Start from the beginning

"Is that why you picked a Santa onesie Daddy?" Adaley asked and Harry frowned, giving her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" he asked, glancing down at his red onesie with a gold and black belt printed on the front.

"Well, you're like Santa, Daddy. You're kind, happy, giving, and warm like Santa. I've seen videos of you giving performances all you have and even when you're busy you'll stop and give your fans autographs and photos. You not only give our family everything you have but you give your fans everything too." Adaley explained and Harry's cheeks turned a soft red in shyness. Louis nodded along with what Adaley was saying.

"She's right babe. You do give your everything to every aspect of your life." Louis said and Harry waved them off with a soft thank you. After they had eaten their breakfast they gathered in the living room with Trans-Siberian Orchestra (My favourite Christmas music. Check them out) playing softly in the background. Adaley had gotten their stockings down. Louis' was a soccer themed one and Harry's had music notes and some of his favourite lyrics all over it. Adaley's had her name embroidered on the cuff and Kim Possible all over it. She dug excitedly into it and pulled out a bunch of her favourite types of chocolate which happened to be her favourite. Harry dumped his out to find a bunch of Starbucks gift cards and a new journal. Louis found some of his favourite candy and a gift card to his favourite ice cream shop back in Doncaster. Adaley handed out the presents. Louis and Harry each got three presents, which were all from Adaley, and Adaley received a pile of presents. Adaley looked closely at Louis and Harry before pointing at Harry.

"Daddy gets to go first because you opened presents last night Papa." Adaley ordered and Harry nodded, picking up the largest box. He ripped off the paper to show vinyl albums of The Beatles, Elvis Presley, and Coldplay which were some of his favourite singers and bands. He opened the medium sized package and carefully opened it. Inside was a mug that said "World's Best Popstar Daddy" written in Adaley's handwriting. His heart warmed at the sight of it.

"I love it. Thank you princess. I'll use this every day instead of the other one." Harry said and Adaley giggled softly, pointing at the last small box.

"Open that Daddy." Adaley said softly and Harry nodded. He carefully pulled off the lid to show a silver necklace. There was one circle pendent on it with the word 'Daddy' on it with two jewels, one amethyst stone and one blue zircon. Harry's jaw dropped when he saw it.

"W-what..." he stuttered and Adaley smiled softly.

"One's my birthstone and the other is Papa's." Adaley explained and Harry was too frozen in shock to respond. He gestured for Louis to open his own presents while Harry's mind tried to process the present in his hand. Louis opened his first two presents to show more Adidas gear and a portable soccer goal. Louis had a package the same size as Harry's and his hands shook as he opened it. Inside was a necklace just like Harry's except his said 'Papa' and there were two amethyst stones.

"Oh wow." Louis breathed as he glanced at Harry. Adaley cleared her throat and both of them turned to look at her. She pulled down the collar of her onesie to expose a necklace just like Louis and Harry's but hers said 'Princess' and had one amethyst stone and one blue zircon. They gaped at her when they saw the necklace.

"Aunt Ali took me out to get this a while ago. I got them because when we're apart we'll always have these necklaces to keep us together." Adaley explained and they both surged forward, hugging her tightly. Adaley giggled as she hugged her fathers back. Adaley rushed through her presents. She admired each toy that they had gotten her but both of her fathers could tell that she instantly fell in love with the karaoke machine and mini piano they had bought her. She held up a small journal that looked almost identical to Harry's old brown tattered one.

"It's for the beautiful songs that we know you'll come up." Harry explained and Adaley smiled as she grabbed her new purple sparkly pen and she started to write furiously in the small journal. Harry watched her as her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "Whatcha writing?" he asked and chuckled softly when Adaley waved him off. Soon she sat up straighter and looked shyly at her fathers.

"Can I read you the first thing I wrote?" She asked timidly and Louis nodded furiously.

"Go ahead princess." Louis encouraged and Adaley nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Christmas is a time filled with laughs

A time filled with joy

These feeling were unknown to me

Until I spent it with you

I woke up happy

Excited to open presents

And eat a delicious breakfast

You've shown me a side of Christmas

That I never knew

Thank you Daddy

Thank you Papa

Thank you for showing me

What Christmas is really all about"

Louis and Harry's hearts both filled with love and joy as she read the poem she had composed in mere minutes. They held their arms open and she ran into them, hugging them as tightly as she could with her small arms. Harry and Louis both kissed the top her head as they cuddled on the couch. Eventually they moved. Harry and Louis helped each other put on the necklaces while Adaley picked up the paper. The small family spent the rest of their first Christmas together playing board games and watching Christmas movies. When Harry and Louis climbed into bed later that night they both agreed that it was the best Christmas they had both had. Their favourite part though? That was the fact that they got to spend it together as a family.

Together (Sequel to Slipping Away)Where stories live. Discover now