Chapter Five

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Today was the pick your career thingy so I have my eyes set on musical and design place. Hey I like singing and sketching. So everything was fine in those areas. Jenna pulls me with her and we find Elena. "Hide me." "What happened?" Scum Fell has landed." I told her with a roll of my eyes. "Agh Logan's here?" "Wait Logan Fell?" Stefan asks and I nod. Stefan suddenly walks away and I look after him confused. We walk out and I tense when he shows up. "Jenna are you dodging me?" "It's a form of self-preservation." She replies and I chuckle looking away. "Um Elena why dont you, Hayley, and Jenna go somewhere else." We leave and I stood beside my aunt. "When Logan came to the house. What did he say?" "Oh fake fluttery. stupid dimpled grin, puppy-dog eyes." "I'm serious Jenna. How did he act what did he say?" "He was the usual Logan. Charming. A little more manic than usual. He kept trying to convince me to let him in." I looked to Elena as her eyes swept upward and they widen. Jenna looks between us. "What?" "Jenna dont you ever talk to him like ever again. I mean it." I tell her. "Under any circumcises do not talk to him." "Hey Elena. Hayley. Jenna." I look over seeing Alaric. "Hey Mr.Saltzman." "Yeah I was hoping to see you here tonight?" I smirked and backed off to give them a huge couple loving space. "Seems like Career night is the new bowling." "Ha yeah." I follow Alaric outside trying to find my brother. When I do I grow very pissed off. "Come on dad." "It's not gonna happen." I walk beside Alaric who gave me a questioning look but choose not to make me leave. "I said fight!" He shoved Tyler into my brother and I glared down at him. "Whoa whoa whoa. Whats going on out here?" Alaric asks and I cross my arms. The mayor turns around and looks at me before his eyes roam. Agh pig. "Just letting these two work it out. We're good here go back inside." "We dont want to go back inside." I tell him in a tone that I dared someone to match. "What I want is an answer to my question. Whats going on here?" He turns back toward us. "Who do you think you're talking to? Do I look like a student?" "No. You look like a full-fledged alpha-male douche bag." Alaric say and my eyes look toward my brother who rolled his eyes when he looked at me then mouth 'don't.' "You dont talk to me like that." I smirk stepping toward him. "Or what?" He glares down at me before turning his attention back to Alaric. "I could have your job like these." He snaps his finger and my eyes narrow. "You do that. Hayley move back 'kay?" I hold my hands up backing away after the glare off with the mayor. "If you do that then it will be you and me working out in this parking lot. You okay with that?" "You just marked yourself." "Okay." He looked back to Tyler who left with his dad. I however wanted to kill him for bumping me and glared back at him before turning to Alaric and laughing my ass off. "Alright. Let's go inside." I nod and we go inside. I leave with Jenna and Jeremy since Elena wanted to stay. I spend the rest of the night with Jenna and we snack on chips. "Um... have anymore of the weird hot guy dreams?" I chuckle at what she called them. "Nope. Well none I can remember." She rolls her eyes and throws a popcorn at me. I catch it and eat it. "God is giving you a sign to move on." "Yeah with my hot freaking dream god who doesn't even live here. Or existence." "Oh mystery!" She says and I laugh. I hit her with a pillow before standing up. "I am off to bed!" "Okay! Good night sleep well Hayley." I grin at her before going up to my room. It's been two days and I jog down the steps hearing the front door being shut. "Now is not time to be talking about lies Jenna." I stop at the top frowning. That's kinda rude Elena. "Hey dont turn this back on me. I dont keep secrets from you!" "Alright then tell me this. Was I adopted and is Hayley even my sister?" I stared at her shocked. Jenna didn't speak and she has a rude look on her face. "I expect you to tell me the truth Jenna. I expect that from you." She sees me and walks up the steps. "Elena! I didn't tell you- They ask me not to." "I dont wanna hear it." Jenna looked at me as I let my sister pass. Or is she even my sister? I jog down the steps and Jenna walks away. "I am Elena sister right?" "Yes... you both were adopted too." I look down and hug her. "You're still my aunt Jenna." She smiles and hugs me back. "At least you got it." I smile. At school Elena gives me a bracelet and I was glad to take it. She told me it had vervain in it so I couldn't be compelled by any vampires. I think it was sweet of Stefan to give that to all of us. The next day Jenna and I (me skipping school) went in search for my outfit for the 50s dance. I finally found an outfit and Jenna agreed that she liked it. "Let's go!" I say happily and she laughs. "Yeah I cant believe I let you skip school just to look for your 50s outfit." "I know but thats what makes you awesome." I said playfully. She rolls her eyes and we go back home. I finish changing and look at my dress in the mirror. Alright. I'm good! I nod at myself before going downstairs. We leave since Elena wasn't ready and I didn't feel like waiting any longer. Caroline dragged me on the dance floor. We dance to The Misfits before she drags us (Bonnie and I) off the dance floor. I smile at my sister and stand at her side. "What's Damon doing here?" I asks and she looks over to Stefan and Damon. "He wanted to come. I promise he'll behave." "So was is this now? Like a threesome? You and the Salvatore brothers." I glare at Caroline. "No, if I'm going to be with Stefan I'm gonna have to learn to tolerate Damon. It's not like I can kill him." "There's a thought." Bonnie says. "Hm. I'll help." Caroline says and I roll my eyes drinking out of my cup. I walk over once I see Damon alone. "Ditch by my sister huh?" "Oh dont start?" I raise an eyebrow and look to him. "Oh so you dont want to dance then?" He smirks to me and offers his hand. "Hayley would you like to dance?" "Just dont bite me. Tough guy." I tease and he chuckles dragging me to the dance floor. We dance for awhile before I get bored. I leave and just walk home. The heels did kill somewhat. Damon really likes to dance. I heard walking behind me and walked faster. I heard them speed up before cutting off and going into an alleyway. I hid behind a trash bin and was holding a wood pick thingy. I peeked around not seeing anyone. I slowly stood up. I sighed and went to leave when I was pulled back and into the wall. I gasped and they covered my mouth. I bit down on their hand and stab the wood through their stomach. They dropped groaning and I ran. I got halfway home before running out of breath. Jesus. I bend over and taking deep breaths. "That was so nice hun." I jump and back away. They grab me before I was inside an alleyway. I panicked and notice the veins under his eyes. No. No. Oh God no! He suddenly gasped and I slowly opened my eyes seeing blue eyes staring back at me. I looked to my feet seeing the man on the ground. "Are you alright love?" I look up shocked and swallow hard. "Um...y-yeah. I need to go." "I'll walk you." I flinch at the sound of something dropping. "Who are you?" I asks and he chuckles. I was suddenly on my street and looked at him better. We were under a street lamp. "You'll know when I want you to." "No tell me and what do you mean?" I feel the weight on my wrist released and glared at him trying to get it back. He grabs my face and his eyes dilate. "You will forget meeting me. You'll remember everything when I tell you so. You will forget what happened. You walked home with no worries. You were not almost attacked." "I was not almost attacked." I blink and shake my head. I turn and run to the house. I walk inside and Elena shots up from her seat. "Hayley you left before us. Where have you been?" "Um... walking?" I answer and flick my wrist in that direction. "Where's you bracelet?" I raise my eyebrow before feeling on my wrist. "Um... it probably just fell off somewhere. I guess." She gives Stefan a look before I wave it off. "Stef you can just get me another one soon though. I'll be upstairs. Night!" I go up to my room and remove the makeup I had on. I throw on a sports bra and shorts before throwing my hair into a ponytail. I grab my sketch book and start drawing the tree outside my window. I yawn and check my phone. It was one in the morning. I close my sketch book before heading off to bed.

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