Then we had all the guys tell the truth on how im not a murder. Then we chilled fir a bit more than went back lemonade then to our rooms and got changed and ready for bed. ...night

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