Chapter Twenty Three

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"She's in denial!" I said walking to fridge. Elena throws a pepper at me and I chuckle. I grab an ice cream bar. "Am not!" I flinched at her tone glaring at her. "Yeah bitch hang over are shit aren't they?" I mocked her throwing a stem of grapes at her. She huffs putting down the knife. Her eyes landed on my necklace and she walked over. "Where'd you get this?" I froze and she glared at me. "Hayley." "Oh the door!" I run for it and we get there the same time yanking it open. Caroline jumps and I smile at her. "Tell me it's not chilli." I said pouting and wanting something more sweet then that. She giggles shaking her head no. "Surprise!" Bonnie says and I squeal hugging her tightly. She hugs me before hugging my sister. "I leave town for the summer and everything goes to hell for the three of you?" "Bonnie." "Jeremy." I awe as they hug.

Klaus pov-

I was thankful Stefan finally came back. Agh Rebekah and shopping I forgot how annoying she really was. None the less she is my sister. Who tends to be like me more or less. "Whats she doing?" "Failing." I tell him bored and sick of waiting for her to do her damn spell to locate my sister necklace. "Hard to find something without anything to go on." "So use me. I only wore it for 1000 years." Rebekah says hopping off the bar and walking to Gloria. "See? Now this one offers a solution. Alright, give me your hand sweetheart." "She's uh-- she's looking for the necklace huh?"

Hayley pov-

I carried the cork pot over to the other corner we had as Elena leaned against it. "The problem with my dads normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer." Bonnie says and I chuckle. "After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family." Elena takes the lad off the pot and Caroline starts to pour chili in it. "Since when do you learn how to cook." "Damon helped a little." "So did I." I scolded her and she shoots me a glare. "Okay since when was Damon helping Miss. Elena to cook?" "Both of you stop judging. He's just trying to be a good--AH!" I look at my sister scared as she tries to get something from hurting her. "Did I splash you?" "No. No, my necklace."

Third person (Cant go back and forth with that quick of a thing ya know?)

"I can sense something." Gloria says. All the three vampires looked to the witch wanting to know what it was. Stefan hopping she wont rant out Elena or himself for lying to Klaus.
Elena pulled at her necklace looking to Bonnie. "It burned me." "Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it." Hayley agrees with Caroline since she didn't know why Elena wanted to keep something that reminded her of Stefan. But then again she was wearing a necklace Klaus got her and felt bad about judging her sister on that matter. "Caroline." Bonnie says. "What? I'm just sayin. If you're gonna be cooking without Stefan." "Let me see it." Back in Chicago Gloria held onto Rebekah hand tighter to be able to see the blurred vision she was having. In Mystic Falls Bonnie, Elena, Hayley, and Caroline all watched the necklace. Bonnie reached her right hand out and touched it. It sparked and everyone jumps as Elena drops it. Gloria releases Rebekah hand confused. She looks to Stefan figuring out that she was Elena, Hayley and their friends rather quickly. "I found it." She says. "So where is it?" "It doesn't work like that doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends." "Yes! A dead girl with dead friends if I dont get my necklace back." "I have to dive back in and get the details." "So dive." Klaus says believing it should be easy for his little witch friend. "I need more time." Klaus leans by her wanting to hurry and contact the witch or his mother to know why the hell his hybrids weren't working. "And space." Gloria says. "You're harshing my juju." "We can wait." "I'm sure you can. But thats not what I asked." Stefan walks over and pats Klaus back. "Hey. Hey, you know, why dont we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat." The three originals soon leave and Gloria rubs her neck. 'What did I get myself into?' She thinks to herself.

Hayley pov- (Jumping around like a lily frog!)

I sat beside my sister in a chair I pulled over and Caroline was on a bench. Bonnie comes and I smile at her. "Hey. Okay, I got it. I have an identification spell so that I might be able to tell me what magic affected the necklace. It's gonna take a while so tell me if anyones coming okay?" I smile at our witchy friend. Not even a day back and we got her working. Poor Bon-Bon. "So you're not like, switching Salvatores, are you?" "What?" "Caroline." Bonnie and I say. "Stay focused. As your friend who worries for you daily, what is the deal with you and Damon?" "There is no deal." 'I smell bullshit!' I thought but didn't comment on that lie. "He's been just as focused on finding Stefan." "That doesn't make him any less Damon." Caroline says and I get confused. Sure Damon a douche all the time but is that because he used her as his own feeding bag or something? "If my own father, who I love dearly, cant change one's changing Damon, not even you." "I think she can!" I say happily and Caroline glares at me. "Or not." "Why are we even talking about this?" My sister asks. "Hey, guys." Bonnie says and we all look to her. "Bonnie what the hell are you doing?!" I asked panicked. "I'm not doing anything." We watch it float into the air doing a 360. "It has it's own magic." 'Oh perfect a magical necklace that burns people! Lovely!' That night we leave or get ready to leave but Damon snaps Alarics neck. "What is wrong with you!?" Elena says and Damon pushes me aside and walks off. Elena calls Caroline and tells her about Damon wanting to kill her dad. We both ran inside when we heard fighting. "Well I'm angrier!" I covered my mouth to hide a laugh. Caroline leaves with her dad. "Aw. Bummer. I love a good girl-fight." "You cant do this anymore, Damon." 'And this is where I leave.' I slowly back away from this approaching conversation and leave going outside.

Klaus pov-

I walked through the warehouse that held my family and where Rebekah and Stefan were. "Glori's gone, she has cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately." I stopped and noticed my sister smiling. "What's going on?" I looked to Stefan. "Something's wrong. He was asking about Mikael." I glare at him a sense of betrayal coming in I know far to well now. "He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it." 'Knew there was a reason other then that necklace I brought this little devil back.' "She's wrong." He turns to me and I frown. "Klaus." I speed over snapping his neck. After we reached Mystic Falls even though the urge to see Hayley again I couldn't just leave poor Stefan here. I kicked his foot to wake him which he did. "Just let me explain myself." "No need. I'm not mad. I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts. Borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding." I walk to the door and pull it open. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan." 'Lovely.'

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