Chapter Two

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(A/N- Before reading just know that things changed from the first & 2nd ~this~ chapters as we go along. Just to put it out there she got back after she finished her Sophomore year in Portland before coming back to Mystic Falls and starts her Junior year which is where we are at now)

I was outside when I heard Jenna tell Jeremy to sit. Oh parent talk! I grin sitting my journal down. I kept one but didn't write in it much. I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in and listened to my music. I notice Jeremy leave and he gives me a glance and I wave him off. He smiles at me before leaving. Elena came home when I was getting ready for the comet party. "Oh thank God!" I give her a confused look and she rolls her eyes. "You've been distant. Are you sure you're okay?" I force myself to smile at her. "I'm fine Elena." "Liar." I drop the smile looking at her and zip my boots up. "I'll be fine soon." I tell her and she nods. I guess she likes that answer better cause she walks away telling me she'll be downstairs soon. We leave together but I wonder around handing out flyers by myself. "Hello." I look over to a guy. "Oh um... Hi." I say uneasy. He smirks looking me up and down before taking a flyer. "I'll try to make it." "Ah o-okay." He walks away and I just walk away. At night I held my candle and Matt lights mine as my sister lights Stefans. I looked to Matt seeing he was hurt and walked away. I sat down by myself and watched the comet. It was beautiful. I liked it too. I blow my candle out when Elena walked toward me with the others. "Come on we're going to the grill." "Oh I'm going to watch the sky for a little while. Be inside soon." She leaves and I watch the stars. It must have been awhile since Elena wanted to go home to look for Jeremy since Vicky went poof in the night. I rolled my eyes at my mind and went home with her. "Why does Jeremy keep telling me you cry at night?" I slowly look toward her before getting out of the car. "Hayley." I look back at her and shrug. "I dont know. He's probably drunk or high when he thought he heard me crying." "Hayley if you're not okay then tell me-" "Elena!" I snap glaring at her. "I'm fine. Drop it. Okay?!" She took a step back before I storm inside. I didn't need her to baby me. I was fine by myself. I was fine when I got bullied and I'm sure as hell fine now. I locked myself in my room as my phone played the melody of different songs. I watched the comet calmly. Gravity background soon came on and I started to sing it.

I turned my head when I heard clapping. Jenna stood there with a smile. I smile back and she walks over sitting beside me. "Don't be so harsh on your sister. She doesn't get it." Yes I told Jenna everything that was going on and she's been there for me. I give her a weak smile. "I guess." I whisper and she pulls me into a hug. I smile and hug her back. I soon go to bed and she closes my door turning my light off. I roll my eyes and go to sleep.
I go to school and walk off right when Bonnie drop us off. During history I of course was working on a different sketch. "World war 2 ended when?" '1945.' I answered in my head but choose not to say it out loud. I loved that war. I never understood why but it is always my favorite to learn and watch about. "Pearl harbor?" I glance to my sister and chuckle. "Miss. Gilbert." She looks toward him and I smirk. I was about to answer for her since he didn't pick which one of us. "Hm?" "Pearl Harbor?" "December 7, 1941." I spoke up and he looked toward me with a smirk. "Thank you Hayley but I was speaking to your sister." "Then call our names. We're both Gilberts." The class all laughs and my sister gives me a 'what-the-hell-stop!' look. I smirk over to her and he rolls his eyes. "Alright the fall of the Belem wall." "1989." He looks to Stefan and they both start going off dates and events when Tanner laughs. "Wrong! It ended in '52!" "Actually sir it was '53." I chuckle and he turns around an annoyed look on his face. "Look it up!" Everyone does and some kid finds it first. "It was 1953." The bell rings and soon school is over. I changed for cheer practice before slipping on my hand thing. I was sure it was okay but I didn't need this thing to break on me. Bonnie and I were stretching together but I went to learn the moves from another girl. Caroline soon shows up another I got every cheer down. I liked them. "Sorry I'm late girls. I was...busy. Alright let's start with the double pick hacker Hitlers. What do you say?" I was working on it in the back when Elena walked over. I stopped and smiled at her. She gives me a forced smile before looking past me. I turn my head seeing Stefan going to the field. Oh well. I went back to cheering. At night I skip downstairs seeing Bonnie there with Elena. "OH hey guys." Elena looks over and notices my guitar on my back. I notice Elena dump food in a bowl. "Okay putting that in a bowl is not fooling anyone. You're like Jenna." Bonnie laughs and I place my guitar down and go over to help. "Where's the spoons?" "Middle draw on your left." I look to Bonnie surprised as Elena takes the spoons out. "Okay you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times." "Yeah thats it." The bell rings and Elena smiles and goes to get it. I ate with them since I had no point in staying. "Did Tanner give you a hard time tonight?" "Well he let me on the team today. So must have done something right." "Bonnie you should had seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at hi-" "Yeah I hard." I looked over at Bonnie then to Stefan. "Oh um... Bonnie why don't you tell Stefan about your family." I move to leave and Elena glares at me. "Hayley." "I'll be back." I tell her waving her off and leaving the room taking my guitar back up to my room. I stayed up there till Caroline showed up. I walked downstairs and the guy walks in. He looks to me and I roll my eyes before learning his name is Damon. Stefan brother. I was eating my cake sitting on a chair I pulled up. "You two dont seem like the cheering type." "Oh it's only cause their parents died. Didn't your boyfriend die to Hayley?" My head snaps up and I stare at her. "Um... y-yeah." I stand leaving the room. "Caroline!" Elena scolds and I place the plate in the sink. I stay in there before Elena walks in with more dishes. "I'm so sorry about Caroline." "Ah no I'm use to it." She looks at me and I smile at her. "Seriously its been like six, seven months since. I'm use to it by now." "Ladies." I look back seeing Damon before looking to Elena. "I'll be in my room." She gives me a sad look before nodding. "Okay." I leave and head upstairs. I write in my dairy before going to bed. I woke up the next day and was glad it was the weekend. I take a shower before changing for the bonfire. Elena quit so I was taking her place in the cheers. "Tyler stop it." I moved through the crowd hearing Vicky voice. I think it's my brother. I dropped my pom poms seeing Tyler fighting my brother. Agh seriously. I ran forward and tackled Tyler off my brother. I started punching the living hell out of him before Stefan pulled me off. I yanked myself from him before kicking Tyler in the gut. "Stop coming by my fucking brother you douche!!" He glares at me standing up and I grab Jeremy by his neck and walking away with him. I walked him away as the others booed me for stopping it. I shoved him into a car and he stumbles. "Are you kidding me!?" "What Hayley?! What do you want me to do?" "Stop going for Vicky. That's for starters." "Look you need to lay off. You weren't here." "Oh and you think I haven't suffered?" "No I dont." I glared at him. "I watched my boyfriend die beside me in a car. I got bullied for it cause I was with him in the car. So next time you say I haven't I want you to think of me. I got bullied for months until I moved back even after our parents died. So don't tell me I have not suffered Jeremy. All your doing is ruining your life. But by all means go ahead. Just know I wont be there to catch you when you have fallen to a new low." I looked him up and down before glaring at him. "It looks like you already got there." I walk away and just walk home from the school. I keep walking before I bump into someone. I look back and was surprised to see the person I was sketching. He looks at me surprised before shrugging his jacket off. "You must be cold love." "Um... I um..." I point down the street before looking back to him. He smirks and holds up the jacket. "Take it." "Um... O-okay?" I slip it on and he moves a piece of my hair back before looking me in the eyes. "You'll forget meeting me. You got the jacket from a friend. Go home." When I blink I look around me. I pull the jacket around me and sigh. Matt must have given me this. I keep walking home but I feel like I'm being watched.

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