Chapter 8

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-Ally POV-
     Macy and Nash invited Hayes and I to a volleyball game that her brother is doing or something like that so we are on our way there. We park next to Macy's truck and get out of the car walking to the courts where there stand about 20 people including the two guys in each side of the "court".
"Hey." Macy says walking to me holding Nash's hand. Hayes slides his hand in mine.
"Macy you made it!" Harrison yells. I nod. "With Nash." He says unhappy.
"Got a problem with me being here?" Nash asks taking a step forward.
"I mean you weren't invited." Harrison fights.
"Ok." I say stepping in between them. "Why do you hate each other?"
"He told you when you didn't need to know." Nash says staring at Harrison.
"Hey you could've told her buddy." Harrison responds.
"She doesn't need you in her life." Nash fights back.
"Well I didn't keep a huge secret from her did I?"
"It was to protect her from you."
"What am I gonna steal my sister away? I'm her family."
"Ok stop." I say.
"She would choose me over you any day." Nash says continuing the fight.
"Nash stop." I say turning to him.
"Yo Harrison it's starting." I hear Jackson yell.
"Macy hey!" He says. I look at Nash and walk up to Jackson. Harrison follows me and they walk on the "sand court".
"My money's on you Jackson." I yell. Harrison glares at me and I glare back. Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and Nash stands there looking down.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"I'm not mad at you." I say.
"What!" He yells over the cheering. I take his hand and pull him close to the water.
"Nash I'm not mad at you." I say.
"Then why are you mad?"
"Because it's true." I say.
"What's true?"
"That I'd choose you over him any day. I'd choose you over anyone and that scares me." I say. He smiles.
"I'm scared to babe. You are my life and I only want just you and me for the rest of our lives." I smile. "I want to marry you and start a life with you because I choose you over any other person in the world."
"I love you." I say. He smiles.
"I love you to." He says.  "Come on why don't we go home. I'm tired and feel like cuddling." I laugh.
"You're such a man." I say. He nods.
"Hey you guys ok?" Ally asks walking to us with Hayes. We nod.
"I think we're just gonna bail." I say. They nod.
"Same. This is just weird." Ally says. I nod. Nash wraps his arm around me and the four of us walk back to our cars. We get in our cars and drive home. We get in the house and there is a note on the table.
"Went to lunch with Cameron be back soon." Ally reads to me. "Hayes carry me." She says lazily. Hayes smiles and picks her up bridal style and carries her to their room and he shuts the door. I look at Nash and smile. He rolls his eyes and picks me up, slinging me over his shoulder.
"Nash!" I whine.
"I'm picking you up isn't this what you wanted?" He asks walking. I groan and we walk into the room and he shuts the door with my head.
"Uh ow." I say. He laughs and flops me on the bed. I move up so I'm laying with my head on the pillow and unexpectedly he climbs on top of me and kisses me. I smile and run my fingers through the hair in the back of his head. He starts to slide one of his hands slowly down my waist.
"Calm down you horn dog." I say. He growls and continues to kiss me. I pick up the pace of the kiss reaching for the hem of his shirt. He helps me pull it over his head. I turn us over so I'm on top and I sit up still on top of him.
"No don't stop it was going well." Nash says. I laugh and lean down and kiss him.
"Who said I stopped?" I ask. I sit back up and take off my shirt leaning back down to kiss him.
"Macy are you home?" My mom yells through the house. My eyes widen and I get off him. I fall off the bed, trying to grab my shirt. I put it on and toss Nash his and he puts it on right as she comes in. "Why is your shirt on inside out?" She asks me.
"Whoops didn't realize." I say nervously.
"Ok well I was wondering if I could go meet your family before my flight leaves tonight." She says.
"Yea sure let me just get ready." I say. She nods and leaves, closing the door. I drop my head.
"Hey babe." Nash says rolling to the edge of the bed and grabbing my hands.
"This is so gonna end badly." I say.
"Hey no it won't and if it does you always got me." Nash says. I smile and nod.
"You are all I need." I say. I lean back down to kiss him. I pull back and stand up straight. I walk to my closet and pick out a gray long sleeved silk shirt and a black skater skirt. I change and put on black converse. I leave my hair down and Nash sits on the bed wearing jeans and a blue shirt. I take his hand and we walk to my mom.
"Let's go." She says. I text Molly to meet us at Starbucks and she replies with a yes.
We pull up to the Starbucks and Molly is sitting at a table. Nash grabs my hand and the three of us walk in and sit down.
"Mom meet Molly. Molly meet mom or Gina." I say. They shake hands. Please Lord let this go well.

Lasting Forever (a n.g fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon