Chapter Forty One

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The Rager

Hayley pov-

I go to school and groan at the paper that a officer handed me. 'Agh curfew seriously? Damn you Tyler.' I walk inside and go for Alaric class. God I miss him. It's so going to be weird now.

Klaus pov-

"More deputies?" Tyler asked his mother. "Not exactly." I said walking out with another one of my hybrids. "They're hybrids." He said. I smirked walking toward him. I haven't even told Hayley I was in town yet. "I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls." "It's nice to know you care." "I don't." I told him with truth. I hated him and his little friends for trying to kill me. And I'll make that perfectly clear. "I should've killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot." "Yeah well you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend. So maybe we're even." "Not even close. But you hybrids are a dying breed." 'At least until another doppelganger is born. If they're born.' "I cant make more of you, and I wont have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left. Consider them your new bodyguards." I told him and walked away.

Hayley pov-

"Morning everyone." "Fucking kill me." I groaned in front of Stefan now. "Ugh... just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental." Elena states and I nod. "Anyone wanna kill her?" I growl out. "So I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house. Starts in the fifth period, goes till whenever. Spread the word. You're welcome to join girls. To bury the hatchet." I roll my eyes and huff. "It's a pretty enormous hatchet." Elena says. "Well, I'm feeling generous of spirits." I look at the paper smirking. "New house huh? Klaus kicked you out?" I said smiling up at her. "He didn't kick me out. You of all people should know that Hayley. I left." "I really wouldn't know that since last I spoke with him he snapped your neck. Figured he stuffed you in a box somewhere to rot." Her eyes narrow and we glare at each other. "Listen just because you and my brother are fine and in good graces doesn't mean we are." "I never said I liked you." I told her and Elena chuckles. "You left the one person that actually likes you." I look to her and she gives me a look telling me we would talk later. Agh Rebekah you bitch. "Well, your boyfriend liked me once. Actually a lot more than once." "Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?" "Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman?" I clenched the book in my hand and in silence dared her to say something bad about him. "Oh that's right. I killed him." I stood smacking her in the face with the book and she drops the paper glaring at me a huge red mark on her face. "You little bitch." "I get that a lot." She tackles me and we both start fighting. I was pulled off by my sister before I grabbed my things storming out and slammed the bathroom open pacing. 'I'm going to kill that little bitch!' Elena walks in and I notice the blood on her shirt. "What happened?" "Probably stabbed by Rebekah with a pencil after slapping her." I smile to my sister and nod. "I approve." Heather comes in holding her neck and I look up. "Rebekah sent me in here to see if you were okay." "We're fine, Heather." I help clean Elena shirt and Elena threw her napkins away. "I'm not." I look to her neck and feel the veins under my eyes swarm but hold it back. I can't eat her. I can not eat her. "What's wrong girls. Getting hungry." I flinch moving away from her my things falling to the floor. "Why she's so delicious." I ball my fist up backing into the corner. Rebekah smiles to me and pats my cheek before she leaves and I wash my face as Elena tries to cool off. I leave quickly go to the smokers den and grab the table breaking the pieces I had. "Relax Hayley breathe." Caroline says and I glare at her. "You deal with my sister. I'll be back." I state and leave the school going for a walk. I go to Rebekah party and grin.

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