From Guardian Angel to Dark Angel (Zeke's POV)

Start from the beginning

“He finally shifted” I said to the dark room. David stepped out of the shadows with a smile. David took an interest in Liam when he found out that he was special. I have already grown attached to the little boy.

“Good he is very smart too. He knows you’re here now but can only see you in his other form but don’t be surprised if he talks to you now” David said then disappeared.

David was right Liam talked to me all the time but never got upset that he couldn’t hear my reply. Every night we went to the park so he could shift and run. When I talked to him he could hear me and always sat close to me. We would play for hours before he fell asleep in my arms. He told me how his parents were attacked by rouges while he was at school. His father had been the last cheetah and his mother was a witch. Normally were’s stick to mating with others of their kind but since there were no other cheetahs he mated with a witch. They loved each other and Liam so that was all that mattered. When his parents died, because they lived in the human world Liam was put into foster care. The people he live with only have him for the money but at least they don’t abuse him. Probably because he always stays to himself. Donna, his foster mother does make sure he eats and is clean but other than that she doesn’t pay attention. James, his foster father is just drunk or high all the time so he doesn’t do anything really. I’m not even sure he remembers Liam is there half the time.

“Zeke, I want to move to the Palace with the vampires” Liam said out of nowhere. We were walking home from school like always but this time Liam seemed to be thinking about something. Why would he want to go to the vampires? I wanted to ask but knew he couldn’t hear me. Liam turned 10 two months ago and has been lost in his thoughts a lot lately.

Just then a women screamed, crying for help that sounded pained. I wanted to help her but knew I couldn’t leave Liam.

“Go help her Zeke, I’m fine” Liam said like he knew what I was thinking. He didn’t have to tell me twice, I took off toward the sound of cries. It took me to an alley closer to town. How the heck did I hear her that far away?

The woman had light brown hair, green eyes and a thin body. She was wearing some fancy dress that fell to her knees and had thin straps on her shoulders. She was rather pretty which is probably why the guy in front of her decided to attack her. He was grungy looking with greasy blond hair, blue eyes and nasty yellow teeth. His body towered over the woman as he advanced her. With every step he took she took one back, her body shaking with fear. But something felt different about her, a power that was inside her trying to get loose. She didn’t seem to know it was there but as I got closer to her the stronger the feeling got.

“Please, leave me alone” She begged.

“But I want to feel you, taste you” he laughed. The women was shaking with fear and I knew I needed to help her. Pressing my hand to her back she froze, and her power flowed through me like a jolt of electric. She didn’t move as the power flowed through both of us but when the guy grabbed her arms she snapped out of the trance she was in. I jerked my hand away like I’d been burnt.

What happened next shocked me and her. She slammed her hands into the guy’s chest sending a bright white light shooting out of her palms. The guy’s body went flying through the air, landing across the street in a heap. The women stood there staring at her hands when another guy appeared in front of her. When she looked up at him he smiled. It was Prince Collin of the Vampires. What is he doing here?

“What is your name beautiful” the Prince asked not taking his eyes away from hers.

“Um…I…Julia” she stuttered out.

“Zeke” David’s voice boomed behind me. I spun around to see David looking sad and angry.

“David?” I asked

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