Chapter Thirty Three

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Dangerous Liaisons
Hayley pov-
"It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin." I told them. "As in the Original Witch?" "What? How is she even alive?!" Damon asks and I shrug. "Thought her hybrid freak of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago." "We don't know. I'm guessing she has connections in the witching community." Elena says. "Elijah said she wants to live in peace with her family. Including Klaus." "She was to be the weapon to help us kill him." "Not anymore." I said. I was happy about that but I had a feeling that it would so not last long. "At least not according to Elijah." "That coffin was the one thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds." "Anyone else feeling a little used right now?" "Look. Elijah promised me that his family wont hurt any of us." The bell rings and I walk to it. I open the door but didn't see anyone. I look down and smirk seeing a box with a card that has my name ontop of it. I pick up Elena handing it to her and picking up the box. "What is it?" They asks as we go inside. I kick the door shut and  place the box down. I open my card. "It's an invitation." I said. "Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at 7 O'clock for dancing, cocktails and celebration." Elena says. "Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?" "The original family." I said and flipped my card over.
Hope you like the dress sweetheart
"Not bad enough they're moving into town now they want a housewarming gift?" Damon says. "Wait, there's a note on the back. 'Elena, I think it's time that we finally meet. Esther." Stefan and Damon look to me. "What's in the box?" "Nothing that concerns you." I tell them going up to my room after picking up to box. I lock my room door and windows just in case they try to come inside and open the box. I pull the dress out and place it on my bed. It was a gorgeous dress.
Klaus pov-
I closed the door to the house walking in. "You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?" "Here we go." 'And to think I've missed that?' "Do you want another dagger in your heart?" "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol asks which yes I really need to dagger him again and burying him at the bottom of the ocean. "Oh. Go back to staring at yourself." "And who are you, my father?" "No, Kol! But you are in my house." I told him glaring at him. "Then perhaps we should go outside." We stood glaring at each other. "Enough! Niklaus. Come." I followed my mother ignoring Kol. "Rebekah wasn't out of her box a day before she tried to ruin my life. What happened to peace? Acceptance? Family?" I ask her and she turns to face me. "You put daggers in their hearts. You want them to go on their knees and kiss your feet for reuniting them?" "So it's a crime to want our family to be as we were?" "You need to give it time, Niklaus. I've had a thousand years on the other side to be angry and to heal. I'm here to make sure this family does the same." (bitch you lyin!~) "I just don't understand." I tell her. "I killed you and still you forgive me." She walks closer to me and I look at her. "It's been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now who are you bringing to the ball this evening?" I smile looking down. "Don't be ridiculous. You're lucky I'm even going." "Well, I wish you would reconsider. It's going to be a magical evening."
Hayley pov-
Elena and I went to the grill to meet up with Caroline. "This is all so weird." "The Originals are throwing a ball. Like an actual ball." "It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is! And why does the witch want an audience with you?" Caroline asks that part to Elena. "I have no idea. But there's only one way to find out." "I thought you told Damon and Stefan you weren't going." I said. "I did. Which is all the more reason I need a drama-free bodyguard." "Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux. And by that I mean Stefan." "I think Damon would look better in a tux then Stefan." I pointed out and they both give me a look. "Fine I'll shut up." I mumble getting on my phone. "Careful Caroline. It's all well and good till she stabs you in the back." Rebekah says and I look up to her. "What are you doing here? I know your moms rules. No murdering the locals." 'Agh Elena shut up!' "Get over yourself, Elena. It's not all about you." We look at each other as she walks away and I look back and smirk seeing her and Matt talking. 'Awe they would look so cute together!' "Oh my god! She's inviting him to the ball! Why is she inviting him!?" "Probably to get this reaction from us." "Or so she can hook up with him." "Hayley!" Caroline says annoyed. "Good grief I can never do nothing!" I whined. "What time is this stupid ball?" Caroline huffs out and I chuckle before leaving. Elena stayed longer so her and Care could go get dresses. (NO Klaroline moments EVER!-well not ever-) I get to the shoe store and find heels that could match my dress. "So you are coming then." I jump spinning around seeing Klaus standing there. " never mind." I told him and he smirks grabbing the heels. "Come on." "No Klaus you don't have to." "Well I'm not letting you walk." "Stop your damn stalking." I grumble as we left the store having paid for it. After I told him no compulsion was needed. "I thought you didn't want me to walk." "Alone sweetheart." I smirk at him and stop at the end of my street. "Your mother comes back so you're nicer now?" "No. I'm still mean." "There goes that good side." I told him taking my bag. "I'll see you at seven." "Don't make me wait long sweetheart." "Oh poor hybrid. I'll make you wait." I told him with a smile. I walk the rest of the way home and find quickly that I was grinning. God what the hell is happening to me?!
-Ball TIME!-

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