chapter 51

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only too find a moaning mess of kylie under calums naked body

i stood there in shock with tears fallimg down my face. why? how ? when?

"hailey oh my god im so sorry" cam said

" dont be its my fault im not like kylie im not smart,beautiful,skinny,im nothing" is all i said  before cam came up to me wrapping his arms around me

"dont ever say that hailey,your amazing. you're so smart,gorgeous, you like the most skinnies person ive met who can also have amazing curves. you can be so inspiring no matter whats the sitiation." can said hugging me very tightly

"thanks cam but i need too go" i said

"where??" he asked

"im not sure yet just stay here and dont tell anyone where i went just say i had too meet someone and it was important or somthing" i said

"alright" he said

i hugged him one last time before i ran away, if your wondering where im going it will be too a bar. i truly cant handle breakups and im not just meaning boyfriend and girlfriend but friendships and families. its just too hard for me so i forget the pain

by smoking or drinking or doing somethings that are way more serious.

ahh finally arnie's bar. i always come here to forget the pain and awful memories


i woke up in someones arms and random bed wearing someone elses clothes. wait what???

i snuck out of the guys arms and looked to be justin motherfucing drew bieber

all i did was stand there for a few seconds before grabbing all my clothes and slipping the on before running out to bump into someoen none other than carter.

"hailey where were you?? we've been worried sick about you" carter said grabbing me

" sorry no need to worry" i say

"well why did you leave in a hurry last night??"he asked

"carter no need to worry chill" i said before getting into his car


at home

ahh home where once we made it i ran out and ran inside to my room not caring what everyone was saying or asking me. i got in and grabbed a black shirt,hoodie,jeans,panties,and bra before jumping into the shower trying too forget all the memories from last night

as i jump out dry my bodie put on my clothes and dried my hair then put it up in a pony tail, did my makup very lightly,and put on socks and my jordans and walk downstairs

"babe where were you all night. i was looking for you worried out of my mind" calum said

"were you really or were you just busy sticking your dick up kylie" i said before grabbing my keys and phone plus charger

"waits what?" taylor screamed ovisously hearing what i said and not knowing

i didnt say any just walked out to my car and drove away

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