Chapter Twenty Five

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Smells Like Teen Spirit

Hayley pov-

I walked to the training area Alaric and I started using. I wanted to protect my sister and myself from Klaus. But I've been shitty since then. "Evening Ric." I said and he smiles at me. He helps me with everything and I punch the dummy. The stakes came clean out and he chuckles. "What?" "You are so much better at this then Elena." I laugh and nod. "So why are you training? I expect Elena but not you." I look at him and place the stakes back in. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I told him and punched the dummy again. "What would be worse then what's happening here." I look at him and his eyes widen some. I breathed out before taking off the glove thing. "I've known Klaus for the past three years. I've known him. We met a lot and each time he compelled me. Wanna know the worst part? He's the reason I survived that crash." He looked shocked before nodding. "Yeah I never should had asked." We spare hand and hand now which I was able to get him to the ground and press a stake to his heart but didn't kill him. It's been a week since and we have school. I walk inside the school and very annoyed. Today has been very shitty from the start. I close my locker and jump seeing Stefan. "God! Why?!" I snapped at him. "Klaus wants me to keep an eye on you. Keep you out of trouble. Ya know that kind of stuff." "Well tell him he can shove you watching me up his ass." I told him and tried walking away. He grabbed my arm and I glared at him. "You're not wearing vervain." I froze and narrowed my eyes. "What of it?" "Then you wont mind if I have a little snack huh?" He grabs my wrist and I yank away. "Leave me alone." I push him into the lockers and leave. I take my phone out calling Klaus. "Ah you called sweetheart." "Don't fucking sweetheart me Klaus." I said annoyed. "Next time you want Stefan to watch me or whatever. Don't have him threaten to drink from me! Got it?!" I warned and he growls. "He did what?" "OH so you didn't know then? Surprising since you compelled him to watch me. My sister and Tyler too I guess? Do me a huge ass favor and leave me the hell alone." "Can't do that sweetheart." "No you can and you will." I told him before hanging up as the bell rings. I walk into the class room and go to my seat putting my head down bored and mad. "Hayley?" "What?" I growled and looked to my sister. "You okay?" "Peachy." I told her as the others came in. She hesitates but takes her seat anyway. Caroline comes in as I sit up. "You're in my seat." The kid moves and I frown. "Welcome back, seniors. Let's um..turn our brains back on, starting with these country's original founders. The Native Americans." "What about the Vikings?" I roll my eyes and put my head down. Today is really about to be a long day. "Well there's no evidence Viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" "My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history is my favorite subject." After school I was running the track wanting to ignore this all. "Watch it dick." I stop beside my sister and glare at Stefan. "Who are you?" "Lena come on." I told her and Stefan walks over to us. "The guy who's been assigned to protect a human blood bag and the sister." I glare at him and he walks in front of us. "I mean no offense or anything." My sister pulls me along with her and Stefan calls out a 'what' to us. I leave running home. I hate today. After going home and changing. Elena and I left together. So after our meeting we all go separate ways. I was drinking when seeing Elena leaves with Stefan. I text Alaric telling him they left together. We meet together and see Stefan catch my sister. I shot Stefan and he falls. "You okay?" Ric asks her. "Yeah. I'm fine." "You look so not sober." I tell her. "The plan worked. That's all that matters. Let's just get him out of here." Alaric carries him as I toss the gun inside. I get into the back and Elena gets into the front. I was on my phone when I looked up. "Elena! Hayley!" I froze as the fire started wrapping around the side I was on. I hurried to the other side and Elena and I couldn't open the door. "What's going on?!" I asks her and she looks back to me. "I dont know!" She tries unlocking but the doors wouldn't budge. I turned kicking the window I was by, not really getting anywhere. Ric tries opening her window but the flames get bigger. Now would be an awesome time to be a vampire. The air gets harder to breath and I lean against the seat as my sister tries getting me to focus on her. "Lena Stefan." She looks to me panicked before calling for Stefan in the mist of her coughing. Elena tries getting me out but I shake my head motioning her out first. "Hurry up before it blows." "Wait! Hayley!" "Where is she?" They were so distinct. "I can get her!" "No Elena we dont have time!" That was the last thing I heard.

Klaus pov-

I yanked the door open and pulled Hayley out leaving right as it exploded. I could hear Elena screams for her sister. I set Hayley down lifting her head onto my lap and bit into my hand. " I cant leave you for a second can I?" I said annoyed and pressed my wrists to her mouth. "Hayley sweetheart drink." I told her rubbing her hair. I felt her mouth open as her eyes started to open. I smirked down to her as she grabbed my hand. I pull away as she lays her head against my chest. "Why." She whispers and I rub her cheek. "You would had died tonight if I hadn't been coming back." "Why did you come back?" She starts coughing and I pick her up heading to my car. "I just did." "Thank you." I stopped walking as she wrapped her arms around my neck weakly. I thought my blood would help her. She probably needs water. I set her down in my backseat and hand her a water bottle. "Drink. I'll take you home." I tell her and she looks at me. I hated what I was feeling toward her. She's annoying, stubborn, hotheaded, but I still protect her. I watch her careful before she lays down. "Hayley." I growl and she groans. "What?" "What are you doing?" "Going to sleep." I grab her pulling her to me. She sits up a look of annoyance on her face. "Come on I'm taking you home." "What if I dont want to go back?" I stare at her unsure if that's really what she wanted to do. "Where would you go?" "Portland. I almost died tonight. The last place I want to be is here." I smirk at her. "What if I took you with me." "You're just going to come back later for Elena." "Maybe I will." I tell her smirking. "But you will go home. I'll be back. I'll call you each day to make sure you're okay. I wont let anything happen to you." I knew I wasn't compelling her but I was telling her what to do. It was her choice to follow it or not. She looks down and grabs my hand. "Okay. Okay. I'll go." I pick her up again and she pulls her phone out. "I didn't lose it." "Well good thing then." I tell her and she holds me tighter. "Good night sweetheart." I whispered as I made it to her house. I placed her onto the swinging chair and shook my jacket off laying it on top of her. I look back knowing they were coming home. I take my things from my pockets and leave.

Elena pov-

I held onto my arm as we got home. I got out of Damon car before my eyes widen. "Hayley." She was sleep on the porch. I ran to her and her eyes flattered open. "Hayley! You're alive! How?!" She moves sitting up and I notice the jacket. She does too a smile on her lips as she sees it. "A miracle." She says and stands taking the jacket with her and going inside. She stops as I walk after her. "Hayley." "Elena...What I did tonight. I wanted you to live. So thank you for trying to save me." I smile and hug her. She hugs me back before going to her room.

Hayley pov-

I laid down and grab the bear holding it again. I dont get Klaus. But I'm glad he saved me. Not just now but before. He's changing without anyone else noticing it. I take my phone out seeing a message from his number.

Sweet dreams sweetheart. I hope you are alright now

Thanks again and I'm fine. Really Klaus thank you for today.

I couldn't stay up for his reply because the moment I closed my eyes was the same moment I was sleep.

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