The Talk

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Jenna came in and I saw she didn't understand what we wanted to talk about. She whispered in my ear. "What do you want to talk about? Nothing bad I hope? Em please tell me you did it safely, please."
I laughed. "Jen, weirdo. It's something really different, but first take a seat and than we can talk about it calmly."
We all sat down and Zac was a little nervous. Lizzy was more interested in food, they didn't eat yet. But Jenna was looking at us with this worried look.
"I don't really know what to say or how to say it, but Zac told me something this morning."
Zac was looking shy.
"It's kinda weird, you're not going to believe it."
"What? Just say it, Em!"
Jenna said. Lizzy was now listening too.
"Well, Zac is an actor. But not just an actor, he's a really famous actor. With a real fandom and apparently he plays in big films. And yeah..."
Lizzy was looking from me to Zac with big eyes but Jenna had a pokerface.
"Yup, that's true. I thought you all knew, but apparently you didn't"
Jenna didn't believe it.
"But we were at an amusement park yesterday, why didn't anyone ask for a picture or something?"
"I don't know. Maybe because they saw I was with Emily. But I thought you guys saw that people were looking and pointing at us, at me?"
"Yeah, I did see some people do that, but I thought it was just because you're so hot" I said. He laughed.
"I still don't believe it." Jenna said.
"Uhmm, maybe I can show you some pictures or trailers?"
He searched it up on Youtube and showed it. At some parts his face went red. I laughed. "You are so good! Why is your face red? Is this embarrassing?" I asked while playing with his hair.
"Normally it's not, but I know you guys already and you haven't seen this before. That's different than meeting people who've already seen it. So it's kinda embarassing." He said.
"Nahh, it's cute baby." I kissed him.
Jenna gave him his phone back.
"It's still weird that we all didn't know it, but whatever. This is so amazing!"
Zac looked relieved.
"Aaaand, we have one more thing to say. Actually to ask, but ehmm... He wants to come home with us" I said.
"Ofcourse! That's no problem at all I guess. Lol, I feel so weird right now, give me a second, have to handle this moment"
Lizzy didn't say anything so I asked her with a laugh. "And Liz, are you okay with it?"
"Uhm, yeah, duh. Ofcourse. That's none of my business."
"Okay, well, than he's coming with us the day after tomorrow." I had the biggest smile ever on my face. I was so happy that we didn't have to say goodbye now! But I had to find a good way to tell my parents about all this... Jenna and Lizzy went to their own room again so it was only me and Zac.
"Omg Zac, I'm so excited! I want to show you everything! My store, my house, my room, the big lake with the beautiful landscape surrounding it, just everything!"
I hugged him, kissed him and started to dance around the room. He looked at me and smiled. Always those cute, chubby, round cheeks. I put music on and grabbed his hand to dance with me. At first he didn't do really much, like he was shy suddenly. But then he started to dance like crazy! Then a romantic song came on and we danced close together. It made me feel like this first night together and I reminded how stupid I was that night. Zac bit my ear. He whispered "I'm so thankfull that you couldn't find the toilet that day" He made me go insane. He looked at me as a hungry tiger and started to walk to the bed while holding me and kissing me. I fell on the bed, him on top of me. He started to make his moves. He kissed my neck, my belly, my boobs. I felt his thing growing. He pulled my vest off of me. I opened his zipper, but then there was a sound. We looked at each other and I almost laughed but he put his hand on my mouth. He stood up and walked to the door silently. He opened it and saw the cleaning lady doing her work. It was a nice lady, I've already seen her a few times the last 2 weeks. He stood there in the doorway with his arm against the wall and his head leaning on his arm.
"Hello ma'am, I didn't know you would be here at this time." She turned around to see Zac at the door. "Oh hello young man, I'm sorry I thought nobody was in here. Isn't this the room of Mrs. Rose?" The cleaning lady said.
"You're right. I'm visiting her" He said with a lovely voice. It's cute how calm he stays.
"Oh right, I will not disturb you further." She winked.
"Thank you ma'am. Have a nice day." Zac said. The lady left and Zac came back to me. "Nice lady, but we don't need her at this moment" He whispered when he got on top of me again. "I think I'm gonna take a shower first" I said. I suddenly got nervous again. Always so uncertain, I thought it was gone wit him, because I felt so good. But it was here again.
"Well, okay. Yeah, okay" He said a little humbled.
I felt sorry for him but I walked to the shower. He came after me.
"Em, I don't know what you're thinking right now but I'll understand. I know you're shy and I think it's because of something that happened that you're so uncertain and I just have to adapt myself to it. Don't be afraid, I won't leave you." He said. Don't you see why I love him so much? This is so sweet. I started to cry. He came closer to me and looked me in the eyes. He stroked my cheek with his thumb. Then he hugged me tight and said "I'm here for you now. I'm here for everything what's wrong. You can tell me everything, I won't leave Emily. I can help you. I love you." He said.
"I'm just scared" I said.
"It's okay baby, you can tell me."
I couldn't handle him anymore.
"You smell good" I whispered.
"Oh thanks, that's my sweat" He said with a laugh.
"I can clean you" I pulled his clothes off quickly and he mine. We got in the shower and he lifted me up and pressed me against the wall. I wanted to say that I felt so good with him but he made the "Shhht" sound and kissed me. I left it that way. The shower went on and we got wet. I went with my hands through his hair. It was all really intense. Better than the first time. And it was not even night.

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