I was about to go up more until I heard loud, fast paced footsteps coming up to the rope until I felt the rope shook violently and I yelped. There was some yelling and I felt my grip on the rope slips off as I fell down. I squeak when I made the impact but the ground felt... Softer and squishy. I looked down to see where I landed and my face paled to a shade of white when I found out.

I was sitting on the son of the devil himself, Lucius. I am so dead sooner or later. I heard him groan in pain as I instantly get off him and I started saying 'Sorry' over and over again, hoping it might prolong my life somehow. He got up and glared at me as if saying 'Shut up or else I kill you on the spot'... Pretty self explanatory. I heard yelling and struggling as I turn my head and my eyes widen.

Ty was clinging onto the rope as he thrash around and he was yelling in anger while his father held him back. I put the pieces together and realize that Ty was the one who was trying to shake me off the rope so I can stop from getting up any further. Why? It's simple, Ty hated anyone beating him at his own game (Which is gym) so he wanted to eliminate the competition no matter how many people he hurt.

Ty was soon knocked out by one of the nurse'a who gave him an injection to render him unconscious. The coach sigh only having a couple of cuts and bruises from Ty struggling. Peter was sending a deadly glare at the coach angrily and I felt a lump in my throat. Peter being upset wasn't a good sign. 

The coach dismissed class early after the incident as Peter suddenly turn into his happy-ish self again and walks out the door with the others. On the way out I saw Lucius writing something down on his notebook as I secretly took a sneak peek of what he wrote.

To Kill:
-Kaiko Holler (Dead)
-Tia Ernest (Dead)
- Hank Rigelly (Dead)
-Ty East (Paused)
-Sarah Queer
-Sam Queer
-Mary Due
- Daniel East (Active) Note: All this sports stuff is a pain... He must die... But how do I kill him? He is constantly with people and is too strong... I need to find another way... Maybe  use murder?

I felt a chill in my spine when I read that part. 'He really did staged all those accidents... But I can't stop him... His power is more beyond than what I have and Jane isn't here to help' I thought to myself as I walk in the halls and Lucius went off in another direction.

Peter went up to me with a insane grin on his face "Hello Sanity~ How was gym?" He asked as I avoid looking at his eyes. "I-it was enjoyable... Peter..." I said nervously as I tried to move away. Peter grabbed my wrist while his purple hair covered his eyes. He hummed while his grin grew "You sure? I've seen how the coach treated you... How rude to treat a girl" he pouted as I tried to pull my wrist away "And Beast... What was his real name again? Oh yeah! Ty..." He said with slight hatred "He tried to hurt you... How was gym enjoyable if you were treated badly?" He asked as he look up at me with his green eyes gleaming with insanity. I gulp as I pushed Peter away from me and I pried my hand off him while I breath heavily. I backed up more every time he took a step forward... Peter had gone full insanity mode.

Soon there was a beeping sound as he looked at his watch and growl "I seemed I have to cut this meeting short... See ya later~" he said as he walked away. I was still trying to recover what happened while I looked at the clock and felt relief. It was time for him to take the medicine again at the nurse'a office, saved by the watch.

Lucius walked toward me and looked at the bruise on my wrist as he asked/write to me what happened. "Peter..." Was all I said as he tilted his head so I explained my relationship with Peter. I saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes and I got confused, was it normal for his king to be jealous? Well I guess since there was the seven deadly sin I guess he might have one rest within him. He looked at the clock and blink before telling/writing me that he had to do something important. I sigh as I walked away knowing that someone might die soon.

Odd one out- Lucius Game StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя