Chapter One

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Hayley Gilbert
Played by: Kaya Scodelario

I walked downstairs and smiled at my aunt as she looked ready to explode. "Toast. I can make toast." I giggle and hand the coffee over to my sister, Elena. "It's all about the coffee aunt Jenna." I tell her making my own cup. I faked smiles and my happiness. I'm not okay. I haven't been since my sister nearly died last year. I was in Portland, Oregon with some relatives and I had got in a car accident as well. My boyfriend at the time died in the crush. I only had a sprained hand that needed to go through therapy for. I stopped going when I learned about my aunt and uncle. I finished my school year out there before coming back to Mystic Falls. "Can I have a cup of coffee." My brother asked and I gave him a bigger cup then myself. "It's your guys first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." "Lunch money." "I'm okay." Elena and I say. We were twins but looked nothing alike. I had a light brown hair and my eyes were blue. "Okay. A number 2 pencil. What am I messing?" "Don't you have to be at a perscan today?" Elena asked beside me and Jenna checks the time. "A meeting with my thesis!" She quickly took her hair out of the ponytail she had it in. I find Jenna to be an amazing aunt really. I loved her to death and would do anything for her. "Crap!" "Then go we'll be fine." I tell her and she gives me a smile. I was pretty sure I took after Jenna the most. We were so alike. Well before all the death. I'm now just quiet and more sad. "You okay?" Elena asks Jeremy. "Agh. Don't start." I sigh as I watch him leave. I hear a horn and look at Elena who checks the time. "Bonnie come on let's go!" I nod before going over and grabbing my bag. My phone was in my pocket the whole time. I smile at Bonnie as I hope in the backseat with my sister in the front. "So my grams keeps telling me I'm sidekick. Our ancestors were from Salem. Witches and all that I know. She's keep going on and on about it and I'm just like put this women in a home already." I roll my eyes and look outside. "You guys!" I jump and look to Bonnie. "Back in the car." She says with a smile and I force a smile. "I did it again didn't I? I-I'm sorry Bonnie. You're telling my that..." "That I'm sidekick now." "Okay then predate something. About us." She says looking back to me and I keep the smile on my face. "I see-" Something hits the window and Bonnie gasps as my eyes widen and I squeeze my eyes shut. The car came to a jerking stop and I opened my eyes noticing I was holding my sister seat. I breath out and lean back. "Oh my god! What was that?!" Bonnie looked back to me and I closed my eyes again trying to clam my heart down. "I'm sorry you guys. Are you okay?" "It's okay." I tell her. "It was like a bird or something it came out of nowhere." "Really it's okay we cant be freaked out by cars the rest of our life." I open my eyes and relax more. "I predict this year is going to be kick ass. I believe the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy." I nod and smile at her. We go to school and I go off to my locker leaving Elena and Bonnie. I end up finding Bonnie and she was staring at something. "What this?" I asks and look at what or who she was staring at. The guy turns around and I stare after him. He's cute. I follow him and notice my sister bump into him. I chuckle and they were talking to one another before he lets her through. He looks over to me before my sister looks back and he throws her a smile. I grab my sister hand chuckling at her horrible flirting. We get to history which I hated. I wasn't listen and was drawing in the back. I finished and closed my sketchbook. Soon school was over and I walked home. Elena was heading to the cemetery but I didn't want to go. I haven't went since the funeral. I went home and smiled noticing Jeremy wasn't home yet. I got to my room and grabbed my guitar. I started playing a soft melody and felt a tear slip. I sighed and stopped stirring. I leaned against my window and looked outside. Elena came home then left at night. Jenna and I watch the movie. I liked it. The next day it was history class. Agh. "The battle of willow creak. Took place right at the end of the war right in our own Mystic Falls. How many causality resulted in this battle? Miss. Bennett." I looked up from my sketch to Bonnie. "Um...a lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot." "Cute but it comes down in an instant miss. Bennett. Mr. Donavon. Would you like to take this operative to resort your jock stereotypes." "I'm okay Mr. Tanner I'm cool with it." I rolled my eyes and returned to my sketch. "Hayley?" Shit. I look up and he smirks at me. "Surely you can enlighten us about the towns most historical event." "I'm sorry I dont know." I tell him and his eyes harden. "I was willing to be lighten last year for clear reasons. Hayley. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." I felt my heart tighten as he basically dissed me in front of the whole class. I slowly looked down and clenched my pencil. "346 casualties." I looked over to the voice. "Unless your counting the local citizens." "That's correct. Mr..." "Salvatore." "Salvatore. Any relates to the original settlers here?" "Distant." He replies. "Well very good expect there was no local casualties in this battle." "Actually there was 26. Confederate soldiers they fired at a local church believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The folders local artifacts are in city hall if you want to brush up on your facts. Mr. Tanner." I looked at him surprised before smiling wide. That was beyond funny. Tonight was the bonfire but Caroline understood I didn't want to go so she didn't push it. I was now at home watching TV and drawing. I didn't bother leaving my room. I had snacks in my room. It was very rare to see me out of my room. Unless I went for a run or for school. When I came back I never wanted to be around anyone. I like to keep it that way. I looked to the sketch with a frown. It was detailed but I don't know who it is. My only question is...
Who is this?

(Picture to the side)

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