Chapter Forty-Seven

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Hayley pov-

"Tim," I whispered and he smiles at me. "I'm sorry I left you like I did baby. But you seem close with that monster." I grew defensive about that. Klaus is not a monster! "He isn't a monster! He's just misjudged." "Misjudged? He killed me, Hayley. And he killed your family members or did you forget that?" I glare at him standing up now. "Klaus may have killed Jenna and I didn't forget that but I'm not going to let that ride over the fact that I love him." "You love him huh?" He says and I notice the cold look in his eyes. "Yes," I say and was suddenly against the wall. I flinched turning my head away from his. "How are you alive?" "Annabel. Did you know she was a witch? Guess that comes in handed." I look at him and he smirks at me. "Didn't know that huh?" "Why didn't you come back? Call at least." "Because I was meant to be dead. My parents buried me." "Well, then how are you here?" "Grave robbers." I look down sadly. I push him from me not liking how close we were and the fact that my old feelings were coming back full force. "I mourned for you! I almost died more than once because of you! I was bullied because I was blamed for the fact that you died in that crash and not me! I was blamed by your whole family! By our friends! By everyone we ever knew and loved because they thought you were dead!! And this whole time you're alive and not once did you decide I had to let her know I was alive! That you were okay!?!" I yelled at him mad. I was even pissed he blamed Klaus. He did nothing wrong. He saved me that day and Tim was already dead by the time someone got there. At least I thought he was. "You truly loved me didn't you?" "Oh please." I scoff even though I knew it was true. I still do. I have long for so long that we could be together again. But then Klaus...we're just there with each other. He grabs my face and I glare at him. "You say you don't love me right?" "That's right." "Say it then." I searched his eyes unsure. I don't think I can. "Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't love me now." I looked up at him and smirked. "Fine. I don't love you. That probably went away when I met Klaus. Everything about you just dropped off to nothingness. I love him." Anger showed through his every being and his hand tightens on my cheek as he growled. "I'll show you. You never stop loving your first." He growls out before my neck suddenly turned and I fell into complete darkness.

Klaus pov-I walked through the woods before my phone went off. I was no longer in Virginia. Bonnie thankfully was able to figure out where she was. The state but not the area. "Hello?" "Find anything?" "I'm in Georgia right now. Has Bonnie figured out where?" "A small town called Indigo. (made that up XD) A building off the highway." He tells me and I sigh in relief. "Thank you, Elijah. Have you dealt with the damn hybrids I had once sired to me?" "No haven't dealt with them." "What?!" I growl out pissed that he hasn't yet. "I'm dealing with them. Torturing them for every second Hayley is not returned to us." "Good. Kol is there?" "He seemed to taken a liking in Bonnie." "His soul mate. I noticed." I said rolling my eyes before smirking. Too bad I can't kill his. I would so much love ripping her apart. "As for Paige (originally Hayley Marshall), I'm dealing with her." "Good," I tell him and hang up.Hayley pov-I woke up again and listened. I was alone. I stood up and slowly walked out. I don't think they thought I would wake up so earlier. I left quickly and ran through the woods. I slowly started to slow down at how dizzy I got. 'What the...?' I noticed for the first time since I woke that I had a long sleeve on with ripped jeans. I lifted the sleeve up before seeing an area of my skin where it was basically turning into a werewolf bite. Well, the infection. He had werewolf venom. I push myself to keep moving at a slow pace and end up caking myself in the dirt at one point. I suddenly feel relaxed and realized I was probably getting close to Klaus. But I couldn't go on. I can't go forward. I let my hand slide from the tree and fell to the ground. I looked to my left letting my eyes close. I was going to die without Klaus.
Klaus pov-
I followed her scent before noticing the fading of it. I growled and vamp speed to where it was at its strongest. I saw her lying there and made my way to her. I lifted her up and looked her over. Her breathing was coming in short and she was out of it. I pulled at her sleeves and grunted. I bit into my hand and pressed it against her mouth fast. "Come love. Don't you die on me." I whispered and felt her fangs pierce into my fang marks. I hold back and watch her closely. Her eyes squeezed after a moment and she relaxed against me. I felt her fangs remove and pulled my hand back. "Hayley. Sweetheart wake up!" I growled at her.Hayley pov-
I opened my eyes and looked up. I lifted my hand up shaky and touched his face smiling. "Klaus." He smiles down and a tear falls on me. I smile and sit up crashing our lips together as the tears spilled over. He pulled me closer to him and I was just happy to see him. I moved away quickly at the searing pain in my shoulder and collar bone. I pulled down my shirt and Klaus stares at it. "What's happening?" "I don't know." I felt for it but didn't feel anything. Was it even there anymore? "Where is it?" "It's not there." He whispers horrified. I frown before looking behind him. "Tim," I said and got up standing in front of (behind) Klaus. "What are you doing here?" "Came to see the final act?" "The final wh-" I stopped quickly before everything seemed to just be blanked out from my whole mind. I turn my head looking around. "Where am I?" I hear someone stand behind me. "Hayley...sweetheart." I spun around not liking being called that. I glared at the man in front of me. "Who the hell are you?" "What did you do!?" He looked furious. "I helped her." I look at him confused before taking his hand. "Tim I don't know why we're here but I want to leave." He nods and kisses my forehead. "Of course babe." I smiled up at him but feel a drawing...a want toward that man as we started to walk away. His eyes were moist like he wanted to cry. That's when I saw the stray tear fell. I stared at him sadly and not knowing how I could help that man feel better. Why did he care anyway? We get back to a house and I cuddle into his side smiling. "I love you, Tim." He kissed my forehead smiling. "I love you too Hayley." 

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