21: Driver's Lesson

Start from the beginning

"I don't think she wants me anymore."

"Trust me, she does."

Poddy sighed, but then quickly regained his hyper self. "Do you want to see me handle a firearm?"

Before I could even object, Poddy was stretching, probably getting himself ready. Then he moved his hands in circular motions muttering, "wax on, wax off,". Suddenly he pulled a small pistol out of his jeans pocket and aimed it at me. On the outside I remained calm, although inside I was writing my will.

Poddy chuckled and then said, "I'm just kidding," When he was putting the weapon back he accidentally pulled the trigger and shot the vase beside the sofa, shattering it into millions of pieces instantly.

This is the man who will one day be in charge of our safety.

I managed to make it out of Poddy's in one piece, although just about. Remind me to move country if Poddy actually gets a job as a police officer.

I was sitting at home bored the next day when I suddenly had a brilliant idea. I could teach Zeke how to drive! I texted him my brilliant (if I do say so myself) idea and sat back to wait for the reply. Finally, my phone buzzed.

"That sounds fun! Come round to mine then, we can use my car. Love you x"

Instantly I shot up and dashed towards the door, keys and jacket already in my hand. I got into my car and drove to Zeke's. To my surprise, in the driveway of Zeke's house stood a very flashy BMW.

"Oh la de da," I teased as I got out of my own boring Fiat.

"It's nice," Zeke said defensively.

"It's ostentatious," I corrected.

I slid into the passengers seat of the showy car. The leather was cool against my skin. Zeke sat in and put the keys in the ignition, instantly the car purred to life. Zeke started to read out his mental checklist.

"Seatbelt? Check. Full tank? Check."

"Do you wanna go now?" I interrupted.

Zeke reversed slowly out of his driveway, "It's all coming back to me." he said.

"Eyes on the road!" I scolded.

His head snapped so he was looking out the windshield. We were on the deserted road in front of his house.

"Right, release the clutch as you change gears," I told him. I'm so glad his car isn't automatic, as I'd have no idea how to work it.

Zeke did as I said and continued driving. For someone who couldn't even remember his name a few months ago, he was a pretty good driver. I drummed my fingers on my lap and hummed to myself as we cruised along the country setting.

Our driving lesson lasted an hour and by the time we had finished Zeke said he remembered it all.

"Are you sure it's legal for you to drive?" I asked him as we were walking towards his house.

"A lot of things I've done are illegal." He muttered. Then he raised his voice so I could hear him better, "I'm sure."

We entered his house and I made myself at home in front of the T.V. I curled myself into a tight ball on the sofa and began to watch How I Met Your Mother. Zeke followed me and sat down on my left, stroking my hair.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" he whispered.

I turned around to face him, "You're my boyfriend, you have to say that."

He kissed the top of my head. "You're too modest,"

"It's easy to be confident when you're gorgeous like you."

Zeke chuckled, "You're my girlfriend, you have to say that."

"Stop using my words against me," I huffed.

Zeke never stopped playing with my hair during the whole programme, although I'm not saying I did anything to stop him. When F.r.i.e.n.d.s came on he moved his hand down to my arm and made circular movements with his finger, sending shivers down my spine.

Then I felt Zeke's lips brush along my collarbone. I found it hard to concentrate on the show with the feel of Zeke's touch. He moved his lips up to my mouth and kissed me, completely diverting my attention. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss.

"I love you, Abby Winston." Zeke murmured. By this stage I was lying down on the sofa and he was hovering above me, using his arm to prop himself up.

I smiled, "I love you too." Then he bent down and kissed me again.

I enjoyed Zeke's company as much as one would enjoy their boyfriend's company - if not more. I'm not the type of person that gets what they want. Nothing ever seems to work out for me. So, to have Zeke, and everything so perfect, seems almost unreal; almost as if he's going to vanish into thin air at any moment. I suppose you could say I was paranoid, but it's honestly just how I felt.

"What are you thinking about?" Zeke asked quietly.

"Mmm, nothing. Just about how amazing one of your steak and chips would be right now."

Zeke sprung off the sofa with surprising grace, grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen. I leant on the island counter-top as I watched Zeke prepare my favourite meal, the scent of meat filling the air and making my mouth water. When it was ready, Zeke set the steaming dish in front of me along with a knife a fork. I started eating before Zeke even sat down, falling into temptation of the smell.

We ate in silence, mostly because I was eating too fast to say anything. When I had finished, I put my knife and fork together and thanked Zeke. He, of course, was still eating and couldn't reply.

"You're supposed to savour the taste, not shove it down your throat as quickly as possible." Zeke said when he had finally finished.

"When the food is as nice as this, eating quickly is acceptable."

He laughed. Zeke had very extravagant taste in food, so my simple steak and chips must be very plain to him, although to me it was to die for.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Zeke questioned.

"Hmm...I have an idea," I replied and I brought his head down so I could lightly press my lips to his.

Zeke smiled, "I like that suggestion,"

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