Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter 38-

I walk downstairs hearing talking. Stefan brought me a blood bag earlier before Elena had to invite me in. Did you know if you're not invited in and your inside it's really hard to breath. I tilt my head confused as someone stands in the kitchen. "Elijah?" I asks and he turns to me. "Hayley." I smile and he was in front of me and we hug. He sniffs me before growling. He lets me go and glares toward the others. "What happened to make her a vampire?!" "Alaric snapped her neck." Elena says and he looks to me. "Um...I was trying to save Klaus which reminds me where is he?" I asks looking to the others. Elena looks panicked and I raise an eyebrow. "Lena what happened?" "Bonnie used a spell meant for Alaric on Klaus when they went to save Elena. He was going to kill her after draining her of blood." I press my lips together frowning before nodding. "I'm going for a walk and I'll be home soon." "Hayley." Elena says and I look at her. "I just need time to process that." "Why? He tried to kill all of us." I held my sister against the wall and everyone was surprised. I was too but I was pissed. "Because Elena he meant something to me!" I let her go and she gasp rubbing her neck. I left quickly and was on the wickery bridge by the time I knew it. I leaned against the bars breathing out. I breath out before looking out to the water.

I laughed as Tim chased after me on the beach. He grabs my waist and swings me around as I laugh happily. He places me on my feet and I turn around kissing him. "You are the best boyfriend ever." "I know." I shoved him and he chuckles. "You're my very best girlfriend ever. I love you always." I grin and hug him. "I love you always & forever."

I look to the road and reach up touching my necklace. 'Klaus...Tim...'

I was laughing as Tim drove his car and pulled to a stop sign. "Once we get there. I want to show you something." "Okay." I told him looking out the window. My eyes locked with blue ones and I sat up straight. I turn looking back as we drove. 'I know him. From somewhere.' The sun was setting now so I must had thought I saw someone else. "Something wrong?" "Ah no... I just thought I saw someone." He chuckles and I turn back looking over to him. "TIM LOOK OUT!!" I yelled before the car smashed into the side of our car.

I left quickly going home. I didn't need to remember that. I go home but find no one there. My phone rings and I answer it. "Hello?" "Klaus is dead. Hayley I am so sorry." I felt the tears wield up at this. "It's okay Elena. I'll see you soon. Where are you?" "Matt taking me out of town. But I'm coming back. I want to say goodbye to you and Stefan." "That's sweet of you Elena. I'm sorry about earlier." "No it's okay. See you soon." "Yeah see you soon." I mumble before hanging up. I go upstairs and slam my room door shut. I started crying at that but I didn't feel like I lost him. I quickly go to the mirrors and look at my tattoos. They were still there. I don't know why I looked to them but they calmed me down. I got them when Klaus became a hybrid. I touch the tattoo smiling. I don't think he's really gone.

Klaus/Tyler pov-

"Tyler? Tyler?!" I heard Caroline voice. Alright time to be Tyler. I ran inside and notice her crying. So news travels fast. "Caroline?" "Tyler!" "Hey." "Oh my God!" I hug her as she throws her arms around my neck. "Hey. Sorry, I was just with Bonnie -cough spell time!!-" She looks at me still crying. "What happened?" "Klaus died. He's dead." I look down and around and had to act like I was dead. In a sense I am until I get my body back. I grabbed Caroline shoulders and looked at her. "You're going to be fine, Caroline." "No, it's not me that I'm worried about." "There's no point. I'm a lost cause. But you're strong and you have a beautiful future ahead of you. And when you make it through this...just tell my mom I left town like I was supposed to, okay?" Well time to act like I'm dying. (hint- I'm putting Klaus in his body rather early.)

Elijah pov-

I turn around facing my little sister. "He's gone, Elijah. There was nothing I could do to stop it." I quickly made my way to my sister and hugged her. I pulled away not understanding. I just talked with Hayley. "Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the rest survived. You said that Niklaus turned their bloodline." "He did." "It wasn't me it wasn't Kol." "It' wasn't me, Elijah. It was Niklaus, I'm sure of it." I narrowed my eyes. "Hayley would be dead by now." "She's not?" "No. The exact moment Niklaus would had died so would she." I looked to Rebekah again. "How are they still alive?"

Klaus pov-

"I know you're here." I walked out smirking. "I must say, you really did that spell brilliantly. I didn't think you had it in you." "I did it to save my friends and my mother, Klaus. Not you." I smirk. "The spirits wont be happy with you." "Spirits don't get to tell me what to do anymore. I'm done getting pushed around by all of you. I did it because I wanted to." I nod at her. 'Hayley sweetheart. I'll be there soon.'

Hayley pov-

I ran straight to the hospital after Stefan called me. Meredith stops me and I look at her. "What happened to her?" I hissed and she looks behind me. I look back seeing Damon. "Where is she?!" "She needed my help. I helped her you guys." I stare at her shocked. "Meredith why." I whisper and rush to find my sister. I enter the room as Elena gasps awake. 'No.'

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