Chapter Twenty Four

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The Reckoning

I started filling cups up with oil after Matt ruined our classroom class mouse traps. The gym doors opens and I. I froze seeing Klaus. "Attention seniors! You have officially been busted! Prank Night is over! Head on home." Holy fuck he has Elena! He made Chad and Dana stay. I try to leave quickly but he appears in front of me. I whisper and he smirks at me. "Probably would had helped me with a lot of trouble if you had told me your sister was alive." "Yeah never would had happened." "When did you two talk!?" Elena snaps and I glare at her. "Agh not now Elena saving your life here." I said and she death glares me. "Ah not going to happen sweetheart." I glare at him slightly upset about that. "Don't hurt her." "Oh I wont. Yet." I growl and go to slap him but he grabs my hand spinning me around and trapping my body against his. My breath hunched as he traced a finger up my side. "Stop trying to slap me." "L-let go." I said and fought the urge to relax. He lets me go and my sisters stares at us shocked. Chad and Dana were doing as they were told but I did catch them turn their head back to each other. Dana whimpers catches my attention. I glare at Klaus. "Where's Stefan?! What'd you do to him?" Klaus pulled me with him and I gave up fighting him once we got to my sister. "Stefan's on a time-out." 'Oh so mature!' The door opens and I look to Bonnie. "Bonnie leave!" I tell her. "Bonnie, get out of here!" My sister says the same I tell Bonnie to leave. Klaus let me go and was suddenly behind Bonnie. Oh God do not let him kill her. "I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started. Uh, Dana, why dont you relax? You and Chad sit tight." I look as they both sit down together. "I assume your the reasons Elena still running around and living." "That's right. If you wanna blame someone, blame me." "Oh there's no need for blame. Your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm gonna have you find the fix." The door opens again and Tyler and some blonde walks in. Oh great what now!? "I'd like you all to meet my sister. Rebekah. A word of warning, she can be quite mean." "Don't be an ass." I liked her already! She shoves Tyler to Klaus and my eyes widen. "Don't!" "Leave him alone!" "I'm gonna make this very simple." Klaus moves close to the center of the gym. "Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." My eyes widen as he pressed his wrist to Tyler mouth. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake..." He covers his mouth and I panic. "No Klaus dont!" "You'd better hurry." He smirks toward me as he snaps Tyler neck. Dana was crying and Matt was sitting by Tyler dead(ish) body. "You killed him." "He's not dead. Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire." I said sitting beside Matt. "And if Bonnie's successful he'll live through his transition. Go on. Go fetch your Grimoires and enchantments and whatnot. I'll hold on to Elena for safekeeping." I stand up but was pulled back. I took my elbow back and smirked to Rebekah as she glares at me. Klaus quickly shoves Elena to her and grabs hold of me. "Second thought you keep Elena for a bit while I try to cool off hothead here." "Well this hothead is going to ram a stake through your heart." I snapped glaring at him. "We're still on the whole ritual thing aren't we? I thought we were over that, sweetheart." "No I'm never going to get over it Klaus. You took her away from me so I'm going to cuss you out as much as I can." "Enough!" Rebekah snaps and we both look at each other before glaring at her. "Good lord you two are like a married couple stop it!" "Oh shut it." I tell her and she growls. "Nik who the hell does she think she is?!" "A human girl who loves to piss off vampires." I tell her smirking. "Hayley! Shut up!" Elena warns me. "Elena! Shut up!" I mock her back in the same tone. "Hayley." "What?!" I snap looking at Klaus. He tugs my wrist quickly taking my bracelet off and making us come face to face. "Go sit down. Don't piss my sister off." I snatched my bracelet back and walked to the bleachers cussing him out under my breath. I swear I need to drink vervain. You think I would had learned by now!? The back door opens and I look over. It's been awhile and my anger went down some. "Stefan." Klaus looks to Stefan from beside me. He pulled me to sit beside him and would not let me leave his side. Rebekah left with Tyler right after Klaus and mine argument. "Klaus." "Come to save your damsel, mate?" "I came to ask for forgiveness and pledge my loyalty." "Well you broke that pledge once already." "Elena means nothing to me anymore." 'Oh you liar!' "And whatever you ask of me I will do." "Fair enough. Hayley sweetheart go to your sister." "I can stand now?" I say using a tone that let's him know I really dont like him. "Yes now go before I change my mind." I stand and walk toward her mocking him. "I can hear you!" "I know!" I yell back. "On another note Stefan. Let's drink on it." I stop where I was and turn to face him confusion written all over my face. He was not about to drink from me. Was he!? He places his hand on the small of my back and pushed me to my sister. "Kill them." I look to who he was pointing to seeing Dana and Chad. "What are you waiting for? Kill them." "No. Stefan, don't." Elena says and I want to slap her. "He's not gonna hurt me. He already said was-" I jumped as she screams landing away from me. Stefan growls and I back away as Klaus chokes him. Okay I did notice he was coming for me. Why out of all people in this gym. Why me? "You dont care about her? Your lies just keep piling up." I help my sister to a comfortable spot. "You okay?" She nods scared. "Let her go. I'll do whatever you want. You have my word." "Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer during which time I never had to resort to this. Stop fighting." I watched as Klaus compelled Stefan and my sister moves closer to me afraid. "I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm gonna have to take it." "Don't. Don't." "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run. You will not hide. You will simply. Just. Obey." He lets Stefan go. "No. Stefan." "Now kill them. Ripper." I hold onto my sister tighter as the veins under Stefans eyes appear. I flinch and close my eyes tightly as he kills them. "It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species have become such a broody lot." "No you did this to him." By now I was just sitting beside Elena and Klaus was behind or in between us. "I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table." We all stand and the door opens. "Where is it?!" I turn around seeing Rebekah. "Where's my necklace!?" "What are you talking about?" "She has my necklace. Look!" Klaus takes the phone and he smiles looking toward Elena. "Well well more lies." "Where is it." "I dont have it anymore." "You're lying!" I dodge her quickly as she nearly bites into my sister. "Lena!" "Knock it off!" "Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" He turns and squats down toward us. "Where's the necklace sweetheart? Be honest." "She's telling the truth. Katherine took it earlier." "Katherina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it'd make things easier for your witch. Since we're doing this the hard way... let's put a clock on it shall we?" He walks toward the timer for the gyms boards and suddenly twenty minutes comes up. "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then I want you to feed again. Only this time." He stops in front of Stefan. "I want you to feed on Elena." "What?!" I said and Rebekah glares at me. "You know you want to. Come now love." I glare at him and he groans. "Always the hotheaded one." He states and yanks me from my sister. I yank away glaring at him. "Hard way with you too huh?" I was suddenly thrown over his shoulder and thanked the heavens I had on jeans today. "If she tries to leave fracture her spine." Rebekah went to go with Tyler and Caroline while Klaus (who was still carrying me the same way) goes in search of Bonnie. "She said Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus ritual. The hybrid cant transition because Elena's still alive." "Tyler." "He's gonna die, isn't he?" "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Klaus says setting me down. I try moving but he pulls me firmly to his side. "Given the choice, doppelganger or hybrid. I go hybrid every time." He soon drags me with him before stopping me. "Hayley." "What?" I asked annoyed. Today was suppose to be fun not crappy. "Go back to the room and wait for me there." "So I dont have to stay by your arrogant ass all the time." He pressed me against the lockers and my eyes locked with his. "Don't push my luck. I may be patient with you but you are only human. Don't mistake it for power." I smile placing a hand on his chest and leaning up so our lips brushed as I spoke. "I mistake nothing. Death for me will be a joy ride." I kneed him and shoved him away. "But I like putting up fights." I walk away hearing him chuckle and glared ahead of me. 'I really really hate him.' I was laying on the table bored when Klaus comes in. "Well the verdict's in. The Original Witch says the doppelganger should be dead." "Does that mean we can kill her?" "No it means the opposite." I hop up smiling. Yes! I got my sister back! "Drink it." "No. No. No! Tyler dont!" Rebekah grip on me seemed harder even though I wasn't fighting her. "If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment. It's okay." I watched Tyler take the blood and tensed as he started well creaking. He looks up and I catch sight of the golden eyes. 'Awe shit! Elena is so screwed!' "Well, thats a good sign." I start walking home having grabbed my jacket from Matt trunk. I was pissed. "Sweetheart." I stop and turn around glaring at Klaus. "What Klaus?!" He walks over to me and cups my cheeks so I can look at him better. "Don't be so upset." "I'm upset because my sister has to die now." "Well no I just need her blood." "This is so not helping." I tell him pulling back ignoring the comfort I felt. I start walking but he grabs my hand spinning me around. I was so close to him. "Klaus what-" His lips brushed mine. My eyes snap to his and I back away slowly. I quickly started to remember theThe dreams I didn't remember now there. The bumping into we had. The savings we had. I stared at him as the tears rose up. "You were there. You were there." I whisper backing up some. He looks at me petty showing. The tears slipped and I turned running off. I covered my mouth as the tears started falling faster blurring my vision. I ran right inside slamming the door behind me and up to my room. I closed my door and covered my mouth as the sobs racked through me. I slide down the door shaking my head.I yank the necklace off and bracelet throwing them. 'No! No!! No!!!' I started crying harder as I started freaking out. What's happening to me!?

Klaus pov-

I waited outside the hospital wanting her blood now so I didn't have to deal with this. "So the doppelganger isn't the problem, her blood is the solution." "Seems so." "How did you know?" She asks looking to me. "Well you know how much the Original Witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?" "A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." "Uh it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective." I said and the fact I killed her could probably have something to do with it. "It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelganger had to die for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead-" "Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." "Leaving me alone for all time." "Is that's what this is about? Your obsessions with hybrids. You just dont want to be alone?" I look at her before speaking. "What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid... get the hell out of this one-pony town. You know why dont you...why dont you go get the trunk I'll go get Elena." She slides off the car walking away. "Well look who finally decide to show up to the party?" "Where is she?" "Elena? Uh shes making a donation to a greater cause." He looks to the hospital and I stop him from going any further. "Can't let you interfere, mate." "Then you'll have to kill me." "OH I would love to but, uh, I made a pledge to your brother and unlike him, I keep my word. Although, thinking about it now he probably doesn't care that much anymore." I sped us to a car and was about to kill him for good when he grunts out the words I never wanted to hear. "Don't you wanna know about your friend Mikael?" I froze at his name. "What do you know about Mikael?" "Just that he knows you're here." "You're bluffing." "Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage." I looked away at this fact. I need to leave now. I throw him into the hummer and leave.

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