Time goes fast

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The next few weeks we told it to everyone. We told them all that we were gonna keep it and how Zac was gonna do it with his work. When I told my parents they were kinda shocked because I'm still so young. But I told them I could do this and that I really wanted it and Zac was standing behind me for 100%. At the end they could only be happy for us and they were so excited to become grandparents. Zac's family worried more about the way Zac would be there for his kid. Zac told them it was all gonna be fine and he knew what he was doing. They trusted him and were also just very happy for us. When I told Jenna and Lizzy that we were gonna keep it, they reacted good. They said they were happy we discussed it that good and made a choice which makes both of us happy. They already said they wanted to help us with the children's room. At this moment I felt so happy again to have them as my best friends. After a week of telling everyone the decision we made and relaxing a bit from everything that happened, Zac had to leave again to finish filming. At least I knew this was going to be the last time for a long time and I knew it wouldn't take long anymore. We said goodbye and I stayed at my parent's home. I went to work again and some of my customers found out about me and Zac and there were many questions. I was pretty happy that they didn't know about my pregnancy, cause I didn't want too many people to know that now. The store was way busier than before and the atmosphere was great. Melody and I had much fun working and the customers were all very nice. We sold much and finally since a long time, we could say business was going well. People wanted to take pictures with me and my face appeared all over the internet. Zac and I called every day and he was so caring and sweet. It was going great filming the movie and I just couldn't wait for him to come back and be with me. I went to the hospital for echoes, Jen came with me. It was going great, the baby was all healthy. It made me so happy to hear that. I know it was still early and anything could go wrong later, but I felt positive about it and I felt good about it. I talked a lot about everything with my Mom and Dad and that has been a long time ago so everything gave me a good feeling. I already started to search some things for the room, but didn't want to do too much without Zac.
I was even happier when Zac came back. I went to the airport to pick him up and when I saw him I ran over to him and hugged him. We both had a huge smile on our faces, because we knew that our time together would now start for real. There were some fans who wanted to make a picture with both of us so we were at the airport for some more hours. When we went home Zac told me how much he missed me and how happy he was that he was going home to be with me and take care of me. We had enough to tell to each other, eventhough we called every day. We ate a pizza that night and just enjoyed the night watching a movie. Lying on the couch at our house together (he said I could call it our house) and telling each other how much we loved. I didn't want anything else than that. Soon we were thinking of how to make the room perfect. We mostly had the same ideas. We couldn't do everything already, because we didn't know if it was going to be a girl or a boy yet, but we just did the things that could already been done. We had much fun doing it together and Jenna and Lizzy also helped. I still worked at the store so Zac was there a lot too, sometimes he stayed at home. He had to do some things for his work, like going to tv stations or interviews. But he was mostly just around to help me and do jobs for the baby. He helped in the store on some days and that caused that there were even more customers, but most just wanted a picture with him. It was still okay, cause many more people came to the store when they saw the pictures. Both our parents helped us a lot with everything, but because Zac was almost always at home now we did much together. I loved every day we spent together. He told me I couldn't go parachuting now, but we would do it when it was possible. He said he had something he wanted to ask me. I could go with him to the premiere of his new movie and be on the red carpet with him. I doubted because at that time people are going to see that I'm pregnant. He said it would be a good way to tell it to the world and he just wanted me to go with him and be there with him, so ofcourse I said yes. At one day we made a bet. Zac thought it was going to be a girl, but I had the strong feeling it was going to be a boy.
"Okay, let's make a bet. The one who's right doesn't have to change dirty diapers." He said.
"Sure. That's a deal" I didn't mean it anyways, because we would both have to do it. But I still thought it was fun to make a bet and I just felt I was right. The time went really fast, but than it went wrong again.

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