Picture which changed a lot

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"Ughhh, do you really have to go again? I don't want you to leave.." I said, making a puppy face. He was holding my hand.
"I will be back soon baby. And we can call more, I was scared I would say something about the party first." He gave me a quick kiss on my lips and held my waist. I knew I would feel better about it this time.
"Hey, if there's anything wrong, just call me okay? Maybe I won't pick up the phone as we're shooting but I will call you back as soon as possible. I want you to feel good"
I looked at his eyes and played with his hair.
"I will baby, thanks"
"Thanks for what?"
"For being my cutie, for making me happy"
"Thank you more"
"For what?"
"For everything. For who you are, for loving me, for making me feel happier than ever and for staying with me when it's really hard for you."
I felt warm and knew I was blushing. He laughed.
"You're blushing"
"You look cute"
I slepped his chest.
"Nothing, just felt like doing that" He laughed again. "Okay"
The taxi arrived and we both saw it. He took his bag and he took my hand. We walked outside to the car. Now we had to say our real goodbyes again. The whole day we were already trying to say goodbye, but now it's time.
"I'm gonna miss you" I said looking at his eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you more." He replied. He looked at my eyes now and saw there were little tears.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah" I laughed through my tears.
"I just can't get it that you love me so much. It's tears of happiness."
I wasn't lying cause I really felt happiness with him, but they were also tears because I didn't want to miss him again. Though, I felt more okay with it than last time.
"Than it's okay. I love you really much but you know that. I think I have to go now, looks like this taxi driver is less patient than the last one. I love you Em"
He lifted me up, then put me down again and kissed me.
"I love you babe. Now go, and have fun"
"I will" He gave me a last quick kiss and than threw his bag in the car and got in. I waved as the car drove away from my house and he waved back through an open window, smiling with his beautiful smile, moving his lips, saying, but not really saying "I love you". Then the car was gone and I couldn't see it anymore. I got in the house, being there all alone and didn't know what to do. I decided to just clean my room a bit so I would not do nothing. While I was changing the blankets my phone vibrated. I watched to see who texted me, but it was no text. The instagram icon was there and it said I was tagged in a picture of @zacefron. I felt my heart beating faster. I tapped at it to see the picture. He posted a picture of us from last night, a picture someone made who was watching us. It was a picture of us sitting at the piano and singing together. I was looking at the piano and he was looking at me with this face which tells love. I didn't see that when we were performing because I didn't dare to look up from the piano, but this picture makes me feel jitters inside. The captions says "Thanks to my love for this amazing evening. You are really talented and I loved it to play with you this night. It was a special night and I'll miss you, but see you soon. My love @emilyrose " This caption made it clear I was his girlfriend, that he loves me. And also, I posted a picture with him on my instagram, but it's a closed account so only my friends could see it. He had no photos of us posted on his insta yet, but now he did and all his fans knew now that I was his girlfriend. I felt so good about that, that he wanted to tell it to everyone and didn't want to hide it for the world anymore, but I also felt like I would get much hate from now. The picture already had like 10000 likes in only 5 ninutes. And there were too many comments to read. I didn't know how to react or if I even had to write a comment. I looked at my alerts and saw I had already more than 1000 following requests. Everybody wants to know who I am and how I look. At first I didn't know if I wanted them all to follow me, but then I thought they would hate me if I wouldn't so I unlocked my account and suddenly had more than 1000 followers. Many people tagged me in Zac's picture, I couldn't read them all but most were sweet comments. Then they all started to like my pictures and comment things. It was amazing and weird how fast the number of likes on my pictures incurred. Also many people commented and I didn't know if I had to reply on it. I felt nervous about the fact that so many people knew me now, only because of one post on instagram. I sent a whatsapp text to Zac, I thought maybe he could help me and know what to do. He was online, luckily. When I sent it to him he called me.
"Hey baby" He laughed.
"Hii" I giggled.
"I maybe should've warned you about that. My fans want to know you now and they will all try to get in contact with you, so yeah. You will be spammed" He laughed.
"Yeah, I had already noticed that!" I laughed too.
"You can just decide yourself what you want to do with it. It's too much to reply on everyone, but you can also reply on some or just no one. That's your own choice."
"At the moment my Insta isn't even working because of the spam, how do you do that?"
"I turned off my notifications."
"Oh okay, well I will see. Won't they get mad if I only reply on some?"
"Naah, they will just try more to get a reaction too. But if they will get mad, just let them. They will get over it"
"Okay thanks"
"No problem"
"How are you?"
"I'm fine, almost at the airport. What about you?"
"I'm fine too. A bit overwhelmed by all your fans"
I laughed, I heard him laughing too.
"Yeah I can understand that. But they are sweethearts. You will get to know that."
There was a little silence.
"Babe, I think I'm gonna reply on some awesome fans, okay?" I then said, knewing it was better to hang up.
"Okay, good luck! Don't start a whole conversation, just a tip."
"Thanks for the tip. I won't. Love you!"
"Love you too"
I hung up and started to reply on some fans who commented, a real big job.

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