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I walked into the hotel and got in the elevator. I felt really bad. I felt like I was worth nothing, a real bitch. But I don't want to be that kind of person! Tears filled my eyes. I walked to my room, unlocked it and got in. I only dressed in my pyjamas and got into bed. I fell into a bad sleep. It was after like an hour somebody knocked on the door. I opened it and it was Jenna. I let her in and we sat on the bed.
"Hey girl, had to see you cause I couldn't sleep. How are you, you look bad. What happened?" She was worried, I could see that on her face.
"Nothing, it was really nice tonight. We had a lot of fun"
I had to fight not to cry.
"Em, tell me what's wrong. I can see it on your face. Something happened."
I started crying. She took me in her warm, soft arms and said it's okay. I needed that. I started to tell her about the evening. That we watched the sunset, that we hold hands and that I felt so comfortable. That we danced under the stars and then.. That his face came closer to mine and I didn't know what to do. She didn't say anything, just let me speak. I love that about her. I told her that I felt the same but that I just wasn't ready. I started to cry again. We lay down on the bed and she hugged me.
"Jen, I am scared. I think I love him and now I messed it all up. What would he even think about me?"
"Baby girl it's okay. He said it's fine. He didn't got mad or something. Maybe he was also shocked a bit. I don't think he thinks different about you. He's a nice guys and he'll understand. Don't be afraid baby. It's all gonna be fine. Now sleep a bit and tomorrow we'll see. You have his jacket here so we have to give that back. But that's tomorrow. Now you have to sleep. I think I'm just gonna stay with you tonight."
"Thanks Jen, I love you. That's fine" I said with a sleepy voice and a yawn between. Then I slept. My best friend next to me. Waiting for tomorrow.

I woke up because Jenna opened the curtains. She was always up early.
"Goodmorning sunshine. You look like you have a complete hangover. I'm sure you don't but you do look like that." Jenna said trying to make me laugh.
"Oh thanks. If I was already awake I would attack you right now, so you are very lucky"
What I said wasn't right cause Jenna is much stronger than me, but I was just teasing a bit so it doesn't matter.
"Get up and get yourself dressed. We're gonna have breakfast and I have something nice to do to relax a bit. You should hurry"
I got my clothes on and did my hair in a ponytail. Some mascara on my face and I was ready.
"You look beautiful Em. And I'm being honest. Not just to make you happy"
Lizzy was already eating cause it was too late for her to wait. After breakfast they took me with them. We arrived at the Spa. Oh, I really wanted a massage! We relaxed very well and in the evening we were just hanging out in my room, watching a movie. I got called and thought it would be Mum, but it was Zac. Shit, what to do?

I picked up the phone and walked to the bathroom.
"Hey is this Emily?"
"Yeah it's me, hii." I said with an apologetic voice.
"Hey, you don't know how glad I am to hear your voice again. I've been thinking about yesterday. I just want to say sorry, it was such a beautiful night and I don't know what happened to me. I went a bit too fast. I'm sorry about that and I totally understand if you want to take it slower."
"I've also been thinking and it was not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, believe me. I just wasn't ready. I'm sorry that I just walked away, I didn't know what to do. I felt so ashamed. I really want to see you again. And I also want to thank you for yesterday, it was amazing. Oh and ehhh. I still have your jacket."
"That's okay. I also want to see you again. Dinner tonight? We can eat at my place. I'll cook. If you're okay with that"
"Yeah sure, I'd love to. See you tonight."
"I'll pick you up at 5.30pm. See you than."
"Yeah, see you."
I walked back to the girls. They didn't ask anything. "I'm off for dinner tonight." They laught and I could see they were happy for me. We watched the movie and ate some popcorn. It was real fun. My Mum called me to ask how it was. I told her everything was fine and we were having a lot of fun. I didn't tell her about Zac cause she would definitely ask and warn and I didn't feel like that Mum stuff. The girls made me ready and when it was almost time, we walked downstairs together. "You forgot the jacket!"
She ran to my room and got the jacket. She came back waving with it like she found the flag in some game. Me and Jenna laughed. When she got here they hugged me and wished me pleasure. There was Zac. I smelled his jacket and felt it was right. This was gonna be a good night.

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