Chapter 28: But Where's Your Heart?

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Engaged to my best friend. This was the stuff of dreams. Everyone wanted to marry their best friend that they've had since they were four years old. I'd wanted this the moment I met him, we always talked about it when we were kids. Our parents thought it was cute, even my Dad thought it was pretty adorable. He was ready for setting up an arranged marriage, but mum had told him not to be stupid.

She had always kept him in line, she never accepted his rubbish, she pulled him up for it. I missed her so much. Every single day, it still hurt. Over time I had numbed to the pain, but it was still there, it would never really go away. She would have been so happy to see me with Alex, sorting out my life.

I couldn't bear to think how my life would have been if she was still here. So much would have been different. I wouldn't have met half the people I have, that's for sure. But I would have had my momma. She was my world then, and she still is now. Her memory is such a strong influence in my decisions. That's why I accepted Alex, because I knew she would have accepted him for me if I hadn't.

So, I knew Alex and I were right, because it was what my mother wanted. And most importantly, it was what I wanted. All I'd ever wanted.

"Guess who?!" His warm, familiar hand covered my eyes, his body wrapped around mine. I turned round to face him, his hands staying at the back of my neck. I traced a line across his cheekbones, down his jaw bone and up to his lips. He lowered his hands to my hips and pulled me closely, so I fit into him. He pressed his forehead to the top of my head and we both closed our eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Get a room!" We didn't even open our eyes, completely ignoring Jack as he approached us.

"Hey! I am here you know!" He said in mock hurt. I opened my eyes and turned my head slightly to face him, still not taking any part of myself off Alex.

"Oh, we know. Did you seriously think that anyone in a ten mile radius didn't 'know you were here'." I rolled my eyes and turned slowly back to my original position.

"Ooh snappy! Someone would think you weren't the happiest girl in the entire world." This time it was Alex who turned to face Jack. He took his head off mine, whilst keeping hold of me, he turned to glare at Jack.

"Hey man, you may want to leave now." I could hear the patronising smile in his voice, I chuckled, making Alex squeeze me lightly. I snuggled into him further.

"Oh jeez, we're in this mood today are we? I'll see you later."

"Thank you!" I laughed again.

"What's so funny you?!" He said in a mock threatening voice, whilst tickling my sides.

"Hey, no! Get off me!" I couldn't stop laughing, he knew my ticklish spots, and since he couldn't get to my feet, he had to settle for my sides.

"Excuse me!" Alex sighed dramatically.

"Seriously Jack, if you-

He froze. Taking his hands right off me. I followed his gaze, only to see him. The man I hadn't seen in thirteen years, was right here in front of me. The crowds started to gather around us, he had a high status, meaning he had many people who adored him. We were in a pretty public place, a few hundred yards away from the main stage, in front of some band's merchandise stand. Everyone was staring. I hated it when people stared.

"What's this then?" The gruff voice, that I had only heard once since he left, shot into my ear drums like poison. The sound felt painful after all this time, bringing back only memories I wanted to forget.

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