Chapter 21 - Give A Girl A Break

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I think, somewhere inside of me, I didn’t want him to nod. I wanted him to pull away, to tell her off for taking up our precious time, to grab my hand and drag me upstairs and give us some real celebration time. But I knew he was too nice for that, and I was too polite to make him do what he wanted, so I let it be and walked away. I hoped he knew that I was frustrated and disappointed, since he was dancing and I had to go sulk in the corner for the next few songs until they resumed something more upbeat.

The entire time we were apart I was glancing at him every once in awhile. I rationalized that I was only being a good boyfriend and making sure he was okay, but I knew I was really making sure Demi didn’t try anything.

It was about halfway through the second song that I noticed Harry and Louis cuddled up on a couch, Taylor Swift seated right next to Harry with her hand right above his knee and gradually sliding upward. I groaned, why make it harder on the two lovebirds? Picking myself up from my corner of irritation, I made my way over to them and plopped down between Taylor and Harry.

“Hey there, Haz! You having fun tonight?” I said loudly, trying to tell him indirectly that I was there to save him.

“Yeah, I always have fun with my Boobear,” he grinned, nuzzling his face into Louis’ neck and shoulder. Louis smiled down at him fondly. I whipped out my phone and snapped a picture, posting it to Twitter with a cheesy caption that was most likely misspelled. It had thousands of retweets in less than a minute.

“Looks like you boys are about to be the latest trending topic,” I chuckled.

Louis shook his head, “What did you do this time?” He pulled out his own phone, scrolled to my page, and laughed when he saw my post. “Aren’t we just the cutest, Hazzabear?”

Harry was quick to agree with him, and soon they were back to cuddling. I risked a glance over my shoulder to see that Taylor was frowning and looking like she could kill me any second. “Can I do anything for you, miss?”

She growled. Wow, how womanly and polite. “You could move your blocking butt from between me and my future lover, thank you very much.”

“Why do you want him so badly? You do know that he is in love with the boy he’s curled up around and that’s not going to change, right? They went through so much to get together, I’d think the least you could do is leave him alone. Can’t you find some other target?” She looked thoughtful for a second.

“You are kind of cute…” she mumbled.

“What did you just say?”

“Well, if I can’t have Harry, I need someone else attractive. You’re attractive. Go out with me?” She batted her fake eyelashes and smiled falsely.

“And what makes you think you have any more chance with me than Harry? I have a boyfriend that I’m happily with, so don’t you go messing with us. You’re at our coming out party, for god’s sakes!” I couldn’t believe her.

“Why do you have to be so rude? Gosh, all I wanted was a good-looking lover to break up with and write songs about so I can have another hit album. Give a girl a break, would you?” She walked away, muttering something about how no guys can just do it first and ask questions later these days.

Harry sat up from his and Louis’ embrace. “Thanks, mate. We needed some saving there, but sorry she went after you.”

I shrugged, smiling. “It’s no problem. I want you guys to be happy, you deserve it.”

Louis wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders, clearly missing having him close. “We want you to keep your love too, Li. Speaking of which, where’d Niall go?”

Don't Look Back - A Niam Horayne Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang