Chapter 21: Lies

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I wake up to the sound of a kettle boiling. I look over to see Pansy standing with Madam Pomfrey and she turns to look at me.  

"Oh my god, Elena," she says rushing over to me. "You saved my life," she says handing me a cup of tea.

"I had to," I say sitting up and taking the cup. "We need you for the team"

Why am I being nice to her? She tried to kill me. She's insane and jealous. I guess she just was upset about Draco moving on.

"Elena" I hear Draco's deep voice say.

I turn to see him striding towards me and his blue eyes lock with mine.

"How are you?" He asks putting his hand on my cheek.

"I'd be better with some food," I say smiling at him.

"Then, food it is," he says theatrically.

Draco kisses my cheek and leaves the hospital wing to grab me some breakfast.

"I'll see you later," Pansy says smiling at me.

What was going on? Why was she so nice to me?

I look down at the cup of tea and think of all the hidden curses that could be in it.

"Don't drink that" I hear someone say.

I look up to see Logan and Mike walking into the hospital wing.

I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"How are you, sis?" Mike asks

"I'm alright, I didn't fall that hard, I just had a quick landing and fell," I say

"I hope that's all it was. You can't be in here for long" Logan says looking around the room. "You'll go crazy"

I laugh at him and he smiles at me. Mike sits at the end of my bed and takes my cup.

"I'm serious, don't drink that Elena," he says.

"Why not?" I ask sadly.

I was getting excited about the tea, it smelled really good. It smelled like the tea that mom used to make at Christmas. We would all sit by the fire and drink tea while mom told us stories of Santa and his reindeer.

"I don't trust her," he says looking in the direction that Pansy left in.

"She's just being nice," I say

"After she attacked you outside of the common room," Logan says confused "why would she randomly decide to be nice to you now?" He asked questioning me.

He was right. She was crazy that day. She really wanted to hurt me. If Maddy wasn't there, she would have.

I nod at Logan and he takes my hand.

"Just be careful with her," he says letting me go.

Logan and Mike leave me to rest and I feel extremely lonely the minute they go. Madam Pomfrey had left to get some supplies and Pansy was gone.

Soon Draco walked in with a tray with a silver dome over the plate and I felt instantly better. I gave him a small smile and sit up and cross my legs. He puts the tray on the end of the bed and sits beside me. I slide over to give him room and he puts his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"How are you," he asks

"I'll be better when Madam Pomfrey says I can leave," I say.

Draco laughs and reaches for the tray.

"What do you want?" He asks

"What do you mean?" I ask

"What do you want? If you could have anything, what would it be?" He asks

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