Chapter Four

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I go to school and work with the Halloween party. "Here's your costume. Whats your sister wearing tonight?" "I have no idea and thank you." I take the bag with a smile. It was night and I come back all dressed up. I sneak out since Elena has been gone all day and so has Jeremy and I didn't want to talk to them right now. Elena finds me passing out candy. "Hey have you seen Jeremy?" "No why?" "Vicki here." My eyes widen and I leave the basket alone and we run back inside looking everywhere. Okay Jer come on do not be with that vampire chick. I separate from Elena and headed to the back. Why didn't I check the stonier den first. "Vicki! Stop! NO!" I ran outside and toward my brothers voice. I grabbed a bottle I seen and saw Vicki about to bite my brother. "Vicki no!!" She tosses Jeremy aside and I smash the bottle on her head. Um yeah that didn't stop her. She threw me and I grunted as I landed on a pile of wood. 'Agh seriously.' I stand and Elena runs out and I flinch as Vicki just vanishes. "Get inside all of you!" Elena helps me toward the door. I get her inside first before I was yanked out. I felt a pain in my neck and screamed. She stops and I hold a hand to my neck and gasped when wood pierced through her chest. Well of course. Elena looks at me in shock and tires a piece of her costumes and helped stop the bleeding. I closed my eyes as my brother started crying. "Take them home." I look to Elena before leaving the other way. "Where are you going?" I turn to my sister and shrug. "I'm going home. Without that vampire." I said glaring to Stefan. He tensed up and looked away before leaving with my brother. I leave myself and go home. "Look Hayley I-" "Do me a huge favor Stefan and stay the hell away from my sister and I. Even my brother. We've had enough." "I can heal you." "No I rather you not." I growl and go upstairs. I took a shower before heading to bed after putting a gaze over the neck bite. I flopped onto my bed and went to sleep.

I was in the woods and looked around me. "Darling...what happened?" I turned around seeing the same guy I've been sketching for weeks. "Who are you?" He was in front of me and touched my neck. "What happened tonight?" I shake my head as the tears escaped. "Vicki." I whisper and my knees go weak and I fall crying. The guy drops to my side and holds me in a hug. " love." I hold onto his shirt tighter and he pulled my face up. "Stop crying." I blink away the tears and he rubs the tears away. "When you wake up you wont remember any of this." "I wont remember any of this." "Until I say so."

I gasp awake and fell back onto my bed. Stefan had left his blood earlier which I had to drink cause Elena wouldn't leave it alone. I sat on the couch beside Jenna and huffed. I placed my feet on the table and ran a hand threw my hair. "My wallowing was legitimate. I got dumped." Jenna said to Elena. "Yeah well Logan's a jerk." I said and look to her. She gives me a look and I smile. "You two didn't get a brush off email saying 'Leaving town. See ya.' " "Wanna keep it down over there?" Jenna sat up and looked back. "Why what are you doing?" "Homework." Elena and I looked at each other before sitting up and looking back toward our brother. What the hell? "Since when do you do homework?" Elena asked. "I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I got a quiz tomorrow so..." "What do you think? Alien?" I asked them. "Some sort of replica." Jenna says beside me. "He can hear you." Jeremy says and I smirk at him. I go to bed and Jenna wakes me up. I groan and flip away. "Oh come on! You and me are having a day together." "We always do." I grumble and she chuckles. "Well come on!" I wake up and turn to look at her. "Fine." We go to the spa together before heading to her school where I helped with her work. Surprising I am able to do a lot of her work and she's in college.  We go back home near midnight and go to sleep. I woke up in her room and was on the floor. I glared up at her knowing all too well she must had kicked me out of the bed in her sleep. I left heading to my room. I showered and changed before heading to school with Elena and Care. I roll my eyes as I get to my locker and notice Elena by herself. Stefan must be avoiding her. Good. I grab my history things before heading to class. I watch Bonnie come in nearly late and was surprised. Shes normally here early. "Good morning everyone." Oh new teacher! "Alrighty then." He writes his name on the broad. His full name shocking. "Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful. I know. It doesn't actually roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family immigrated here in 1775 in Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough." Okay he kept talking and I just zoned the hell out. I laid in the back seat as Bonnie started talking about Damon. "He scared me." "You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible." "I'm trying. He just keeps showing up." "I dont want you being alone. You're sleeping at my place tonight." Clearly Elena though I had my music on since my headphones were in and I was on my phone playing temple run. I loved that game. Bonnie suddenly pulls over and I die in my game.  I huff and sit up. "What the hell?" "I dont even know." Elena replies to me and Bonnie gets back in the car. When we get home I leave to the Grill with Jenna and Jeremy. I sat with Jenna and she was checking Alaric out. Yes I knew they would look cute together! "So did you pick a topic?" I asked and he shrugs. "No not yet. It has to be research and non internet." "Well thats easy you got your dads stuff." Jenna says and I raise an eyebrow. "What stuff?" Jeremy asks. "How-the-Gilberts-came-over-on-the-Mayflower stuff." I smirk and shake my head. Jenna I'm sure you dont just flow that stuff together like that. "All that family lineage. You dad really loved all that family-history stuff. It's all boxed up in the closet." I grin when I see Alaric coming over. "Mr.Saltzman!" I say happily. He smiles at me. "Miss. Gilbert. Jeremy." They do some handshake and Jeremy introduces him to Jenna. "Jeremy was just telling me about his paper. Thanks for giving him another chance." "Oh you know it was my first day. I wanted to make a good impression." I look at Jenna smiling face and hide my smirk with my hands. Jeremy and I both slip away and walk home. I open the door and jump when Elena and Caroline scream. "What the hell?" Jer ask beside me. "Jesus guys you scared me." Jeremy goes inside and Caroline just leaves. I listen to my sister as she paces back and forth on the phone. "Come on." "Oh okay." I follow her out and we go to the cemetery. I run ahead of my sister. "Bonnie!" Stefan stops both of us and I watch the necklace explode. The flames go out and I gasps when Damon bites into Bonnie. What the hell!? "Shes alive but barely. I can save her." He gives her blood. I watch her neck heal and Elena states the obvious. I cut my music on not wanting to hear Elena and Stefan talk. We go home and I go to my room and head right to bed.

A/N- I was a very shitty writer but promise you the writing gets a lot better as the chapters go on.

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