Chapter 26: Surprise

Start from the beginning

"What up Alex?" I ask as he squeezes my hands.

"It's Draco, he's...."

Alex is cut off by a loud scream coming from down my corridor. I snap my head around and pull away from Alex. I run towards my room and Alex follows. I throw my door open and see Draco laying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"Oh my god!" I yell dropping to his side.

I take his head in my hands and look into his tear-filled eyes.

"Alex, get help!" I demand

Alex runs down the corridor and I look back at Draco.

"Draco, what happened?" I ask stroking his head.

Draco doesn't answer. He just makes small sounds out of pain.

Alex runs back into the room followed by Snape.

Snape looks at Draco and I can see the shock hit him. 

"Ms.Bell if you could give us some space," Snape says kneeling down beside Draco.

I get up and look down as Snape takes out his wand.

Who would have done this? Why? It must be someone that's jealous of us. But who would do this?

Snape finishes his spell and the blood is gone. Draco's eyes fill with life and he takes a deep breath.

"Draco, who may I ask did this?" Snape says in his deep voice.

Draco looks like he's about to say something then stops to see me. He beams a glare my way and says it.

"Ben Silver"

My heart sinks and I cover my mouth with my hands.

Snape tries to help Draco up but Draco pushes him off. He wipes some of the blood off his mouth and slowly stands up. 

"I'll see you later," he says.

I watch as Snape escorts him out.

Why would Ben do this? He hasn't even talked to me in a week.


"Elena, come on, we're going to be late, you know Olly has no patience," Beth says.

"I'm coming," I say applying a last coat of mascara.

I open the door and see Maddy and Beth waiting for me.

They are both in black and so am I. Mandy's dress is short flares out at her waist. Beth's is tight and ties around her neck. Mine is a little more conservative and has long lace arms and goes down to above my knees.

"Come on, it won't be a surprise if Claire gets back and we're not there," Maddy says

I throw in my heels and grab my bag and we all walk out the door. I see Draco walk out of his room and he smiles at me. He looks so good, he's wearing a dark blue shirt that he's roiled up to his elbows and dark pants. I honestly just wanted to stay in tonight with him after what happened this morning. Draco insisted that he wouldn't let it bother him and he would continue to live life as if nothing happened.

"You look, great girls," Draco says closing his door behind him.

"Not bad yourself," Maddy says

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm fine, Sape took care of it," He says.

"Let's go," Beth says grabbing my arm and pulling me.

I link arms with Draco and we walk down the corridor. We enter the common room to see everyone in black or dark colors.

"Hey Elena" I hear a girl say

"Elena, you look so good," someone else says.

"Maddy, come over here!" Someone says

It's as if we just walked into a room of people who hadn't seen us in years. Everyone noticed us the moment we walked in the room. I guess Claire is our friend and we did set this up.

It wasn't that hard. We just sent the message down the table at lunch while Claire was getting help from Professor McGonagall. Everyone agreed to wear black because Claire was wearing white and she would stand out in the crowd.

We found Claire after lunch and told her that it was a Christmas Party considering we have one more week of school before the holiday. We told her it was winter themed and to wear white.

"Elena, she's coming!" Maddy yells at me.

"Quiet everyone!" I yell.

Everyone goes quiet after a few seconds and we wait for Claire. We see the entrance open and Claire walks in.

"Surprise!" Everyone yells

Claire lets out a little scream and covers her mouth in shock.

"Happy birthday Claire!" I say running up to her and hugging her.

"Elena, what is this?" She asks

"Your birthday party," I say

"Oh my god," she says hugging me.

Maddy and Beth walk over and hug Claire too.

"How did you do this?" Claire asks

"We're amazing," Beth says.

"Elena, how's Draco?" Claire asks

"He's fine, he's acting like it didn't happen," I say looking over at him.

"Well I would too if that happened to me," she says

"Come on Claire, we have a surprise for you," Maddy says

"Oh right," I say

We got Claire a cat from Hermione and it's so adorable. She's white and has black paws.

"Claire cover your eyes," Maddy says

Claire does as she's told and I got the cat from her cage. I walked up to Claire and held the cat up to her.

"Okay Claire," Maddy says

"Oh my god!" Claire screams in amazement.

"Happy birthday!" I say handing her the cat.

"Oh my god, she's so cute," Claire says.

"What are you going to name her?" Beth asks

"Patronum" Claire says

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