Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter 36-

I walk inside the house and sigh. This has been exhausting week. I figured out today was the roaring twenties instead of 70s like Caroline wanted because Rebekah was on the head of the committee. I went to my room and heard the downstairs door close. I look out of my room seeing Elena come upstairs. "Welcome back!" I said happily and she jumps before spinning around to look at me. "Hayley!" She runs and we hug. "I leave once and everything turns into hell." "You have no idea." She says and I laugh. "Well who are you going with?" "Stefan." "OH." I said and smile at her. "Well we should get ready for the dance seeing the time." "Wait you have an outfit?" "Mhm." I wasn't going to tell her I asked Klaus for one of Rebekah just in case I came back in time for the dance. He doesn't even know I'm here. "Brought it in Portland." She nods and I smile. We get dressed before I get a ride with Caroline since Elena was going with Stefan. I get swept into hugs before dancing with random people. I was having so much dancing when a slow song came on. I danced with the guy beside me and was smiling. I notice my sister leaving and frown. What's she doing? It was another song slow of course when a voice brought me to my attention. I stopped dancing and looked over seeing Klaus. "I didn't know you were back in town sweetheart." "Well I guess that can go both ways seeing the way I do." He frowns eyeing the guys hands. "Excuse me mate but remove your hands." He does slowly and I smile to him. "Another time Josh." He nods smiling to me. "Sure thing Hayley." I go to Klaus who growls low. "Oh don't be protective." I told him and he chuckles. "I can be." He spins me slowly then I rest a hand on his shoulder as his goes around my waist. "You would had loved the '20s, Hayley. Girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped." I chuckle looking to him. "Sadly that didn't happen to you." He looks at me and I notice the sadness he held. "I'm leaving town tomorrow." "I just got back." I told him softly and he sighs. "Well I would invite you to come with me but we both know you wont accept that offer as long as your family isn't safe. Perhaps one day, in a year or so you'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer." We both stop and look at each other. I look to his lips before biting my own. "I" I slip from his arms and walk away. Jeremy stops me and tells me about Esther who took Elena. We go into a room and I was standing by the desk leaning against it. "She does this all the time, right?" Jamie asks beside me. "What's taking so long? All boundary spells have a loophole." Klaus says and Matt comes in so I turn to face him. "People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier." "Well if Matt, Hayley and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We gotta find out where she is." "That's suicide, Jeremy." Stefan says and I glare at him. Klaus was suddenly gone and Jamie was no longer by my side. I turn around fast seeing Klaus holding Jeremy up in the air. "Suicide would be disappointing me. Now, work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy." "Let him go!" "Not until you get us out of here." "Klaus." He looks to me and I frown. "Hurting someone Bonnie cares about is more than likely not going to make this go any faster for you guys." I tell him and we have a stare off before he lets Jamie go. Jeremy, Matt and I all leave but Klaus stops me in the hallway. I motion them to go on which thankful they did. "Are you insane?" "Like you said I'm not leaving my family in harms way." He raises his hand to his mouth. "To ensure if you die that you'll come back." Before I could protest he shoves his wrist to my mouth. I spit wiping my tongue after he pulled back and glare at him. "You had to be forceful with it?" I hiss and he shrugs. "Yes I did." He wipes my mouth and I slap his hand away. "You're such a douche." "Thank you sweetheart." I huff and walk off waiting at the car. Soon Klaus texts me to tell us where Esther was. We get there and I hide behind a tree. Thank you god I had a black dress. "Don't move." Matt says. "Where's Elena." Cue Jeremy. I step out raising my crossbow right to her. "Hello Esther. Wish we met on least horrid circumstances." "Hayley! Jeremy!" "Let her go." "How foolish of you to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you. But if that is your choice." I feel my crossbow shaking before I turn to Jeremy who points his at Matt and Matt has his shotgun pointed at me. "Matt! Matt drop your gun!" Jeremy tells him. "I can't. I'm not controlling it." "Esther, stop it." It started to shake harder before it just stopped and I turned seeing Alaric had staked her. He grabs Elena had which I just noticed the blood. "Oh, my god." I look at Matt and Jeremy still highly freaked about what happened. "Where's my ring? Tell me what happened?" Jeremy leaves and I listen to the story Elena told. I didn't like it. "Jeremy." "What?" "I'm not gonna complete the transition. My dark side was dangerous enough as a human. I can't be a vampire." "So what? We're gonna lock you in here and let you die?" I look to my brother and he looks to me then to Elena then finally to our father-figure, Alaric. "No. No, we can't." "Listen, Jeremy. It's the right things to do. Okay? After everything that's happened, after... After all that I've done...maybe I had it coming." I look down and feel really bad about this. "Hey wait Jer!" Elena says moving past me. I go to my brother and grab his hand. He looks to me and I look toward Alaric. "Alaric, this isn't your fault." Elena says. "Please, guys, let's not make this harder than it already is. You three should go. Damon's here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way." Jeremy lets my hand go and gets ready to leave. "Hey. Hey." "Don't. Just don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house." "Okay." I look to the wall trying not to cry. "This is all my fault. You moved out. You gave me your ring back. You didn't want any part of this and I--I forced you to stay and take care of us." "Lena." I whisper looking to my twin sister. "Don't do that. Okay? Taking care of you three has been... It's been the closest I've ever come to the life I always wanted." Elena and him hug and he looks to me. "Hayley..." I rush over hugging him burying my face into his shoulder and he rubs my back. "I love you like my own Hayley." "I know. I know you did." "Make sure Klaus treats you right." I pull back fast looking at him surprised and he smirks. "Oh I know." I smile and wipe away the tears. "You are very much like my father Ric." He nods and I walk out. Elena grabs my hand and we stop together. We look back at Ric before walking off. I go to my brother and we all look to Ric. He nods one last time before going back inside. I blinked the tears away and was very upset about losing another family member.

Klaus pov-

I pulled the dagger from Rebekah before walking it to the table. I go around to my mothers coffin and look down at her. "Your trapped failed, Mother. I live, and I will go on living. Let your beloved spirits try to preserve you again. I dare you to come after me! I will build an army so one will ever touch me. My survival will haunt you through eternity. You will never destroy me!!"

(Oh how I love that part with Klaus.)

Hayley pov-

I played my guitar and played Medicine by Daughter. I was home alone and Elena was at the school cleaning out Alaric teacher closet. I stopped midway feeling the tears fall. I pushed my guitar away placing my head into my hands and started crying. "Sweetheart." I wipe my eyes and turn to see Klaus in his normal clothing. "He's gone." I whispered and he walks over to me. He pulls me into a hug and I hold him tighter crying into his shirt.

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