Pancakes in the morning

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My phone rang again. First I didn't want to pick it up, but Zac said I had to look who it was. I looked and saw it was Mom again so I threw my phone away.
"Hey, don't you have to answer that one?"
"Why not?"
"Not important"
"Who is it?"
"Mom, why?"
"I think you have to answer it, Em. They're probably very worried and maybe they'll call the police."
I was quiet, I didn't want to answer it because I wanted Mom to know she was not right, but Zac had a point.
"Okay, than I'll call them"
He grabbed my phone and called Mom back. I was just sitting on the bed.
"Goodmorning Mrs. Rose, this is Zac"
(Mom saying something on the phone)
"I understand and I'm sorry I didn't send you something, but everything is fine, you don't have to worry."
(Mom again, probably asking where we were)
"We are at my house, all safe. We slept here, yes"
"Yes, we can arrange that. We'll come to your house this afternoon. That's okay. See you than, Mrs. Rose"
I looked at him with my indignant look.
"Why did you do that? You didn't even ask me if I wanted it"
"Emily, that's the best. Just talk to them, I will come with you" He stroked my leg.
"I just want to be with you"
"Me too, Em. I want to be with you, but your parents are also important, sweetie"
I mumbled.
"Hey, come on! Who wants pancakes?!" He yelled, he jumped of the bed and ran downstairs. I followed him, with a small smile on my face, he made me do that again. When I was downstairs I actually saw the whole house for the first time. I mean, I saw it yesterday, but it was dark and we didn't really stay downstairs. It was huge and beautiful, so beautiful. It's like a dreamhouse every adolescent girl wants to have and I never exptected to really see one in my life. I kept looking around me, couldn't believe what I was actually seeing and that it was Zac's. I came into the kitchen where Zac was already looking for the ingredients for pancakes. I looked at him with my mouth and eyes wide open.
"Omg Zachary, your house" I said while making a twirl.
"My house, yeah" He said while laughing.
I poked into his cheek with my finger.
"You have a very very very beautiful house, beautiful boy"
He laughed and let me poke, he made his cheeks full of air so you heard that sound and we laught. Then we made our pancakes, also for Mariah. We had a flour fight and the whole kitchen was a mess. Mariah wanted to clean it all, but Zac said she didn't have to. We made a mess so we had to clean it, I found it so lovely that he said that. He doesn't treat her as his help in house but more as a grandma or so. You could see that she loved her job. She was more here to protect his house from strangers and if Zac was gone. We ate the pancakes and they were delicious! We talked to Mariah about the vacation and told our meeting story again. It's so weird that it all started because I couldn't find a toilet on the beach... We made a bet about who could eat the most pancakes and when Mariah was out, Zac and I were still in. I already ate 3 pancakes and I was quite full, but it seemed like Zac could still eat some. I wanted to win so I ate more, but it was too much and Zac won. He showed and kissed his biceps to show off so Mariah and I just walked away from him, he walked after us.
"Awwww, feel beaten ladies? I'm just really good at games, I almost always win" He made his 'I'm awesome' look. I laughed and poked in his belly.
"Does this feel good now, little show off"
"Never poke a winner, baby"
I kept on poking.
"I'm gonna puke on you if you go through"
"Ewww, no please"
He made his cheeks full and acted like he had to puke, I ran away and he ran after me. I jumped on the couch, he lay down on me.
"Waaaah Zac! Stoooop! I just ate, seriously, get off of me or I'll puke on you!" I laughed hard, with tears. He sat and I also sat. He hugged me with his arms which made me always feel good and safe. I kissed him and he kissed me back, but Mariah was already cleaning the kitchen.
"Baby, maybe we should help Mariah" I said.
"Yeah, let's do that"
We helped Mariah and the kitchen was shining again. Zac told Mariah that we would go to my house this evening, but we would probably come back again. She said she would just clean some things and walk in the garden. We went upstairs again and made ourselves ready to go. I still wore Zac clothes, but I didn't even care. When we were ready Zac looked me in the eyes.
"Can we go, baby?"
"Yeah, I guess so"
He kissed my forehead and we walked to the car. I was not in the mood to talk to my parents, but I just went with him because it's him.

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