A simple day with a nightmare

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I didn't sleep really good this night. You would probably think everyone will sleep good after a night like that, but I woke up at like 5am and I couldn't sleep anymore. Before that I already woke up a few times but fell asleep again. I think it's for that very reason, I kept thinking about it and it still made me feel good the whole time. Zac is so cute when he sleeps, I can watch that for a whole night. He mostly sleeps with a smile and that makes me smile than too. Anyways, when Zac finally woke up at like 10am and I watched him sleeping for 5 hours, he looked shocked. He looked at me and touched my head carefully.
"Shit, you're okay. Fuck I... I dreamed that you had an accident and that you were in a coma and fuck no, it's not real. Thank God it's not real"
He almost had tears in his eyes. I hadn't seen him like this before and it made me nervous but I wanted to help him like he helped me.
"Zac everything is okay baby, I'm here and you are here. We are both save. Can you tell me what exactly you've dreamed?" I held his hand.
"I dreamed that you had an accident, I don't even know what kind of accident, but I was panicking and you didn't wake up and suddenly you were in the hospital and I was crying and asking if you were okay and you were in a coma and the doctors didn't say a word and it made me so scared that you could be dead" He cried now.
"Ho shit Zac I'm so sorry... I don't know what that is and... and... I don't know what to say baby but we're okay, okay?"
I tried to make him calm by stroking his cheeks and holding his hands.
"I know, I know Em. It just looked so real, the flashes, I don't want anything bad to happen to you okay... But you're okay, it was just a stupid dream which doesn't make any sense. I'm okay baby, thanks"
I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He felt that I was worried and laid his hands over my body. After a few minutes I stood up.
"I'm gonna take a shower, kay?" I said.
"Sure baby" He smiled. I gave him a kiss and left to the bathroom. That day we didn't do much. The weather wasn't that good so we mostly watched movies. Zac gave Mariah a day off. I got called by Lizzy and Jenna was with her. They asked me how everything was going. I told them everything was great and I was sorry I hadn't called them yet. They understood, they said. I told them I was at Zac's house and how beautiful it was. They asked if they could come by sometimes so I asked Zac and he said they could come by tomorrow. I told them they could come at 11am, they were okay with it and we hung up.
"I really look forward to see them again!" I said.
"Yeah me too!"
"Zacharyy, can we also go to your parents soon? I want to meet them so badly"
"Sure! I can call them now so we can ask when is good."
He called them and made an appointment for this week. I hugged him.
"Yesss! Can't wait to meet them and your little sister!"
"Well, I've not seen them for quite a long time so I'm also excited!"
While we were watching movies we talked a lot ofcourse. I told him my dad works at a hotel of his friend. I also told him that I went to all the same schools as Jenna and Lizzy, but that when my brother died everything went really bad and I had to stop my education. I told him I was in a depression for a long time but Jen and Liz were always there for me and partly because of them I am still here. He listened carefully to everything I said. He asked me how I could have a store now, so I told him that I was 'lucky' to have a friend who could not run a store anymore. It was because the doctors said she could no longer work anymore. I'd worked for her before and she knew of my situation. She found me a good person to run a store and asked me if I wanted to take it over. Ofcourse I said yes, and that's how I have the store now. He said he was happy for me that I had this opportunity and that he was thankful for Liz and Jen that they helped me through those hard times. He also told me what his parents job were, his dad was a car mechanic and his Mom was a Housewife. She was always there with him and with his little sister when she came, eventhough he wasn't really much at home already, because of all the auditions he did that time. It was a simple day but I enjoyed it really much. We went to sleep early and I slept better this night.

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