My Nightmare

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I woke up screaming in the middle of the night, jumped up and sat on the bed with a scared face. Zac opened the door, he was shirtless. He ran into the room in a record time.
"What happened?" He screamed. He jumped on the bed and got next to me. I cried with my head down so he hugged me with his head on mine.
"Shhhht baby it's okay. I'm here now. Everything is fine, keep breathing."
He said and he helped me breathing. He looked shocked but remained calm. I calmed a bit and he asked me "What happened? You had a nightmare?"
I looked at him and said "yeah" with a weak voice.
"Are you okay baby? What was it about?"
"I don't know anymore" And I started to cry again.
"It's okay baby. You can talk to me"
"It's hard Zac."
"Take your time, I'll stay here with you."
Here it comes. I knew I couldn't tell him without crying all the time. But I wanted to tell him so I did...
"Well, it was about an accident. A car accident. I was in the car with Damian, my brother..." I couldn't finish the sentence cause my voice got broken. He listened, said nothing. He hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"Zac, some years ago me and my brother got in a car accident and... He didn't survive. He died. It's all my fault! I still have nightmares about it! I can't forgive it to myself. I miss him so much Zac"
Tears streamed down my cheeks.
"Baby, I'm so sorry for you, it must be really hard.. It's not your fault! I don't want you to think that. I want to help you, what can I do?" He said with an anxious voice.
"Nothing. You already did what you had to do. You listened to me and helped me to get calm. Thanks..."
I looked into his beautiful eyes, there were still tears in my eyes. I could see he was still worried, but didn't want to show. He wiped my tears away.
"Do you want me to call Jenna or Lizzy? I can ask them to come or I'll bring you back. I don't mind, what you want Em"
"No you don't need to. I ehh. Would you please stay with me tonight?" I asked with my eyes down.
"Yeah ofcourse Em! I'll put my mattress on the floor. You don't have to worry kay? I'll stay with you."
He was looking me deep in the eyes and it gave me a good feeling, he really means this.
"No, Zac. I want you to stay with me, really. Next to me. In the bed. Just next to me"
He bent over to me and kissed my forehead again.
"Anything you want baby"
He lay next to me and we looked at each other.
"Thank you Zac, I can't thank you enough"
"Just don't. Get some sleep baby."
I smiled and turned around with my eyes still open. When I closed them I felt his arm around me. I moved slightly back, more against him. His head was on my shoulder while we were laying on our sides. He was still shirtless. I could hear him breathing. He played with my hair. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and we fell asleep. He later than me, cause he watched me falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up and I felt his body against mine. He was still sleeping. I turned cautious to see him. He was sleeping with a smile on his face. I looked at him sleeping for like 10 minutes. Then he woke up. One eye opened slowly. He quickly closed it again. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. He opened both of his eyes now and said with a morning voice "Goodmorning beautiful, how was your night?"
I drew circles on his stomach with my finger and looked at it.
"I slept well. What about you?"
"Better than ever" He kissed my shoulder.
~This is the moment Em. You can do it. It's the right thing.~
I lay my hand on his cheek and jaw and looked him straight in the eyes.
"You are beautiful in the morning Zachary"
I looked at his lips and moved my head slightly forward. He looked at me, at my lips. Then we kissed. First short and looked at each other, smiling. Then long and with tongue. His hands were on my ass and he pushed me more to him. I didn't want to go any further than kissing.
"Zac" I said.
"Yeah baby?"
"I don't want more than this"
"I know baby, that's okay. I won't"
He closed his eyes and we kissed again. Until I got a call.

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