"Hi Daddy." Adaley said with a wide smile and Harry chuckled, lifting her up and kissing her cheek.

"Hi princess. Did you have fun?" he asked and she nodded, burying her face into his neck and all the girls let out soft coos. Soon they were joined by everyone and everyone walked to their respective cars after Harry informed them of the restaurant name. Harry started off down the road and his hand instantly gravitated to Louis' thigh, gently squeezing the meaty muscle which made Louis let out a soft giggle.

"Did you have fun with the girls?" Louis asked, linking his fingers with Harry's. The curly haired man nodded and Louis smiled, nodding happily. "What did you talk about?" he asked and Harry tensed slightly before he made himself relax.

"Tayler told us how she met Michael and how that big oaf and her daughter Emery have become close." Harry said happily, knowing how much the young man loved kids. Louis nodded slowly and turned to look at Harry. He could tell there was something on his future husband's mind by the way his other hand had a death grip on the steering wheel and the way his jaw was taut. He didn't want to bring Harry's obvious tension in front of Adaley so he pushed it to the back of his mind.

"Talk about anything else?" Louis asked and Harry shrugged slightly.

"Emma, Ali, and I sang and wrote some songs for a bit and then we were talking about our upcoming wedding. Ali suggested that we have the wedding on Long Island." Harry said, stopping at the red light and glancing at his lover. Louis nodded slowly with a look of confusion.

"Did she say why?" Louis asked, crossing his legs in the passenger's seat like a small child. Harry smiled lovingly at the sight of his small fiancé before he responded.

"I can only imagine how much the reporters are going to want to get into the wedding. I know that we've somewhat dropped off their radar but we both know that no matter how hard we try they'll do anything possible to get into the ceremony if we have it here in LA or even in New York. We're going to be moving to Bayville anyway and I think it'd be great to get both of our families used to Long Island because that's where I plan on raising Adaley." Harry stopped to take a breath before he continued. "Paparazzi is a pretty foreign term anywhere on Long Island so I believe we'll be left alone and be able to enjoy our wedding and guests in peace." He explained and Louis nodded, understanding what Harry meant.

"I can't wait to call you my husband but I think we need to focus on our move to Bayville. We need to focus on buying a house and getting everything packed up." Louis reminded him and Harry nodded softly, biting his lip in concentration.

"Daddy?" Adaley called softly from the backseat and Harry glanced in the rearview mirror, smiling at the little girl.

"Yeah?" he responded and Adaley nervously fiddled with her fingers.

"When are we moving to Bayville?" She asked softly and Harry shrugged.

"As soon as we buy a house and get everything packed up. Why?" Harry asked, pulling up in front of the small but nice restaurant. Adaley unbuckled her seatbelt and fiddled with the ends of her growing hair. The small family climbed out of the car and started for the restaurant; Adaley walking between them and holding both of their hands.

"I just wanna know how much time I have left with Emery." Adaley said sadly and the tone of her voice made Harry's heart crack.

"I promise that you'll be able to come back and visit and if it's okay with Tayler she can come stay with us." Harry said with a soft smile and Adaley gave him a half smile.

"I'm just gonna miss her. She's my first and best friend." She whispered and Harry nodded, kissing her forehead gently.

"I know baby but you'll still see her. It's not like we're moving to the moon." Harry tried to joke but Adaley didn't even crack a small smile at his lame joke. Her lack of happiness hit Harry hard. Her smile could always light up his life without fail. Louis and Adaley were his own personal suns. He would do anything possible to keep their bright smiles always on their faces but unfortunately this was something that he couldn't control. Unbeknownst to him Tayler, Michael, and Emery were all walking up. Tayler frowned when she saw that Harry and Adaley were both close to tears. She leaned closer to Louis.

"What's wrong with them?" She whispered and Louis gave her a saddened look.

"We started to talk about our move to Bayville and Adaley got really upset because she's going to miss Emery so much." Louis explained and Tayler nodded slowly.

"What school are you enrolling her in?" Tayler asked and Louis told her. She kneeled down and gestured Emery to walk over. Her daughter dropped Michael's hand and walked over, wrapping her arm around her mom's neck. "Hey Adaley. Are you okay?" she asked softly and Adaley shook her head.

"I don't wanna move to Bayville because I'm gonna miss you and Emery." Adaley sniffled and Tayler gave her a soft smile, gently stroking her cheek.

"Want to know a secret?" Tayler asked and Adaley nodded slowly. Tayler looked around like she was making sure no one was listening. Harry stood back up and wrapped an arm around Louis' waist as he watched Tayler and Adaley interact. Tayler grinned. "I know you're going to love it there. It's beautiful and you never have loud traffic and everyone's really nice there." She said with a wink and Adaley frowned, cocking her head to the side.

"How do you know this, Miss Tayler?" Adaley asked in a soft voice and a huge smile appeared on Tayler's face.

"Because little Miss Adaley. Emery and I are from Bayville."

Together (Sequel to Slipping Away)Where stories live. Discover now