Chapter Forty-Eight

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Hayley pov-

I walked through Mystic Falls woods. I remember coming back. I don't remember why. I remember meeting Stefan and the others. Elijah too but's just him. Everything about him is just not adding up. Tim said he turned me into a vampire or whatever and how he was trying to kill me over and over again. I looked around at the clearing I came to. It was beautiful. "You like it?" I jump and look over, seeing the guy from yesterday. He had a bag with him which I found weird. "Yeah. I'm sorry but do we know each other?" I asked confused. He looks at me and a sad smile graces his lips. "We did." "Why can't I remember you then?" He looks at me and I notice the hurt he had. "This is yours." I take the bag and find a phone inside with some other things. I pull the bear out and softly touch it. It seems so familiar yet so...distant. I look at him and smile. "Why don't you show me around...but what's your name?" "Niklaus Mikaelson. But you can call me Klaus." He says and I nod putting the things away. "Hayley Gilbert. I don't have a nickname though." He chuckles and nods. "How about sweetheart?" I chuckle and he smiles. "Sweetheart?" I asked and he smirks. "I like it." I told him and place the bag on. "How about you show me around then Klaus. I'm staying somewhere not so far from here. How about I drop this stuff off and we can go get something to eat." He nods and we leave. I was comfortable around this man. We get there and I walk inside. I heard something and turned to face him. He was looking at the door frame confused. I didn't get it but I smile. "I'll be right back. I tell him and quickly got ready upstairs and notice Tim sleeping. I write him a note telling him I was going to look around with a friend. I grab the bracelet and necklace placing them on and grab my phone leaving. I close the door softly and he stares at me in surprise. "What?" "Nothing." He says and I roll my eyes. "Come on. I'm hungry." "Blood or food?" I look at him smiling. "What's the difference?" He chuckles and I do the same and we leave. We go to Mystic Grill and go for the pool times. I order fries and a milkshake and Klaus gets a Bourbon bottle. I leaned against my pool stick as he broke the balls. "Strips." He states and I roll my eyes. "Solids." I told him bending over and hit the white ball that hit the red solid but didn't make it go in or any others for that matter. "You're still terrible at this." He says and I glare at him. "No, I'm not." "Mhm." He hums out and I smile. He gets his in and I groan. "You are so cheating." "You're not holding it right, sweetheart." He says placing his against the pool table and walks around me. I blush as he positions us to lean over. "Like this." I turn my head to look at him. His eyes look from my arm to me. I stared at him feeling the pull toward him grow. I looked away quickly clearing my throat. He does the same and pulls my hand back and I look to our fingers. 'God, why is this happening?' I thought to myself before we hit the solid black and it went right in with two others scattering toward the holes. I stand still as his hands slide up my arms stopping at my waist before leaving my body. I stood and look at him. "T-thanks." I whispered. He nods. "Here you guys are." Matt says and I smile at him taking my milkshake and fries while Klaus got his bottle. We went to a booth in the back eating. "Tim said you turned me. Is that true?" "It is." "You killed me didn't you?" His eyes darken and I look down. "I wouldn't do that." I look up at him surprised. "You never hurt me?" "Twice I did. Emotionally was the first time. When I did my ritual to become what I am. The second time was when you helped get my brother daggered. I grabbed you but we made up." "That's..." I trailed off and he watches me. "I don't remember that. I mean I remember you killing my aunt. Killing my sister. Everything bad you did but I don't remember that." He sighs and I look down. "Do you want to share?" I ask pushing the fries to him. He looks surprised before taking a fry. Soon we were done and we both left the Grill together. I didn't realize it was getting dark out till we left. "Did you need to drink?" I look at him knowing he meant blood. "Um... no I..." I sighed before smiling. "Sure." He grabs my hand and I feel the warmth run through me. We leave and he compels someone and pulls him with us to an alleyway. I look to him unsure before hearing the man's heartbeat."You know what to do." I nod and look at the man and feeling my pupils dilate. "Don't scream." I bite into his neck and he doesn't scream. I close my eyes pushing us to the wall and feeding. I pull away and sigh in relief. Klaus bites into his hand and I stare at him in awe. He was really captivating. He feeds the man his blood and I tear my eyes away and watch as the man's wound heal. "Remember none of this and go back to where you were." The man nods and walks away. Klaus turns to me and rubs my mouth. "Don't leave the blood on you." He says wiping the blood from the outside of my lips. I lick the blood off my lips and watch Klaus stick his finger in his mouth. I swallow at seeing this and it was a huge turn-on. I blink rapidly trying not to jump his bones right now. "Let's take you home." He says and I nod leaving ahead of him. We get back to the house I was staying at and turn to him. "Thank you for today. You're not that bad of a guy." "You're were looking for the good in me." I giggle and roll my eyes. "I hope to see you later." "I'll call you so we can." I grab the doorknob before stopping myself and turned to him. "Did we date?" He smiles knowing something. "I won't tell you. You'll remember soon...I hope." I relax when he kisses my cheek and lingers there. "Until next time." He says and I nod. "Until next time." I go inside and look back seeing he was no longer there. I was happy. I smiled as I went upstairs and took a shower.

"JENNA! JENNA ANSWER ME!" I yelled trying to find her. "She's probably completed the transition by now." I turn glaring at him. "You're a monster." "Lovely." I glare at him before stomping toward him and slapping him hard. Well, my hard as a human. He pulled me slamming me quickly against the house growling. "Don't do that ever again." "Why? So you can rip my heart out and fed it to your little pets." I growled out. His eyes narrowed. "I wouldn't harm you." "Yeah well, you can go to hell with that being said." I snapped and he smirks. "Close the door." "No." "Hayley." "Klaus." He groans and I smirk. Wait I am not supposed to be so relax around him! I close the door once he let me go and he vamps speed us to the ritual place. "Answer me this Klaus." "What?" "Why have I've been drawing you?" "I can't answer that yet." I glare at him seeing him smirking. "Then tell me this." He looks at me stopping as I do. I look him right in the eyes. "Klaus...What do you want with me." I'm sure the fear I had was laced into my voice. He smirks down at me and rubbed my face gently. "You'll know soon, sweetheart."

"Why'd you invite me here?" I ask him. "I fancy you." I look at him and nod slowly. "You don't believe me?" "No." "Why? You're beautiful. You're strong. You're full of light. I enjoy you." "That's why you've been giving me things?" He smirks at me and I smile. "Could've told me earlier." "Well like you said before. It's complicated." I laugh looking away. "You remember." "You did say it."

I snapped my eyes open and moved from the water looking confused. I get out and throw my hair into a messy bun turning the water off and breathe out. I don't get this. I walk into the room and change from the clothes Klaus brought me. I grab the bear and smile before taking the notecard from it. I look at it with a smile.

1) I need to tell you a secret look at 5

2)The answer is look at 11

3) Don't get mad look at 15

4) Calm down don't be mad look at 13

5) First look at 2

6) Don't be that angry look at 12

7)I'll find a way to fix this. I love you -K

8) What I wanted to tell you is... THE ANSWER IS ON 14

9) Be patient look at 4

10) This is the last time I'm going to do this look at 7

11) I hope you're not mad when I say this look at 6

12) Sorry look at 8

13) Don't get mad look at 10

14) I don't know how to say this but look at 3.

15) You must be really mad look at number 9

"What's that?" I jump and crumple the paper fast. "Tim. Um, it's nothing. I'm tired so I'm just going to go to bed." I tell him standing up to go to a spare one. I can't be with him. He slams me against the wall as I try to pass him and I flinch. "Tim." He takes the paper and the bear. "Don't! Please give that back!" I begged and he glares at me taking the bear's head and ripping it off. I gasp feeling the tears slip over. "There." He shoves it to me. I stare at it before grabbing my phone and bag leaving the room going to a spare one. I slam that door shut and hold the bear close to me. 'Why does it hurt so much when that happened?!' I place the torn bear onto the dresser and unlock my phone. I look to my last call seeing Klaus was there. I didn't bother calling him. I couldn't. I turn on a song and Still by Daughter came on. I smiled and closed my eyes. I don't know why but I want Klaus here.

"The sun's coming up. I can't be here." I told him looking outside. "Yes, you can." I give him a confused look before he holds up a tiny box. "Another gift from a stolen person?" "No. I had this made for you personally." "You already planned on turning me?" "Not really but just for safety measures." I nod and he grabs my left hand. "And from this moment on Hayley Ishea Gilbert, I pronounce you my soul mate." 

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