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All the time I hoped it would go well. I thought nothing would happen if I'd just rest enough after that night. Nothing happened, I saw pictures of me and Zac at the premiere on the internet everywhere. With questions and weird things at it. I posted one of them on my insta and immediately got 20 comments of fans. I was not feeling good, but also not feeling bad. But two days later it went wrong. The same thing as last time happened and we knew what to do. Zac was there so he picked me up and placed me in the car. He drove to the hospital, dangerous because he was in a hurry. I could see how stressed he was and wanted to calm him down, but I couldn't. I couldn't even say a word, because it hurt to much. All the way to the hospital I could only think about what would happen now. I will have my kid but I won't be allowed to hold it directly cause they will take it and bring it to an incubator. I was crying and Zac was trying to talk to me calmly. Suddenly Zac stopped and jumped out of the car in less than a second. He ran to my door and took me out. I felt dizzy and sick so Zac picked me up and brought me all the way in. He already called in the car so the doctors came fast to bring me where I had to go. From than everything was a blur for me. I was too dizzy and exhausted to follow everything they did. I couldn't think normal and only felt pain. I was tired of crying and afraid if everything was okay. I passed out. The next moment when I woke up I was in the operating room. There was a cap on my mouth. I felt dizzy again and fell asleep. I don't know for how long I slept but when I woke up I was in another room and Zac was next to me, looking exhausted but with a real smile on his face. I couldn't think
straight and it took me a minute to remind what happened. I felt a pain in my stomach and tried to move my hand to it, but I couldn't cause Zac grabbed my hand and laid it between his. He kissed my forehead.
"You did a great job sweetheart"
I felt tears. I feel so much love in me, he makes me feel so happy.
"He is safe and doing well"
I nodded. He had tears in his eyes too. Tears of happiness. Our little baby boy was born and he was doing well.
"Have you seen him?" I asked.
"Yes, he is beautiful. He has your nose and ears"
I giggled. I wanted to see him.
"Can I see him?"
"Yeah, but you have to sit in a wheelchair. And there are many people out there for us, for our little boy. It can be exhausting."
"It's okay. I can do it." He smiled.
"Okay, than let's go."
He took the wheelchair and let me sit on it. He pushed it forward and I saw my parents immediately. They saw me and smiled with tears in their eyes. They walked over to me and hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you honey" My Mom said.
"Me too" My dad said after her.
I smiled.
"I want to see our boy"
They nodded. I knew this was a weird situation cause normally the Mom sees the kid as first of all other people. But now my parents and Zac's parents had already seen it. We were finally there, Zac's parents were there too. They hugged me and after that Zac showed me in which incubation he was. I looked and saw it.
'Jaden Efron' It said.
Wow. He is so beautiful and so small. I couldn't believe he was our boy. He was sleeping. I saw his little hand moving and I smiled. Zac wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't stop my tears from coming and neither did Zac. Zac's face was above mine and I placed my hand on his cheeks. I pulled his face to mine and smiled at him. Jaden moved for a second and opened his eyes. They were blue, just as blue as Zac's. So, so beautiful.
"He's so beautiful" I said with a smile and tears from happiness. I can't describe that feeling. There's so much going on in my body. It was perfect and I've never felt any better than that, eventhough my stomach hurt so much. Zac looked adorable, with these tears in his eyes and that cute real smile on his face. I kissed his lips. I knew everything was good now and this was the start of something new. Something real beautiful new.

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