FINALLY meeting his parents!

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Okay, so today was the day. Ever woke up with the thought you'll meet your parents-in-law that day? Well, I did and it was special to me and I was nervous, super nervous. I wanted to make a good impression on them. Zac saw how nervous I was and said I didn't have to worry, because they will like me anyway. But everything went wrong that morning, I couldn't find my clothes which I wanted to wear, my hair looked like a poodle in the rain, I let fall everything what was in my hands and when I wanted to take some juice, I spoiled it over the kitchen table. It all made me more and more nervous and Zac didn't know how to make me calm anymore. He laughed about me at how stupid I was today. The only thing I did was hit his arms and say it's not funny, but it was still funny for him. He took me in his arms and walked to the couch.
"Come on, go sit for a moment, don't make yourself so nervous. It's just my parents, they don't judge and they'll like you cause I like you. You're a sweetheart and you'll show that cause you can not not show that."
I lay myself down on his body and grabbed his arm with my hands and pulled it over me like a blanket.
"I knowwww, it's just that I've never actually met 'someones' parents before and I don't know how to behave myself"
"Just be yourself cause you are the one I fell in love with and they will too " He replied.
I smiled. "I love it so to be in your arms"
"I love it so to have you in my arms"
We waited till it was time to go and then went to the car. It was driving for like 3 quarters. Zac made jokes and let me laugh so I won't feel so nervous and it helped a bit. When we arrived I already saw his little sister playing with his dog in the front yard. The dog, I remembered the name, Storm ran towards Zac when he saw him coming out. That made Angel see it too and running towards him. Storm jumped and Zac grabbed his legs and sort of hugged him. You could see they were both really happy to see each other again. Then Angel arrived with her arms wide open and jumped in front of Zac so he would pick her up. "Zacy Zacy Zacyyyy!" She yelled.
"Heeey beautiful Angel, I missed you little cutie!"
"I missed you too big brother!"
They were so adorable together. They hugged tight and Angels little hands lay on Zacs back and her face on his shoulder which looked adorable. Then he put her back on the ground and she had attention for me.
"Hii, my name is Angel and I know who you are" She said.
"Hii Angel, oh? How do you know that already?"
"Mommie and Daddie told me that Zac's new girlfriend would come here and your name is beautiful, Emily"
"Thankyou! Your name is very beautiful too. What do you mean with new girlfriend?" I asked with a teasing voice and looked up to Zac while I bent down for Angel.
"I've never seen you before so you are new to me so you are his new girlfriend cause you are totally new"
"Alright I understand. Thankyou Angel"
"No problem sweetie"
She said that so cute, I laughed about it and stroked the dog who seemed to like me.
"And you can play with me and my dolls" Angel said.
"I would love to!" I replied. Then we went to the back yard and stepped in the house through the back door. His Dad was reading the newspapers I didn't see his Mom. I got nervous again. His Dad looked up when he saw us and had a huge smile.
He stood up and walked towards us. "Son!" He said.
"Hey Dad" Zac replied.
Then he looked at me.
"Hello Emily! Nice to finally meet you today. My name is David."
His Mom came walking from the stairs and me and his Dad shook hands.
"I'm really happy to meet you!"
His Mom grabbed my shoulder and gave me 3 kisses on my cheeks.
"Hey Emily, you look just as beautiful as Zac told us! Nice to meet you"
I looked at Zac and giggled.
"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Efron"
"Oh you can call me Starla"
I nodded and smiled. They were so relaxed that it relaxed me too and I wasn't really nervous anymore. Zac grabbed my hand with his and smiled. The weather was nice so we sat down on a couch in the back yard. Angel continued playing with the dog and her dolls. We got something to drink and we started to talk. We told our story (again) and they asked how the rest of his vacation was. He told them what he had done and that it really relaxed him. We talked for a few hours.
"That's good!" His father said.
"So you're ready for in 2 weeks?"
In 2 weeks, huh? What was in 2 weeks? He didn't tell me anything about in 2 weeks. I looked at him and waited for him to say something.
"Uhm, yeah kinda, I guess" He said mumbling. He looked at me and I made the 'I don't get it' look. His parents saw me looking at him like that and Zac said nothing just looked from me to his parents.

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