Chapter 31

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-Macy POV-
I smile and walk down the stairs to my mom and my bridesmaids.
"Damn you look so skinny now that you were so fat for so long." Ally says. I laugh as Ann hits her from her choice of words.
"I mean uh-"
"Don't worry Alls I know you meant it in the best way." She laughs and hugs me.
"You look so beautiful. I don't wanna let you go." She says hugging me.
"Come on Al don't make me cry." I say tearing up. She wipes her tears.
"Sorry." She stays with a laugh.
"My little girl is turning out to be such a beautiful woman." Mom says. I smile and hug her. "I agree with Ally. I can't give you away yet." I smile.
"Mom big girls don't cry. Fergie taught us that remember?"
"That was your favorite song back then wasn't it?" I nod and she laughs.
"Well ladies you have to get paired up with your groomsmen!" My mom says. Ally and Hayes are paired up since they are the maid of honor and the best man. So Cal isn't to happy with that. I guess that's what he's talking to her about right now. Once everyone leaves and it's just me I sit and look in the mirror making sure my hair and makeup are good. There is a knock on the door.
"Yea come in." I say. I get up and Cameron opens the door and smiles.
"You look so beautiful." He says. I smile and hug him. "I promised mom I wouldn't cry." I laugh. "It's time." Since my father left I asked Cameron to walk me down the aisle. He was so excited and now I think he wants to wait just so he doesn't have to let me go. I take his arm and we walk behind the bridesmaids and groomsmen. They play the music and nerves roll through my body. The bridesmaids and groomsmen take their spot on the alter and that gives Cam and I the signal the walk. We walk down the aisle and I see Nash waiting for me. He smiles from ear to ear and my nerves go away because soon I'll be with him and soon I'll be his forever. Cameron kisses my cheek and hands me to Nash and together we walk up the alter to the priest and stand in front of each other.
"Do you each have written vows?" Our priest asks. We nod. "Ladies first." I look into the ocean of Nash's eyes and speak.
"Nash when we met I thought you were annoying and just a stupid boy but as I grew older I realized I wanted you to be my stupid boy," he smiles. "We grew up together as best friends and 10 years later we're still best friends. They say falling in love is the best thing in the world. But falling in love with your best friend is even better. I love you Nash and Im entirely grateful that every day I get to fall in love with my best friend." Nash smiles.
"Macy from the first day I met you when we're 8 I thought you were the prettiest girl in the world but I knew Cameron brainwashed you so you would never see me as more than a friend but finally you saw me as boyfriend material a few years later. The day you fell for me was the day my life began. We've been through a lot together and I promise to go through a lot more through our years together. I love you Macy." I smile and I really just want to kiss him right now.
"Nash do you promise to care for Macy in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." Nash replies.
"Macy do you promise to care for Nash in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." I say.
"Congratulations. You may kiss the bride." I smile and Nash takes a step towards me. I put my hands on his cheeks and his go on my waist as we kiss. I pull him closer to me not wanting the kiss to end. We pull back and hear echoes of cheers and claps. We turn to everyone clapping for us and I smile. I turn to Nash and we kiss again.
"So Mrs. Grier what now?" Nash asks. I smile.
"I don't know but we have the rest of our lives together to figure it out."

Lasting Forever (a n.g fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang